450 research outputs found

    Muzika kod zdravog i obolelog mozga

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    Art and creativity originate in the brain and depend on normal brain functioning. Music is a multifacet phenomenon that exists as a universal heritage across all human societies and throughout the entire human history. There are numerous brain-based mechanisms involved in the cognitive processing of music, including music listening, performing, composing, reading, writing, as well as musical aesthetics and musical emotion. Music relates to many brain functions including perception, motor action, cognition, emotion, learning and memory. Various brain regions are associated with music processing and production, including the right anterior and posterior superior temporal lobe, the right inferior frontal cortex, the right prefrontal, bilateral premotor and bilateral parietal areas, the right anterior cerebellar lobe, language areas and limbic structures. In a diseased brain, after acquired brain injury, disorders in music perception or production have been described, although considered rare. Amusia or music-specific agnosia, a defective perception of music or its components is typically associated with temporal lobe lesions, and is more likely to occur with right-sided involvement. Etiology of acquired amusia comprise many diseases and conditions leading to brain injury, including traumatic brain injury, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, neoplasma, iatrogenic and epilepsy-related conditions, infections and degenerative diseases. Additionally, there are cases of congenital amusia, attributed to abnormality in neural networks for music, associated with structural variations in the frontal and temporal lobes.Umetnost i kreativnost potiču iz mozga i zavise od njegovog normalnog funkcionisanja. Muzika je multifacetni fenomen koji postoji kao univerzalno nasleđe u svim ljudskim društvima i kroz čitavu ljudsku istoriju. Postoje mnogobrojni moždani mehanizmi uključeni u kognitivnu obradu muzike, uključujući slušanje muzike, izvođenje, pisanje, čitanje, kao i muzičku estetiku i muzičke emocije. Muzika se odnosi na mnoge funkcije mozga, uključujući percepciju, motoriku, kogniciju, emocije, učenje i pamćenje. Različiti regioni mozga su povezani sa obradom i proizvodnjom muzike, uključujući prave prednje i zadnje superiorne temporalne režnje, desno inferiorni frontalni korteks, desno prefrontalni, bilateralni premotor i bilateralni parietalni prostori, desni anteriorni cerebelarni režanj, jezičke površine, limbičke strukture. U obolelom mozgu, nakon traume mozga, opisani su poremećaji u percepciji ili produkciji muzike, iako se smatraju retkim. Amuzija ili specifična muzička agnozija, narušena percepcija muzike ili njenih komponenti obično se povezuje sa lezijama temporalnog režnja i pretežno se javlja kod oštećenja desne polovine mozga. Etiologija stečene amusije obuhvata mnoge bolesti i stanja koji dovode do lezija mozga, uključujući traumatske povrede, ishemijski ili hemoragični moždani udar, neoplazme, jatrogena stanja, epilepsije, infekcije i degenerativne bolesti. Postoje i slučajevi kongenitalne amuzije, u vezi poremećaja neuronskih mreža za muziku, povezanih sa strukturnim varijacijama u frontalnom i temporalnom režnju

