10 research outputs found

    Ocena wiedzy osób z wybranych grup zawodowych z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy w określonych stanach zagrożenia życia

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    Wstęp. W ostatnich latach dużą wagę przywiązuje się do szkoleń społeczeństwa z zakresu udzielania pierwszej po-mocy. Człowiek będący świadkiem lub uczestnikiem zdarzenia niosącego zagrożenie życia powinien posiadać wiedzę z zakresu prawidłowego przeprowadzenia pierwszej pomocy oraz powinien podjąć działania ratujące życie poszkodowanego, do czego obliguje go obowiązek wynikający z ustawy o Państwo-wym Ratownictwie Medycznym [1] oraz z artykułu 162§1 Kodeksu Karnego [2]. Czynności z zakresu pomocy przedmedycznej są niezmiernie istotne szczególnie w pierwszych minutach od nagłego zatrzymania krążenia. Cel pracy. Celem badań była ocena wiedzy teoretycznej z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy w określonych stanach zagrożenia życia u osób z wybranych grup zawodowych oraz określenie, jak często odbywają się szkolenia wśród badanych. Materiał i metody. W badaniach wzięło udział 147 osób, w tym 30 mężczyzn i 117 kobiet w wieku od 24. do 60. lat, reprezentujących wybrane grupy zawodowe, tj.: pielęgniarki, sanitariusze, nauczyciele, pracownicy administracyjni województwa małopolskiego. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką badawczą była ankieta, narzędziem autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. W analizie statystycznej zastosowano test Chi², za poziom istotności przyjęto p=0,05. Wyniki. Wyniki badań wskazują na znaczne różnice w poziomie wiedzy u personelu pielęgniarskiego w stosunku do pozostałych grup zawodowych, co wydaje się zrozumiałe ze względu na kie-runek kształcenia zawodowego pielęgniarek. Wiedza z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy u badanych jest niezadawalająca, podobnie jak częstotliwość szkoleń z tego zakresu. Blisko 26% respondentów podała, że szkolona jest raz na trzy lata lub rzadziej, natomiast 38% badanych nie udzieliło odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Wnioski. Z uwagi na fakt, że wiedza większości ankietowanych na temat pierwszej pomocy jest niewystarczająca, aby mogli podjąć właściwe działania ratownicze, zachodzi konieczność organizacji częstszych szkoleń z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy. Szkolenia w zakładach pracy powinny być prowadzone regularnie przez profesjonalistów, a znajomość wiedzy powinna być weryfikowana.Introduction. Training the society at giving first aid has lately been considered a crucial issue. One who participates or observes a critical accident must possess the knowledge on the proper handling of rescue actions and should be ready to undertake such actions, which has been defined an obligation by the Emergency Medical Service Act and the clause 162§1 of the penal code. Actions defined as pre-medical aid are extremely important, particularly during first minutes of a sudden circulatory arrest. The aim of the study: The purpose of the survey was to estimate theoretical knowledge on giving first aid in defined states of health endangerment by the members of selected professional groups as well as defining how often first aid courses are taken. Materials and methods. The survey included 147 people, 30 men and women aged from 24 to 60, representing selected professional groups, e.g. nurses, paramedics, teachers, administrative employees of the Małopolskie region. Diagnostic survey method has been utilised in the survey, the research technique was survey, and the utilised tool was self-designed questionnaire. The Chisquared test has been utilised in the statistical analysis, and the accepted materiality threshold was p=0.05. Results. The research results indicate notable differences in the knowledge level by the nursing personnel compared to other professional groups, which seems understandable considering the direction of professional education of nurses. Knowledge on carrying out first aid by the respondents is unsatisfactory, as well as the frequency of such trainings. Nearly 26% of respondents have stated that courses take place every three years or more seldom and 38% of respondents gave no answer to this question. Conclusions. Considering the fact that the knowledge of giving first aid by the respondents is insufficient, so as they could im-plement appropriate rescue actions the necessity appears of more frequent trainings for the trainees to be able to undertake appropriate rescue actions. Trainings at workplaces should be held regularly by professionals and the knowledge level must be verified

