52 research outputs found


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    We evaluated the ability of recently proposed two-velocity method to discriminate between thigh muscle mechanical capacities of the involved and the uninvolved leg following ACL reconstruction (ACLR). 15 athletes were tested 4 and 6 months following ACLR. F-V linear relationship parameters (F intercept - F0, V intercept - V0, slope ā€“ a, and Pmax) were obtained from line drawn through 60 and 180 Ā°/s data (the \u27two-velocity method\u27). In quadriceps, all parameters revealed between leg differences 4 and 6 months after ACLR. In addition F0 and V0 of the involved leg were higher at 6 than at 4 months after ACLR. In hamstrings, differences between legs were found only for F0 at 4 months. In conclusion, parameter of the two-velocity method could be sensitive enough to detect between-leg differences in muscle F, V, and P producing capacities following ACLR

    Combining abilities for spike traits in a diallel cross of barley

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    Five two-row winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars divergent in spike traits were crossed in all possible combinations excluding reciprocals to produce 10 F1 and F2 hybrids for analysis of combining abilities. The analysis of variance of combining abilities showed significant differences for GCA and SCA in F1 hybrids and F2 generation, suggesting additive and non-additive gene action. The GCA/SCA ratio in F1 and F2 indicated the prevalence of the additive component of genetic variance for spike length, grain weight per spike and spike harvest index. By contrast, the SCA variance for grain weight per spike was higher than the GCA variance, indicating the dominance of non-additive gene action. Good GCAs were found in parents having high values for spike length (Djerdap, NS-293), grain number per spike (Vada, Jagodinac), grain weight per spike (Vada, NS-293) and spike harvest index (Djerdap, Jagodinac). None of the parents had good GCA for all traits, suggesting a potential increase in combining abilities for spike traits. The best SCA were obtained mostly from crosses between parents having high x low, high x high or average x low GCA values. Parents having high GCA values may be used to produce improved lines in hybridisation programmes. Combinations with high SCA values may yield good segregating lines in further selection programmes

    Prinos sorti žutog zvezdana na zemljiŔtu bazne reakcije

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the forage and seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil cultivars on the soil base reaction. The field trial was set 2014th in Čačak on soil type fluvisol (pHH2O 7.8). The experiment was set a randomized complete block design with three replications with a plot size of 6x1m. The birdsfoot trefoil cultivars K-37, Zora and Bull were planted at a row spacing of 12.5 cm and a seeding rate of 10 kg ha-1. Cultivars among themselves, did not differ significantly in terms of forage yield, hay yield and dry matter content. The average forage yield in the first cut in the second year of cultivation was 26.53 t ha-1. The forage yield in the first cut in the third year of cultivation was 26.56 t ha-1 and in the second cut 11.77 t ha-1. The average seed yield of cultivars in the second growth in the second year of cultivation was 472.3 kg ha-1. Birdsfoot trefoil cultivars among themselves, did not differ significantly in terms of seed yield components. However, Zora cultivar had significantly higher seed yield potential, compared to other cultivars. These results do not differ from results obtained under similar conditions on acid soil.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se analizira prinos krme i semena sorti žutog zvezdana na zemljiÅ”tu bazne reakcije. Ogled je postavljen 2014. godine u Čačku na zemljiÅ”tu tipa fluvisol (pHH2O 7,8). Poljski eksperiment je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom elementarne parcele 6x1m. Sorte žutog zvezdana K-37, zora i Bull su zasejane na rastojanju 12,5 cm međuredno, sa količinom semena 10 kg ha-1. Sorte se među sobom nisu značajno razlikovale u pogledu prinosa krme, prinosa sena i sadržaja suve materije. Prosečan prinos krme u prvom otkosu u drugoj godini proizvodnje je bio 26,53 t ha-1. Prinos krme u prvom otkosu u trećoj godini proizvodnje je bio 26,56 t ha-1, a u drugom otkosu 11,77 t ha-1. Prosečan prinos semena sorti u drugom porastu u drugoj godini gajenja je bio 472,3 kg ha-1. Sorte žutog zvezdana se među sobom nisu značajno razlikovale u pogledu komponenti prinosa semena. Međutim, sorta zora je imala značajno veći potencijalni prinos semena u odnosu na ostale sorte. Navedeni rezultati se ne razlikuju od rezultata dobijenih u sličnim uslovima na kiselom zemljiÅ”u

    Prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ozimog dvoredog ječma gajenog na kiselom zemljiŔtu