    Vitamin D u svim dobima života

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    Vitamin D is a secosteroid hormon with pleiotrophic functions and essential for normal development and health throughout the entire life span. Vitamin D deficiency has epidemic proportions worldwide and interferes with important metabolic processes. Its prevalence is estimated in various populations of different etnicity and age from 50% up to 100% in certain groups. The main source of vitamin D for men is skin production by ultraviolet B radiation acting on 7-dehydrocholesterol. This is cholecalciferol or vitamin D3. Less than 20% is obtained from food. The active form, 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D (calcitriol) is synthesized in the kidney. Synthetic capacity declines with ageing. The main function of vitamin D is calcium homeostasis important for musculosceletal health, innate immunity, arterial integrity, endocrine function, antiinflamation, and various local processes (autocrine and epicrine functions) in more than 30 tissues where receptors exist. Vitamin D is also important for cognitive function, mainly executive in the frontal lobe. Normal vitamin D levels are above 75 nmol/L. Vitamin D deficiency is mostly due to the lack of sun exposure but can also be secondary to some individual characteristics. Deficiency during intrauterine development can lead to early and late negative consequences in bone growth, immune system, and cognition. The extreme deficiency causes rikets. In adults vitamin D deficiency has been suggested as a risk factor for infectious and autoimmune diseases, carcinomas (especially of the breast and colon), multiple sclerosis, falls, osteoporosis, bone fractures, cardiovacular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type I and II, infertility, cognitive decline and dementia. Oral supplementation with serum level normalization can lead to reduction of these risks but even amelioration of some pathological states. Recomendation ranges form 400 IU of vitamin D in infants to 2000 IU in older population, but it should be guided by individual clinical circumstances.Vitamin D je sekosteroidni hormon sa pleotropnim funkcijama i presudan za pravilan razvoj i zdravlje kroz ceo životni vek. Nedostatak vitamina D ima razmere epidemije širom sveta i ometa važne metaboličke procese. Procene u različitim populacijama različitog etničkog porekla i starosti su od 50% do 100 % u pojedinim grupama. Glavni izvor vitamina D kod ljudi je sinteza u koži pod dejstvom ultraljubičastog B zračenja na 7- dehidrocholesterol. To je vitamin D3 ili holekalciferol. Manje od 20% se dobija iz hrane. Aktivni oblik, 1,25-dihidroksi- vitamin D (kalcitriol) se sintetiše u bubrezima. Sintetički kapaciteta opada sa starenjem. Glavna funkcija vitamina D je homeostaza kalcijuma, zdravlje muskuloskeletnog sistema, urođeni imunitet, integritet arterija, endokrine funkcije, antiinflamatorno dejstvo i različiti lokalni procesi (autokrine i epikrine funkcije) u više od 30 tkiva gde postoje receptori. Vitamin D je takođe važan za kognitivne funkcije, uglavnom egzekutivne u frontalnom režnju. Normalni nivoi vitamina D su iznad 75 nmol/L. Nedostatak vitamina D je uglavnom uzrokovan nedostatkom sunčeve svetlosti, ali i nekih individualnih karakteristika bolesnika. Nedostatak tokom intrauterinog razvoja može da dovede do ranih i kasnih negativnih posledica na rast kostiju, imuni sistem i kogniciju. Ekstremni nedostatak vitamin D izaziva rahitis. Kod odraslih je nedostatak vitamina D faktor rizika za infektivne i autoimune bolest, karcinome (naročito dojke i debelog creva), multiplu sklerozu, padove, osteoporozu, prelome kostiju, kardiovakularna i cerebrovaskularna oboljenja, dijabetes melitus tip I i II, neplodnost, kognitivni pad i demencije. Oralna suplementacija sa normalizacijom nivoa vitamina u serumu može da dovede do smanjenja ovih rizika ali čak i ublažavanje nekih patoloških stanja. Preporučene doze iznose od 400 IU vitamina D kod odojčadi do 2000 IU u starijoj populaciji, ali bi trebalo da se rukovodi individualnim kliničkim okolnostima

    Frontalni sistem donošenja odluka

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    Frontal decision making system is both deliberative and automatic. Cognitive part of this system is mediated by prefrontal areas and emotive by limbic system and amygdala. Dopaminergic system is important in this function. The decision making process is constantly adjusted. Orbitofrontal cortex constantly evaluates the desirability of each action and adjusts decision-making strategy according to the current situation. If the environment is rapidly changing or is uncertain, the anterior cingulate cortex includes in decision-making. Interaction between prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia is necessary for decision-making. Autoactivation is mediated by medial prefrontal cortex and internal palidum. Apathy is a result of disruption of prefrontal decision-making system that consists of prefrontal cortex and prefrontal-subcortical neuronal circuits. Theory of mind (ToM) describes our ability to understand the mental state of others and to appreciate how it differs from our mental state and to predict their behavior. It is believed that the cellular level of ToM are mirror neurons. Impairment of the ToM leads to problems in social relations, providing adequate information, commenting on the conversation, thought disturbance and results in poor communication skills.Frontalni sistem donošenja odluka je i svesni i automatski. Kognitivni deo ovog sistema je posredovan prefrontalnim oblastima, a emotivni limbičkim sistemom i amigdalom. Dopaminergički sistem je važan za ovu funkciju. Proces donošenja odluka se neprestano prilagođava. Orbitofrontalna kora stalno ocenjuje poželjnost svake akcije i podešava strategiju odlučivanja prema trenutnoj situaciji. Ako se okruženje brzo menja, ili je neizvesno, prednja cingularna kora se uključuje u donošenje odluka. Interakcija između prefrontalnog korteksa i bazalnih ganglija je neophodna za donošenje odluka. Autoaktivacija je posredovana medijalnim prefrontalnim korteksom korteksom i unutrašnjim palidumom. Apatija je posledica prekida prefrontalnog sistema odlučivanja koji se sastoji od prefrontalni korteks i prefrontalni-subkortikalnim neuronskih kola. Teorija uma opisuje našu sposobnost da razumemo mentalno stanje drugih i da procenjujemo kako se razlikuje od našeg mentalnog stanja te da se predvidi njihovo ponašanje. Veruje se da je na ćelijskom nivou teorija uma posredovana ogledalskim neuronima. Poremećaj teorije uma dovodi do problema u društvenim odnosima, pružanja odgovarajućih informacija, komentarisanja konverzacije, poremećaja misli i dovodi do loših socijalnih veština

    Pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease

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    Web Based Project Management Education in Student Population

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    Contemporary trends in project management through web-based application tools on the market contribute to more efficient and effective implementation of projects regarding budget, time and scope. In most cases on the Serbian market, choosing the right project management tool is a time-consuming and costly tedious process. On the other hand, appropriate people recruitment with project management competencies, especially with web-based project management knowledge, is directly related to software selection and methodology which will be applied in the company. The bridge that connects two sides particulary influences the education model and competencies improvement in student population. The research was conducted among student population in master studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, on a sample of 60 respondents. Key results imply that adequate education in project management improves later project results and performances. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed

    The Impact of Homocysteine, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D Levels on Functional Outcome after First-Ever Ischaemic Stroke

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    We explored the relationship between acute ischaemic stroke (IS) early functional outcome and serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12, and D in a noninterventional prospective clinical study. We enrolled 50 patients with first-ever IS and performed laboratory tests and functional assessment at three time points: on admission and three and six months after stroke. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS), NIHSS scale, and Barthel index (BI) scores were assessed in all participants by trained examiner blinded to laboratory data. Patients did not receive treatment that might alter laboratory data. Admission NIHSS correlated with homocysteine levels (r = 0.304, p lt 0.05), B12 level (r = -0.410, p lt 0.01), and vitamin D levels (r = -0.465, p lt 0.01). Functional outcome measures (BI and mRS) did not significantly correlate with homocysteine and vitamin D3 levels at 3 and 6 months. However, a positive correlation with vitamin B12 levels was detected for BI both at 3 and 6 months and mRS at 6 months. Higher serum vitamin B12 levels were associated with better functional outcome at follow-up

    Twelfth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22-27, 2022

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    An update on neurobiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    Poremećaj pažnje sa hiperaktivnošću (eng. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder ADHD) je multifaktorski poremećaj čija učestalost iznosi 5–7% kod dece i oko 2,5% kod odraslih. Smatra se da je moguće postojanje tri slična ali po- sebna tipa poremećaja. Posebno se izdvaja ADHD sa početkom u odraslom dobu. Procenjuje se da su nasledni faktori prisutni kod otprilike 77% slučajeva ADHD-a, pri čemu je identifikovano 18 različitih gena, međutim, spoljašni faktori igraju značajnu ulogu u ekspresiji simptoma. Postoji više modela moždane disfunkcije u ADHD kao što su prefrontalno-egzekutivni model, model pažnje, model nagrade, poremećaj neuronske mreže mirovanja, model kognicije i energije i neurorazvojni model. Biohemijske promene su višestruke i uključuju dopaminergički, adrenergički, serotonergički i holinergički si- stem. Ispitivanja strukture mozga su pokazala smanjenu zapreminu mozga kod dece sa ADHD, a posebno prefrontalne kore, prednje cingularne kore, bazalnih ganglija i malog mozga, a donekle i temporalnog i parijetalnog režnja. Postoje individualne varijacije u međusobnom odnosu kortikalne i supkortikalne disfunkcije što dovodi do heterogenog kliničkog ispoljavanja. S obzirom na nedovoljnu efikasnost i značajne neželjene efekte upotrebe psihostimulan- sa u lečenju ADHD, primena mikronutrijenata je moguća terapija bez značajnih neželjenih pojava i to pre svega cinka, omega-3 masnih kiselina i vitamina D, kao i multivitamina-multiminerala.Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a multifactorial disorder diagnosed in 5-7% children and 2,5% of adults in general population. Three similar but distinct subtypes of ADHD has been identified. A separate form is ADHD with adult onset. Hereditary factors are explaining 77% of cases with at least 18 different susceptibility genes identified, each one with small effect size. However, the inlfuence of several envorinmental factors have been recognized. There are several models of brain dysfunction in ADHD, comprising prefrontal-executive model, attention model, reward model, disruption of neuronal default-mode network, cognition and energy model and neurodevelopmental model. There are multiple biochemical alterations in ADHD, including dopaminergic, adrenergic, serotonergic and cholinergic system. Current research indicate reduced brain volume in children with ADHD, particularly in prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum, but also in temporal and parietal lobe to a certain extent. The extent of cortical and subcortical brain involvement varies between individuals which leads to wide variety of clinical presentation. Considering reduced efficacy and significant side effects of psychostimulants in ADHD treatment, the use of micronutrients is a potential therapeutical approach without significant side effects. Most o evidence is available to the use of zinc, omega-3 fat acids and vitamin D, as well as for multivitamins and minerals

