138 research outputs found

    Architecture of Iconostases in Herman Bollé’s Oeuvre

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    Tekst govori o arhitektonskom oblikovanju ikonostasa u arhitekturi Hermana Bolléa. Rješenja koja je primjenjivao pokazuju njegovo shvaćanje bizantskog stila kao sinteze elemenata iz bizantske, ranokršćanske, romaničke, renesansne i klasicističke arhitekture.The paper explores structures of iconostases in the architecture of Herman Bollé. Bollé’s designs show his understanding of the Byzantine style as a synthesis of elements from Byzantine, Early Christian, Romanesque, Renaissance and Classicist architecture

    Radovi hrvatskih arhitekata u časopisu Wie­ner Bauhütte

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    Čla­nak go­vo­ri o pub­licira­nju ra­do­va os­mo­rice hrvatskih stude­na­ta arhitekture (Niko­le Ko­la­ra, Vincenza Raus­che­ra, Hermana Bolléa, Janka Jo­sipa Gra­ho­ra, Martina Pila­ra, Janka Holjca i Ćirila Me­to­da Ive­ko­vića) na Beč­koj aka­de­miji likovnih umjetnos­ti i na Beč­koj politehnici u ča­so­pis u »Wie­ner Bauhütte«, glasilu is­toime­nog udruženja, os­no­va­nog pod pokro­viteljstvom Friedricha von Schmidta. Riječ je o prvim ra­do­vima spo­me­nute os­mo­rice kas­nije uglednih arhite­ka­ta

    Ikonostas slikara Ivana Tišova u crkvi Svete Petke u Bolfanu

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    U radu je prikazan vrijedan ikonostas autora Ivana Tišova, utjecajnog hrvatskog slikara koji je stvarao na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće. Navedene su okolnosti koje su dovele do njegovog smještanja u Bolfan iako je izvorno bio postavljen u srpskoj pravoslavnoj kapeli Svetih Triju Jerarha koja se nalazila u sklopu zgrade Kraljevske velike gimnazije, Realne gimnazije i Trgovačke škole na današnjem Rooseveltovom trgu u Zagrebu. Iako ikonostas nije cjelovito sačuvan, predstavlja jedinstveno svjedočanstvo rada umjetnika i obrtnika vezanih za hrvatsku Zemaljsku vladu i zagrebačku Obrtnu školu za pravoslavnu crkvu te kao takav zaslužuje temeljitu obnovu

    Neo-gothic Architecture in Josip Vancaš’s Work; Projects in Italy, Croatia and Slovenia

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    U članku se govori o neogotičkim arhitektonskim projektima Josipa Vancaša izrađenim za Hrvatsku, Italiju i Sloveniju. Među važna ostvarenja toga dijela njegova opusa ubrajaju se: projekt za glavno pročelje crkve u Buiji u Italiji, kapela u Dragotinu te župne crkve u Krapini, Desiniću, Oštarijama, Bledu, Prečni i Mirnoj Peči (dijelom je riječ o restauracijama, a dijelom o novogradnjama).This article deals with the Neo-gothic architectural projects of Josip Vancaš in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Among the notable achievements of this segment of his entire production are: design for the church front in Buia, Italy, the chapel in Dragotin, and the parish churches in Krapina, Desinić, Oštarije, Bled, Prečna and Mirna Peč (partly restorations and partly new structures)

    Neo-Gothic Architecture in the Oeuvre of Herman Bollé

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    Članak govori o neogotičkom opusu Hermana Bolléa, jednog od najvažnijih arhitekata visokog i kasnog historicizma u Hrvatskoj. U razdoblju od kraja 70-ih godina 19. stoljeća do smrti 1926. godine Bollé će realizirati brojne novogradnje i restauracije na kojima će postulate europske neogotike, iz tradicije Viollet-le-Duca i Friedricha von Schmidta, prenijeti u Hrvatsku.The paper brings the Neo-Gothic oeuvre of Herman Bollé, an important architect of mature and late historicism in Croatia. From the 1870s to his death in 1926, Bollé worked on new architectural projects and restorations through which he brought to Croatia the principles of the European Neo-Gothic style in the tradition of Viollet-le-Duc and Friedrich von Schmidt

