45 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Anxiety is a state of feeling helpless and insecure, a state of anticipation and concern that something bad will happen. Fear of pain and the unknown, as well as fear of screening results can increase anxiety. Severe anxiety during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)can cause patient\u27s movement, leading to poorer imaging and reduction in the quality of the diagnostic test. To determine the anxiety of patients before and after magnetic resonance imaging and to investigate the relationship between the tested anxiety and the socio-demographic characteristics of the patients. Methods: The study was conducted at the Department of Radiology of the University Clinical Hospital Mostar in the period from February 1st 2020 to March 31st 2020. The study included 100 subjects who were prescribed an MRI screening at the time of the study. A socio-demographic questionnaire specifically designed for this study was used to obtain data on subjects such as gender, age, place of residence, smoking, drinking alcohol, economic status, religiosity. The Anxiety Questionnaire as a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used to examine anxiety. Results: A statistically significantly higher degree of anxiety was determined after MRI screening (p<0.001). Male subjects achieved a statistically significantly higher degree of anxiety before (p=0.019) and after (p=0.034) MRI screening. There were no statistically significant correlations between the age of the subjects and the results achieved on the anxiety tests before and after the MRI screening. Conclusion: Subjects who were prescribed an MRI screening have a statistically significantly higher degree of anxiety after the screening. Male subjects had a statistically significantly higher degree of anxiety on MRI screening

    Izvori varijabilnosti osobina porasta i telesne razvijenosti bikova Simentalske rase u performans testu

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    To test the variability of traits of Simmental bulls in performance test, data of the Livestock - Veterinary Centres for Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Velika Plana and Krnjača were used. In the analysis, data on 113 performance tested bulls born from 2008 to 2009 were used. The analysis included two sets of characteristics: body development traits and growth traits. The average body mass of calves entering the test was 195.75 kg, while the body mass at the end of the test was 476.50 kg, average daily gain in the test was 1138.69 g. Average values of body development traits measured at the end of the test, with 12 months of age were: height at withers 127.13 cm, chest circumference 179.42 cm, the chest depth 61.19 cm and body length 151.34 cm. The influence of their sires, the year and the Centre on the variability of traits was studied. The effect of age is present at a high level of statistical significance (p lt 0.01) for all traits that are registered at the end of the test, while the effect of the Centre was present in the variability of body mass at the end of the test, the daily gain in the test and the length of the body. The bulls-sires' influence was demonstrated (p lt 0.05) on the variability in body mass of calves entering the test.Za ispitivanje varijabilnosti osobina simentalskih bikova u performans testu iskoriŔćeni su podaci stočarsko-veterinarskog centra za reprodukciju i veÅ”tačko osemenjavanje iz Velike Plane i Krnjače. Za analizu su upotrebljeni podaci o 113 performans testiranih bikova rođenih u periodu od 2008 do 2009 godine. Analizom su obuhvaćene dve grupe osobina: osobine telesne razvijenosti i osobine porasta. Prosečna telesna masa sa kojom su telad ulazila u test iznosila je 195,75 kg, dok je telesna masa na kraju testa 476,50 kg, prosečan dnevni prirast u testu iznosio je 1138,69 g. Prosečne vrednosti osobina telesne razvijenosti merenim na kraju testa, sa 12 meseci uzrasta iznosile su: visina grebena 127.13 cm, obim grudi 179.42 cm, dubina grudi 61.19 cm i dužina trupa 151.34 cm. Analizirani su uticaj očeva, godine i centra na varijabilnost osobina. Efekat godine je prisutan na visokom nivou statističke značajnosti (p lt 0,01) za sve osobine koje se registruju na kraju testa, dok je efekat centra prisutan u varijabilnosti telesne mase na kraju testa, dnevnog prirasta u testu i dužini tela. Bikovi-očevi su ispoljili uticaj (p lt 0,05) na varijabilnost telesne mase sa kojom su telad ulazila u test

    Reproduktivno respiratorni sindrom svinja (PRRS)

