48 research outputs found

    Phyllodromica pulcherrima Vidlicka & Majzlan 1997

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    Phyllodromica pulcherrima Vidlička & Majzlan, 1997 Figures 15, 29, 51, 65 Phyllodromica pulcherrima Vid. & Maj.: 1. Vidlička & Majzlan. 1997: 171 (endemic for Bulgaria). Distribution in Bulgaria (Fig. 79): Described from the southern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. New locality data are herewith reported for the northern Black Sea coast, Eastern Danubian plain, Western Stara Planina Mts., Vitosha Mt., Lozen Mt. and Strandzha Mt. The species occurs between the sea level and 700 m alt. Inhabits grass tussocks in xerothermic and mesohygrophyte meadows with sparse bush and wood vegetation. Studied material. 156 specimens (55 adults, 101 nymphs) and 3 oothecae. General distribution. Found only on the territory of Bulgaria.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 357, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Loboptera decipiens subsp. decipiens Germar 1817

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    Loboptera decipiens decipiens (Germar, 1817) Figures 16, 30, 52 Loboptera limbata Charp.: 1. Drenski 1939: 9 (partim). Loboptera decipiens Germ.: 2. Drenski 1939: 9 • 3. Bey-Bienko 1950: 167 • 4. Ramme 1951: 89, 113, 415 • 5. Buresch & Peschev 1957: 314 • 6. Peshev 1962: 61 • 7. Peshev 1964: 109 • 8. Peshev 1974: 123 • 9. Peshev 1975: 94 • 10. Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 205 • 11. Popov et al. 2001: 116 • 12. Popov & Chobanov 2004: 252 • 13. Chobanov 2012: 166. Distribution in Bulgaria (Fig. 76): The species occurs in the southernmost areas of Bulgaria and along the Black Sea coast up to 600 m altitude. It inhabits xerothermic oak forests and open stony karstic habitats, occurring on the soil within grass tufts and the leaf litter. Studied material. 602 specimens (500 adults, 102 nymphs) and 6 oothecae. General distribution. The species distribution range covers the entire Mediterranean region, the southern parts of Europe (in the north to Romania and the Crimea) and Southwestern Asia as far as Kazakhstan in the east.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 358, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Blatta orientalis Linnaeus 1758

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    Blatta orientalis Linnaeus, 1758 Figures 33, 34 Stylopyga orientalis (Linn.): 1. Nedelkov 1908: 415 • 2. Nedelkov 1909: 89 • 3. Tschorbadjiew 1926: 25 • 4. Drenski 1939: 9. Periplaneta orientalis (Linn.): 5. Ilchev 1923: 26. Blatta orientalis (Linn.): 6. Popov 1941: 53 • 7. Popov 1948: 209 • 8. Bey-Bienko 1950: 139 • 9. Ramme 1951: 78, 455 • 10. Buresch & Peschev 1957: 309 • 11. Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 190, 192. Distribution in Bulgaria. Widespread in urban areas. General distribution. Cosmopolitan. The species possibly has a Central Asian origin.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 359, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Phyllodromica marginata Schreber 1781

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    Phyllodromica marginata (Schreber, 1781) Figures 13, 14, 27, 28, 50, 64 Aphlebia marginata Schreb.: 1. Drenski 1939: 7. Aphlebia marginata meridionalis Br. v. W.: 2. Drenski 1939: 8. (synonym of Aphlebia marginata var. erythronota Brunn.). Hololampra marginata Schreb.: 3. Ramme 1951: 113, 324, 415. Phyllodromica marginata Schreb.: 4. Bey-Bienko 1950: 231 • 5. Buresch & Peschev 1957: 320 • 6. Peshev 1962: 61 • 7. Peshev & Mařan 1963: 30 • 10. Princis 1971: 1091 • 11. Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 275. Hololampra marginata Schreb.: 8. Peshev 1964: 109 • 9. Peshev 1974: 123 • 10. Peshev 1975: 94. Phyllodromica marginata Schreb.: 11. Princis 1971: 1091 • 12. Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 275 • 13. Popov et al. 2001: 116 (Kresna gorge, cited Drenski 1939) • 14. Popov & Chobanov 2004: 253. Notes to the literature data. Occurrence of two colour forms is a common phenomenon within the populations of this species. Based on these differences (variety of the coloration of the pronotum) Brunner von Wattenwyl (1882) describes Aphlebia marginata var. erythronota and Drenski (1939) describes Aphlebia marginata meridionalis. Later on, the latter is synonymized (Harz & Kaltenbach 1 976) but still Aphlebia marginata erythronota is considered a valid taxon (according to the ICZN Article 45.6.3-4. 1999) (Beccaloni 2016), though its conspecificity with Ph. marginata has already been proposed (see Beccaloni 2016). Herewith, we comply with the latter statement and regard Aphlebia marginata erythronota as junior subjective synonym of Ph. marginata. Distribution in Bulgaria ( Fig. 79): Distributed in the lowlands of southern Bulgaria and along the Black Sea coast up to 600 m altitude. Inhabits the soil and leaf litter of xerothermic oak forests as well as open stony karstic habitats. Studied material. 577 specimens (353 adults, 224 nymphs) and 6 oothecae. General distribution. Ph. marginata is distributed from the Apennine Peninsula, through the Balkans (reaching European Turkey). The species has limited distribution in Romania, Hungary and southern Ukraine.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 357, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Blattella germanica Linnaeus 1767