    Vitamin b12 status and development in children and adolescents

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    Uvod: Vitamin B12 ili kobalamin je hidrosolubilni vitamin koji učestvuje u stvaranju kateholamina, dezoksiribonukleinske kiseline, mijelina i u hematopoezi. On je esencijalan faktor u intrauterinom razvoju mozga i mijelinizaciji sve do puberteta, pa i kasnije. Ljudski organizam nema sposobnost sinteze kobalamina, pa je zavistan od unosa ishranom ili supstitucijom. Cilj: Pregled savremene literature o deficijenciji vitamina B12 kod dece i adolescenata, prikaz tipične kliničke slike i diskusija terapijskih pristupa. Metode: Pretraga elektronskih baza podataka u sklopu servisa Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku (KOBSON) sa ključnim rečima: vitamin B12, kobalamin, deficijencija, deca, adolescenti. Rezultati: Deficit vitamina B12 je čest među decom i omladinom u zemlјama u razvoju, ali sve češće i u razvijenim zemljama. Kod dece postoje tri osnovna uzroka deficijencije: 1. smanjen unos, 2. poremećaj resorpcije, 3. urođeni poremećaji transporta i metabolizma. Snižen nivo vitamina B12 u krvi povezan je sa negativnim ishodom trudnoće po majku i dete, podižući rizik za razvojne anomalije, spontani pobačaj, preeklampsiju i nisku težinu deteta na rođenju. Neuropsihološke posledice kod dece su kognitivni poremećaji (smetnje pažnje, pamćenja i sniženje akademskog postignuća), izmene afekta i ponašanja. Nekoliko kohortnih studija pokazalo je povezanost nivoa vitamina B12 u krvi ili zastupljenost u ishrani majke sa kognitivnim ishodima kod dece. Međutim, najveći broj do sada objavljenih studija o negativnom uticaju sniženog nivoa vitamina B12 na kognitivni status dece je opservacionog tipa, te ne mogu potvrditi kauzalnu povezanost. Dijagnoza deficita vitamina B12 zasniva se na kliničkoj slici, neurološkom i psihijatrijskom nalazu, ispitivanju kognicije i laboratorijskoj dijagnostici, koja obuhvata cirkulatorne i funkcionalne biomarkere. Nadoknada deficita kobalamina je podjednako efikasna i parenteralno i oralno, ukoliko se daju adekvatne doze. Zaključak: Nedostatak vitamina B12 je relativno čest među decom i omladinom i dovodi do neuroloških i psihijatrijskih smetnji koje, ako se ne leče, mogu dovesti do ireverzibilnih promena.Introduction: Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water- soluble vitamin that participates in the synthesis of catecholamines, deoxyribonucleic acid, myelin, and hematopoiesis. It is an essential factor in the intrauterine development of the brain and myelination, extending through puberty, and later on in life. The human body lacks the ability to synthesize cobalamin, thus depending on dietary intake or supplementation. Aim: Review of current literature on vitamin B12 deficiency in children and adolescents, typical presentation and therapeutic approach. Methods: Literature search via electronic database within the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition (KOBSON) with keywords: vitamin B12, cobalamin, deficiency, children, adolescents. Results: Vitamin B12 deficiency is common among children and adolescents in developing countries, but it is becoming increasingly prevalent in developed countries as well. In children, there are three main causes of deficiency: 1. Reduced intake, 2. Impaired absorption, 3. Inherited transport and metabolism disorders. Decreased levels of vitamin B12 in the blood are associated with adverse outcomes for both the mother and child during pregnancy, increasing the risk of developmental abnormalities, spontaneous abortion, preeclampsia, and low birth weight. Neuropsychological consequences in children include cognitive disorders (attention deficits, memory impairments, and decreased academic achievement), changes in mood, and behavior. Several cohort studies have shown an association between vitamin B12 levels in the blood or maternal dietary intake and cognitive outcomes in children. However, the majority of published studies on the negative impact of low vitamin B12 levels on the cognitive status of children are observational in nature and cannot confirm a causal relationship. The diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency is based on clinical presentation, neurological and psychiatric findings, cognitive testing, and laboratory diagnostics, which include circulating and functional biomarkers. Replenishment of cobalamin deficiency is equally effective via parenteral and oral routes if adequate doses are administered. Conclusion: Vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common among children and adolescents, and it leads to neurological and psychiatric impairments that, if left untreated, can result in irreversible changes

    Welcome to the twelfth ISABS conference on forensic and anthropological genetics and Mayo clinic lectures in individualized medicine!

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    We invite you to join us at the 12th ISABS Conference on Forensic, Anthropological and Medical Genetics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22 – 27, 2022. The conference is the next in the series of biennial events organized by the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), a society dedicated to the promotion of applied molecular biology (www.isabs.net)