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    Respiratory disease in pigs are major cause of morbidity, mortality, and major cause of economic losses. As results of this situation, it is necessary to carry out timely diagnoses, adequate therapy and on farms established prophylactic measures. Our intention was to show in this paper, production indicators, such as consequence presence of PRRS in pig farms industrial type. The biggest losses in pigs were the first three month of out break in the period from 3-12 month mortality gradually decreased. The costs of prevention and treatment of secondary infections during the 12 month after outbreak of the disease were on average about 40% higher in the period before in relation on period before appear disease. .Bolesti organa za disanje kod svinja su jedan od glavnih uzroka morbiditeta, mortaliteta i jedan od glavnih uzroka ekonomskih gubitaka. Kao rezultat takvog stanja, neophodno je blagovremeno sprovesti dijagnostiku, adekvatnu terapiju i na farmama uvoditi profilaktičke mere. Namera nam je bila da u ovom radu prikažemo proizvodne pokazatelje, kao posledicu prisustva PRRS na farmi svinja industrijskog tipa. Najveći gubici kod tovnih svinja bili su prva 3 meseca od izbijanja zaraze a u periodu od 3-12 meseci mortalitet se postepeno smanjivao. TroÅ”kovi prevencije i lečenja sekundarnih infekcija tokom 12 meseci posle izbijanja bolesti bili su u proseku oko 40 procenata veći u odnosu na period pre izbijanja bolesti.

    Heritabilitet, fenotipske i genetske korelacije intenziteta porasta i mesnatosti svinja

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    The five year study included two genotypes of gilts of performance tested gilts, Swedish landrace and crosses F1 generation SLxLY. Of total number (n=3600), 1709 animals were genotype SL and 1891 animals were genotype SLxLY. Measuring of back fat thickness in the loin part (FT1), between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, 7cm laterally to the back line; back fat thickness (FT2) and depth of the musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) between the 3rd and 4th rib from the rear, 7cm laterally to the back line. Assessment of meat yield was done using the ultrasonograph apparatus Piglog 105. In regard to meat yield indicators, medium heritability values were established for FT1 h2=0.461, and high values for FT2 h2=0.639, and for meat yield h2=0.633. Low heritability was established for depth of MLD (h2=0.105), life daily gain (h2=0.110) and age at the end of test (h2=0.103). Established phenotypic correlations between fat thickness FT1 and FT2 were strong (rp=0.638); between fat thickness and meat yield very strong (rp=-0.880 to -0.895), and between fat thickness and MLD very weak and negative (rg=-0.103 to -0.216). Genetic correlations were stronger than phenotypic, so between fat thickness FT1 and FT2 the correlation was complete/full (rg=0.930), also between fat thickness and meat yield (rg=-0.979 to -0.982), whereas the correlation between fat thickness and MLD was strong and negative (rg=-0.627 to -0.653). Heritability values for fat thickness and meat yield show that these traits have high level of heritability and are transfered to the progeny, whereas the level and strength of their dependance show that by decreasing the fat thickness positive influences is exhibited on meat yield, and that by increasing of depth of MLD also the meat yield is increased.PetogodiÅ”njim istraživanjem su bila obuhvaćena dva genotipa nazimica Å”vedski landras i melezi F1 generacije Å LxVJ. Od ukupnog broja (n=3600) istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1709 grla genotipa Å L i 1891 grla genotipa Å LxVJ. Merenje debljine leđne slanine i dubine musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) i procena mesnatosti je obavljeno ultrazvučnim aparatom Piglog 105. Za pokazatelje mesnatosti utvrđeni su srednji heritabiliteti za SL1 h2=0,461, a visoki za SL2 h2=0,639, i za mesnatost h2=0,633. Nizak heritabilitet utvrđen je za dubinu MLD-a (h2=0,105), životni dnevni prirast (h2=0,110) i za uzrast (h2=0,103). Utvrđene fenotipske korelacije između debljine slanine SL1 i SL2 su jake (rp=0,638); između debljine slanine i mesnatosti korelacije su vrlo jake (rp=-0,880 do -0,895), dok su između debljine slanine i MLD-a jako slabe i negativne (rg=-0,103 do -0,216). Genetske korelacije su jače od fenotipskih, tako da je između debljine slanine korelacija potpuna (rg=0,930), kao i između debljine slanine i mesnatosti (rg=-0,979 do -0,982), dok je korelacija jaka i negativna između debljine slanine i MLD-a (rg=-0,627 do -0,653). PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31081