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    A field trial was set up to analyse the effect of mineral fertilisation and liming on grain yield and yield components of barley on an acidic soil. Research was conducted over a period of two years at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Kraljevo. The trial involved three cultivars of two-row winter barley and four fertilisation treatments (no fertilisation, different ratios of N:P:K, with or without liming). Mineral fertilisation and liming led to a significant increase in the number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike, thereby resulting in significantly higher grain yields under fertilised treatments. Grain yield increased more significantly by liming than by increased rates of P, which was likely due to greater availability of macro- and micronutrients at increased soil pH. If economically worthwhile, liming should be used in barley production on very acidic soils to increase pH above suboptimal levels (pH 5.0). This would facilitate and enhance the realisation of grain yield potential in barley.Poljski ogled postavljen je sa ciljem da se analizira uticaj mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacije na prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ječma na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu. Istraživanja su obavljena u dvogodiÅ”njem periodu na oglednom polju Srednje poljoprivredne Å”kole u Kraljevu. Za ogled su odabrane tri sorte ozimog dvoredog ječma i četiri varijante đubrenja (bez đubrenja, različiti odnosi N:P:K, sa ili bez kalcizacije). Primena mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacija uticali su na značajno povećanje broja i mase zrna po klasu, tako da je i prinos zrna svih sorti bio značajno veći na đubrenim varijantama. Na povećanje prinosa zrna ječma u većoj meri je uticala primena kalcizacije zemljiÅ”ta u odnosu na povećane količine P, Å”to se može povezati sa većom dostupnoŔću xmakro i mikroelemenata pri povećanju pH vrednosti zemljiÅ”ta. Ukoliko je ekonomski prihvatljiva kalcizaciju bi trebalo primenjivati u gajenju ječma na jako kiselim zemljiÅ”tima kako bi se pH vrednost povećala iznad nivoa suboptimalne (pH 5,0). Na taj način bi se u većoj meri realizovao njegov potencijal za prinos zrna

    Uticaj mineralnih hraniva i kalcizacije na prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ječma

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    Field trials involving barley varieties were established to analyse the effect of mineral fertilisation and liming on grain yield and yield components on an acidic soil. The research was conducted at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Kraljevo in 2012/13 on a pseudogley with an acidic reaction (pH H2O 4.8). The trial included two two-row winter barley cultivars (ā€™Recordā€™ and ā€™Jagodinacā€™) and four fertilisation treatments (unfertilised control, different N:P:K ratios, with or without liming). The use of mineral fertilisers and liming led to a significant increase in grain yield components, particularly number of spikes m-2 , number of kernels per spike and kernel weight per spike, thus resulting in a significantly higher grain yield in fertilised treatments. Liming had a significant effect on grain yield compared to increased P rates, which may be attributable to increased availability of macro- and microelements at increasing soil pH i.e. P immobilisation in a very acidic environment. When growing barley on very acidic soils, liming should be used, if it is economically feasible, to increase pH above the suboptimal value (pH 5.0) and, accordingly, largely contribute to the realisation of its grain yield potential.Poljski ogledi sa sortama ječma postavljeni su sa ciljem da se analizira uticaj mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacije na prinos zrna i komponente prinosa na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu. Istraživanja su obavljena na oglednom polju Srednje poljoprivredne Å”kole u Kraljevu tokom 2012/13. godine, na zemljiÅ”tu tipa pseudoglej, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Za ogled su odabrane dve sorte ozimog dvoredog ječma (rekord i jagodinac) i četiri varijante đubrenja (bez đubrenja, različiti odnosi N:P:K, sa ili bez kalcizacije). Primena mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacija uticali su na značajno povećanje vrednosti komponenti prinosa zrna, naročito broja klasova m-2 i broja i mase zrna po klasu, tako da je i prinos zrna bio značajno veći na đubrenim varijantama. Kalcizacija zemljiÅ”ta uticala je na značajno povećanje prinosa zrna u odnosu na povećane doze P, Å”to se može povezati sa većom dostupnoŔću makro i mikroelemenata pri povećanju pH vrednosti zemljiÅ”ta, odnosno imobilizacijom P u jako kiseloj sredini. U gajenju ječma na jako kiselim zemljiÅ”tima kalcizaciju bi, ukoliko je ekonomski prihvatljiva, trebalo primenjivati kako bi se pH vrednost povećala iznad nivoa suboptimalne (pH 5,0) i time u većoj meri realizovao njegov potencijal za prinos zrna

    Masa zrna po klasu linija dvoredog ječma (HordeumVulgare l. ) u zavisnosti od đubrenja azotom