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    Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1767) Figures 37, 38 Phyllodromia germanica (Linn.): 1. Frey-Gessner E. 1893: 398 • 2. Popov 1941: 54 • 3. Popov 1948: 211. Blatta germanica (Linn.): 4. Yoakimov 1899: 42. Blatta transfuga Brün. (= germanica Linn.): 5. Nedelkov 1908: 415. Blatta germanica (Linn.): 6. Nedelkov 1909: 89 • 7. Ilchev 1923: 27 • 8. Tschorbadjiew 1926: 26 • 9. Drenski 1939: 8 • 10. Tuleshkov 1951: 10 • 11. Buresch & Peschev 1957: 310. Aphlebia germanica (Linn.): 12. Müller 1933: 77. Blattella germanica (Linn.): 13. Bey-Bienko 1950: 161 • 14. Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 199, 202. Distribution in Bulgaria. Widespread in urban areas. General distribution. Cosmopolitan with an Asian origin.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 358, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Supella longipalpa Fabricius 1798

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    Supella longipalpa (Fabricius, 1798) Figures 39, 40 New species for the fauna of Bulgaria. Distribution in Bulgaria. Synanthropic in some urban areas in Bulgaria, recorded in Sofia and Ruse. Studied material. 12 specimens (10 adults, 2 nymphs). General distribution. Cosmopolitan in temperate regions with an African origin.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 358, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    FIGURE 72 in An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea)

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    FIGURE 72. Distribution of Ectobius balcani in Bulgaria.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 368, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Phyllodromica carniolica Ramme 1913

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    Phyllodromica carniolica (Ramme, 1913) Figures 11, 25, 48, 62, 68, 70 Phyllodromica carniolica Ramme: 1. Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 288 (Rila Mts., Vitosha Mt.). Phyllodromica pallida Br. v. W.: 2. Harz 1984: 135. Notes to the literature data. The records of Phyllodromica pallida from Bulgaria (Harz 1984) were based on material collected from Pirin Mts. and identified by Chládek. After photographic observation of the materials in Chládek’s collection the specimens were referred to Phyllodromica carniolica. Distribution in Bulgaria (Fig. 78): This species occurs mainly in mountainous areas between 200 and 1800 m and is rarely found in lowland areas. Inhabits meso- and xerothermic Oak and Hornbeam forests as well as open stony karstic habitats, lives in leaf litter, in low grass and shrubs. Studied material. 301 specimens (163 adults, 132 nymphs) and 13 oothecae. General distribution. The species distribution range covers the Balkan Peninsula and Southwestern Asia.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 357, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482

    Phyllodromica subaptera Rambur 1838

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    Phyllodromica subaptera (Rambur, 1838) No confirmed data for the occurrence of this species in Bulgaria exists. Based on the remote range of the species we consider the records for this species in Bulgaria erroneous. The distribution range of this species covers the entire Mediterranean region in a strict sense. One female specimen reported by Drenski (1939) from Konyavska Mt. was found in NMNH and referred to Ph. brevipennis. The data for Aphlebia graeca Br. v. W. (= Phyllodromica graeca (Br. v. W.)) and Aphlebia subaptera Ramb. (= Ph. subaptera) from Kresna gorge and Strumeshnitsa river, recorded by Drenski (1939) and redetermined by Buresch & Peschev (1957) as Ph. subaptera, are probably based on misidentification and may concern nymphs of Ectobius or Phyllodromica due to the resemblance of adult Ph. subaptera to nymphs of Ectobiinae. Records after Drenski (1939) and Buresch & Peschev (1957) are referring entirely on those publications (Ramme 1951: 113 (as Hololampra subaptera); Princis 1971: 1113; Harz & Kaltenbach 1976: 303; Popov et al. 2001: 116). This material was not found in the NMNH collection and thus, the data from the latter localities were not included in the list of localities (see Appendix). A large part of the materials, collected from Borovets resort (1200 m) by Drenski (1939), was found in NMNH and referred to Ph. brevipennis. Considering the ecological requirements of the species Ph. subaptera, the records from Rila and Golo Bardo Mts. (Drenski 1939) are possibly also misidentified and thus, the data from these localities were not included in the list.Published as part of Hristov, Georgi H. & Chobanov, Dragan P., 2016, An annotated checklist and key to the Bulgarian cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattodea), pp. 351-388 in Zootaxa 4154 (4) on page 360, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4154.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/26482