    Metode utvrđivanja stres sindroma junadi i njegov značaj za kvalitet mesa

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    Methods for determining stress syndrome in beef cattle is of great importance to identify the physiological state of young cattle before slaughter in order for such animals to be properly treated and restored to a normal physiological state. As a consequence of the state of stress prior to slaughter, meat is obtained which is different from normal. These are non-typical post-mortem changes in meat: 'PSE' (pale, soft, exudative) and 'DFD' (dark, firm, dry) meat, 'watery' meat, usually pork, and 'dark' mostly meat of young bulls. Tests were performed on bulls originating from a farm located 50 km from the slaughterhouse and another farm located 150 km from the slaughterhouse. Young bulls were kept in a free system and loading and unloading was done on unloading ramps and animals taken to the boxes using the lane corridor. Also, attention was paid to avoid mixing with unfamiliar animals during transport. The study included 20 males. The same vehicle was used to transport cattle from the farm to the slaughterhouse. The rectal temperature was taken from 20 young bulls, at the time of loading of cattle into a vehicle during transport and immediately before slaughter. The results of measurements of rectal temperature of investigated bulls suggest that prolonging of transport increases the rectal temperature which can serve as an indicator of stress syndrome in bulls. In addition to measuring of rectal temperature as an indicator of bulls' stress syndrome, other methods are still used, such as the measurement of cortisol in saliva and blood, or the latest methods of measuring cortisol in hair. This is the latest method of the 21st century, which can even determine the time of occurrence of stress. This method is the future that will determine whether the stress occurred few days, weeks or even months ago.Metode za utvrđivanje stres sindoma junadi imaju veliki značaj u identifikaciji fizioloÅ”kog stanja junadi pre klanja, kako bi se takva grla adekvatno tretirala i povratila u normalno fizioloÅ”ko stanje. Kao posledica stresnog stanja pre klanja dobija se meso koje se razlikuje od normalnog mesa. Ovo obuhvata netipične postmortalne promene mesa kao Å”to su 'BMV' meso (bledo, mekano i vodnjikavo meso) najčeŔće svinjsko i 'TTS' (tamno, tvrdo i suvo meso), najčeŔće juneće meso. Ispitivanja su vrÅ”ena na junadima koja potiču sa farme udaljene 50 km od klanice i sa druge farme koja je udaljena 150 km od klanice. Junad su držana u slobodnom sistemu a utovar i istovar obavljani su na istovarnoj rampi pri čemu su životinje koridorom odvođene u boksove Å”tala. Takodje se vodilo računa da ne dođe do meÅ”anja nepoznatih životinja u toku transporta. Ukupno je ispitano 20 muÅ”kih grla. Istim vozilom junad su transportovana od farme do klanice. Rektalna temperatura merena je kod 20 junadi, i to u momentu utovara u stočno vozilo, za vreme transporta i neposredno pre klanja. Rezultati merenja rektalne temperature ispitivane junadi ukazuju da prolongiranjem transporta raste i rektalna temperatura Å”to može poslužiti kao pokazatelj stres sindroma junadi. Pored merenja rektalne temperature kao indikatora stres sindroma junadi danas se koriste i druge metode kao Å”to su merenje kortizola u pljuvački i krvi ili najnovija metoda merenje kortizola iz dlake. Ovo je najnovija metoda 21. veka kojom se čak može odrediti vreme nastanka stresa. Ova metoda predstavlja budućnost kojom će se utvrditi da li je stres nastao pre nekoliko dana, nedelja pa čak i meseci.