    Reprezentativan uvid u slavonsku slikarsku baštinu

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    Prikaz izložbe: Tri stoljeća umjetnosti, Privremeni stalni postav Galerije likovnih umjetnosti u Osijeku, siječanj - veljača 2006., autorica izložbe: Branka Bale

    Vukovar Calvinist church belltower built in 1910

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    U članku se govori o izgradnji zvonika kalvinske crkve u Vukovaru iz 1910., koji je sagradila prema projektu vukovarskog inženjera Frana Funtaka onda poznata graditeljska tvrtka Banheyer i sin. Radi se o najstarijem armiranobetonskom zvoniku u Hrvatskoj sagrađenim u secesijskom stilu, uz stariji dio građevine, koja je sagrađena kao prva vukovarska sinagoga, a od 1894./1895. je u vlasništvu kalvinske zajednice. Zvonik i cijela crkva srušeni su šezdeset – ih godina 20. stoljeća.The method used in 1910 to build the Calvinist church belltower in Vukovar is described. Based on the design made by the Vukovar engineer Fran Funtak, the belltower was built by the then reputable building company Banheyer and son. Built in Secession style, this oldest reinforced-concrete belltower in Croatia was erected next to the older part of the building, originally the first Vukovar synagogue, which was acquired by Calvinist community in 1894-1895. The belltower and the entire church were demolished in 1960s

    Neo-Gothic Architecture of Josip Vancaš in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    U članku se obrađuje neogotički segment opusa hrvatskog i bosanskohercegovačkog arhitekta Josipa Vancaša. To su projekti nastali tijekom školovanja u Beču (toranj crkve u Eppanu/Appianu) te realizacije u Bosni i Hercegovini: katedrala, rezidencija nadbiskupa i Prvostolnog kaptola Vrhbosanskog, franjevačka crkva u Sarajevu, zatim župne crkve u Žepču, Tuzli, Vitezu i Podmilačju kod Jajca.This paper analyzes the Neo-Gothic segment of Josip Vancaš’s architectural work. Some of his most important works are: the church tower in Eppan/Appiano (made during his academic studies in Vienna) and some built in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the cathedral, the archbishop’s residence, the Franciscan church in Sarajevo, the parish churches in Žepče, Tuzla, Vitez and Podmilačje near Jajce

    About the building and style of the first synagogue in Vukovar (1845)

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    Članak govori o izgradnji prve vukovarske sinagoge, 1845. godine, koja je ujedno i prva namjenski građena zgrada za sinagogu u tadašnjoj Trojednoj Kraljevini Hrvatskoj, Slavoniji i Dalmaciji. Protiv njezine gradnje ustalo je katoličko i pravoslavno stanovništvo. Projektirana je u klasicističkom stilu s reminiscencijama na egipatsku arhitekturu.The first synagogue in Vukovar, founded in 1845, was also the first dedicated building of synagogue in the Threefold Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia. The edifice of this synagogue provoked many protest of the majority of Catholic and Orthodox population. They tried to stop erection of synagogue by stressing that this construction was designed against communal plan, namely that it would narrow Gaj Street and thus complicate traffic in this street. In fact they were mostly afraid that this synagogue would encourage further immigration of Jews, who were considered as great competitors to the local tradesmen and craftsmen. Citizens of Vukovar protested before the government of County of Srijem, as well as before Josip Kuković the bishop of Đakovo. Regardless their efforts, they did not manage to stop the edification, since the Jewish Community acquired all the necessary legal grounds for their enterprise. Namely, Jews claimed that this was not to be a temple (synagogue), since such buildings were prohibited to build at that time, but only a praying house (Domus oratorium, Betthaus). Moreover, the president of Jewish Community at that time, Friedrich Singer, stated that this building had to have an auxiliary edifice with a kitchen. Finally, all this arguments were enough satisfactory to the city authorities and the synagogue was completed. This first synagogue in Vukovar was a rather small edifice but very interesting regarding its style, since embraced elements of classicism that dominate on the front facade (typical for the architecture of the first half of the nineteenth century) together with elements of Egyptian style (Egyptian revival) on the side facade. These Egyptian elements are rather common in the synagogue architecture at that time but in contemporary Croatia this was the only example. This edifice was used as synagogue till 1889, when it was replaced by a monumental temple in neo-Romanesque – neo-Mauro style. The old edifice was sold to the Calvin community in 1894/1895. Henceforth it was used as a Christian temple until it was demolished during the 60s of the twentieth century