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    Kernel weight per spike in two-rowed barley is the main determinant of grain yield. Variability of kernel weight spike-1 was studied in three barley genotypes: G-3033, G-3021 and G-3070, grown over two years under four mineral nitrogen fertilization treatments, 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg N ha-1. The experiment was set up as a randomized block design in three replications. Kernel weight per spike significantly differed across the lines in both years regardless of N application rate. Increased nitrogen rates led to an increase in kernel weight per spike up to 40 kg N ha-1 in the first year, whereas the highest values for kernel weight per spike in the second year were obtained at 60 kg ha-1 N. The proportion of total phenotypic variability for kernel weight per spike was largely attributed to mineral nitrogen fertilization, considerably less to line and negligibly to the line x nitrogen interaction, suggesting that the value of the trait is significantly dependent on the cultural operations used.Masa zrna po klasu kod dvoredog ječma je komponenta prinosa koja u najvećoj meri određuje prinos zrna. U dvogodiÅ”njem periodu analizirana je varijabilnost mase zrna po klasu kod tri linije ozimog dvoredog ječma: G-3033, G-3021 i G-3070, pri četiri nivoa ishrane mineralnim azotom: 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg N ha-1. Masa zrna po klasu se značajno razlikovala kod linija u obe godine nezavisno od nivoa primenjenog N. Povećane doze azota delovale su na povećanje mase zrna po klasu do nivoa 40 kg ha-1 N , dok je u drugoj godini najveća masa zrna po klasu zabeležena na tretmanu 60 kg ha-1 N. U ukupnoj fenotipskoj variajbilnosti za masu zrna po klasu najveći udeo pripadao je mineralnoj ishrani azotom, znatno manji liniji i neznatan interakciji linija x azot, Å”to ukazuje da vrednost ove osobine u najvećoj meri zavisi od primenjene agrotehnike


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    This paper deals with an issue of determination of the spatial coordinates within confined area in general terms. Mobile air space control stations were set and related to the system of spa- tial triangulation. As a result of the air space "scanning", targets appear in adequate representa- tion, representing identified aircrafts and other flying objects (FOs). The main objective is inter- pretation of collected data processing, in order to determine the reliable coordinates of an air- craft. The problem of false target identification occurs when data are analyzed from only two sta- tions. Descriptive Geometry method, for the construction of the planes containing rays targeted from the station towards the flying objects, in both classic-orthogonal projections and 3D model, as well, offers the solution of a problem. Dynamic 3D model consists of two flying objects, moni- tored from two stations in predefined time periods. The constructive 3D solutions represent geo- metrical locus of false targets trajectories, for several settings of flaying objects and monitoring stations. The analyses have shown geometrical positioning of the third station impact to the exact FO's coordinates determination. The geometrical solution could be the key for the development of numerical method, which will lead to applied software solutio

    Uticaj folijarne primene tečnog organskog đubriva na prinos i komponente prinosa semena crvene deteline na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu

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    The field experiment with varieties of red clover K-39 and Amos, was set up on alluvial soil type using a randomized block design with three replications and plot size 5x1m. The aim was to analyze the effect of foliar application of liquid organic fertilizer (Bioplant flora, Plant DOO, Russia) on seed yield and yield components of red clover in the conditions of dense planting. Regardless of foliar application of liquid fertilizer, cultivar K-39 had a significantly higher number of inflorescences per stem, number of inflorescences m-2, seed number per inflorescence, fertility of flowers and seed yield. Foliar application of liquid fertilizer resulted in a significant increase in the value of yield components, especially fertility and the number of flowers per inflorescence in cultivar K-39.Poljski ogled sa sortama crvene deteline K-39 i Amos, postavljen je na zemljiÅ”tu tipa aluvijum po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja i veličinom elementarne parcele 5x1m. Cilj rada bio je da se analizira uticaj folijarne primene tečniog organskog đubriva (Bioplant flora, Plant DOO, Rusija) na komponente prinosa i prinos semena crvene deteline u uslovima guste setve. Nezavisno od folijarne primene tečnog organskog đubriva, sorta K-39 je imala značajno veći broj cvasti po izdanku, broj cvasti m-2, broj zrna po cvasti, značajno veću fertilnost cvetova i prinos semena u odnosu na sortu Amos. Folijarna primena tečnog organskog đubriva uticala je na značajno povećanje vrednosti komponenti prinosa, a pre svega fertilnosti cvetova i broja zrna po cvasti kod sorte K-39

    Hemijski sastav kukuruza i soje kao združenih useva u postrnoj setvi

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    In this study, the chemical composition of mixed crops of corn and soybeans in double cropping was investigated. Mixtures have uniform chemical composition in relation to the pure corn and soybeancrops. Mixtures of corn and soybean have resulted in higher content of protein, fat, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium compared to the pure corncrop. The quantity of nutrients in corn and soybean mixturemakes it a good forage for nutritionof ruminants.U ovim istraživanjima ispitivan je hemijski sastav kukuruza i soje i njihovih smeÅ”a u postrnoj setvi. SmeÅ”e imaju ujednačeniji hemijski sastav u odnosu na čist usev kukuruza i soje. SmeÅ”e kukuruza i soje su imale veći sadržaj proteina, masti, fosfora, kalcijima i magnezijuma u odnosu na čist usev kukuruza. Količine hranljivih materija u smeÅ”ama kukuruza i soje predstavljaju dobru voluminoznu hranu za ishranu preživara
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