    Review disease of suckling piglets

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    U ovom radu dat je pregled uzročnika oboljenja prasadi na sisi na farmama svinja industrijskog tipa. DanaÅ”nja industrijska proizvodnja svinja bazira se na sprovođenju biosigurnosnih mera, kao i reÅ”avanju ekoloÅ”kih problema, koji znatno opterećuju proizvodnju. Dobro zdravlje svinja je uslov dobre reprodukcije, odnosno rentabilne proizvodnje. Zdravlje svinja zavisi od uslova držanja, nege, ishrane, kontrole zdravlja i zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Veliki broj bolesti koje su prisutne na farmama svinja industrijskog tipa moguće je primenom profilaktičkih i terapeutskih mera, kao i pojačanom kontrolom stručnih službi držati pod kontrolom. Fleksibilnom saradnjom vlasnika farmi sa stručnim službama, uz poÅ”tovanje i sprovođenje stručnih saznanja, te primenom niza biotehničkih mera i stavljanjem akcenta na preveniranje bolesti svinja, a u cilju promocije dobrog zdravlja svinja, moguće je unaprediti proizvodnju. Biosigurnost, dobrobit, dobra proizvođačka praksa i analiza rizika na kritičkim kontolnim tačkama su veoma značajni elementi za intenzivnu proizvodnju svinja. Planska primena biosigurnosnih mera presudna je u zaÅ”titi zdravlja svinja i za uspeh proizvodnje.Today industrial production of pigs is based on the implementation of biosecurity measures and addressing environmental problems, which substantially burden the productions. Good health is a condition for successful pig reproduction and cost-effective production. Health depends on the housing conditions, care, nutrition, control of health and health care. A large number of disease that are present in the industrial swine farms, it is possible using prophylactic and therapeutic measures as well as enhanced control of professional services are in control. Flexible corporation of farm holders with professional service , to respect and implementation of professional knowledge and application of a number of biotechnical measures and focusing on prevention of disease of pigs in order to promote the good health of pigs it is possible to improve production. Biosecurity, welfare, good manufacturing practice and hazard analysis at critical control points are very important elements for intensive pig production. The planned use of biosecurity measures is crucial in protecting the health of pigs and production success

    [The influence of genetic Ī²-lactoglobulin polymorphism on the quantity and quality of milk of the simmental breed in serbia] [Uticaj genetičkog polimorfizma Ī²-laktoglobulina na količinu i kvalitet mleka]

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    NikÅ”ić D., V. Pantelić, D. Ostojić Andrić D. Stanojević, N. Delić, A. Stanojković, M. Petričević (2021). The influence of genetic Ī²-lactoglobulin polymorphism on the quantity and quality of milk of the Simmental breed in Serbia.-Genetika, Vol 53, No.1, 263-270. The study of the link between genes controlling protein polymorphism and milk performance traits of domestic animals has great economic importance from a selection point of view, as it reduces the generation interval, leading to increased productivity in livestock. The objective of this paper was to establish the influence of genetic Ī²-lactoglobulin polymorphism on the quantity and quality of milk of the simmental breed in SerbiŠ°. For the research blood samples were taken from a total of 157 Simmental cows. The genotypes of Simmental cows for Ī²-lactoblobulin and their effect on quantitative milk performance traits were determined using the PCR-RFLP analysis. The variability of traits influenced by the genetic polymorphism of Ī²-lactoblobulin was statistically very highly significant (p 0.05) for content of milk fat and protein. The AB genotype cows achieved a 121 kg and 338 kg increase in milk production compared to the BB genotype and AA genotype cows, respectively

    Response of Sinapis nigra L. and Sinapis alba L. to the presence of NaCl and silicon in nutrient solution

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    Stress caused by salt is one of the most important abiotic stresses for plants. It is well known that silicon can alleviate this abiotic stress in some plant species. In this experiment we analyzed Sinapis nigra and Sinapis alba growing in the presence of 50 and 100 mM NaCl and influence of Si on tolerance of this two species to salinity. The results showed that salinity had significant effect on growth, concentration of photosynthetic pigments and free proline. The smallest effect of NaCl and NaCl combined with Si was on transpiration intensity