    The quality of life in patients with rectal cancer

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    The quality of the life of patients who underwent anterior resection of the rectum is not satisfactory because of the low anterior resection syndrome. Many authors maintain that the quality of the life after surgery is as important as the good oncological and surgical outcome. The assessment of QOL patients with colorectal cancer is still insufficient. Quality of life is ambiguous, dynamic and variable concept as well. It has various definitions that depend on profession of person who describe the quality of life. However, all conceptions should be analyzed by researcher to right assessment the quality of life. The quality of life researches should be source of information’s of life situation has done by himself. They could prove many valuables information’s of improve ways of work with the patient. That act allow to compare the potential benefits of care with the disadvantageous effects

    Flow-mediated skin fluorescence: A novel method for the estimation of sleep apnea risk in healthy persons and cardiac patients

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    Background: This pilot study revealed a relationship between the results of flow mediated skin fluorescence (FMSF) and of ECG-Holter-based estimated apnea/hypopnea index (eAHI) in asymptomatic individuals. The aim was to test whether the results of FMSF show a relationship with the eAHI in patients with coronary artery disease or aortic stenosis. Methods: Twenty-one patients (12 coronary disease, 9 aortic stenosis) and 37 healthy volunteers were included in this study. FMSF was assessed before, during and after the pressure occlusion of the brachial artery, using a prototype device allowing the quantification of skin fluorescence. The values of FMSF expressed as baseline (BASE), maximum (MAX), and minimum (MIN) were analyzed. The percentages of ischemic response (IR) and hyperemic response (HR) were calculated. The eAHI was assessed from night ECG-Holter recordings. Differences between the groups and the relationships between the parameters were analyzed statistically. Results: Mean ± standard deviation of BASE, MAX, MIN and IR were not significantly different in both groups (p > 0.05). HR was significantly lower in cardiac patients (14.7 ± 7.5 vs. 11.8 ± 5.1; p = 0.048), whose eAHI was significantly higher (11.0 ± 7.4 vs. 36.3 ± 16.5; p < 0.01). Negative correlation for MAX and eAHI was found in volunteers and patients: r = –0.38, p = 0.02 and r = –0.47, p = 0.03, respectively. In volunteers, HR had a negative correlation with eAHI: r = –0.34, p = 0.04. Conclusions: This pioneer study confirms that FMSF can be used to detect the negative correlation between MAX fluorescence and eAHI not only among healthy volunteers, but also among cardiac patients with coronary artery disease or aortic stenosis

    The quality of life in patients with rectal cancer

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    W pracy poruszono kwestię jakości życia chorych z rakiem jelita grubego po przedniej resekcji odbytnicy. Poznanie zagadnień związanych z jakością życia osób z rakiem odbytnicy operowanych metodą resekcji przedniej jest wciąż niewystarczające, dlatego podjęto ten temat jako treść rozważań. Jakość życia jest pojęciem wieloznacznym, dynamicznym i zmiennym. Definiuje się ją bardzo różnie, w zależności od profesji osoby, która dokonuje opisu. Badania nad jakością życia w naukach medycznych, zgromadziły w ostatnim czasie znaczny zasób wiedzy i praktyki. Jakość życia osób z rakiem determinuje wiele czynników. Są to determinanty tkwiące w samej osobie (jej mechanizmy obronne, zdolności do radzenia sobie w trudnej sytuacji), ale też inne, takie jak: otrzymywane wsparcie, rodzaj leczenia, czas leczenia itp. Wszystkie te czynniki muszą być dokładnie przeanalizowane, aby jakość życia była prawidłowo oceniona przez badacza. Dla pracowników ochrony zdrowia, towarzyszących w procesie leczenia pacjenta, badania nad jakością życia, powinny być źródłem informacji na temat oceny sytuacji życiowej pacjenta dokonanej przez niego samego. Mogą one dostarczać wielu cennych informacji na temat doskonalenia sposobów postępowania z pacjentem. Takie działanie pozwala na porównanie potencjalnych korzyści wynikających z proponowanego leczenia pacjenta z niekorzystnymi jego konsekwencjami.The quality of the life of patients who underwent anterior resection of the rectum is not satisfactory because of the low anterior resection syndrome. Many authors maintain that the quality of the life after surgery is as important as the good oncological and surgical outcome. The assessment of QOL patients with colorectal cancer is still insufficient. Quality of life is ambiguous, dynamic and variable concept as well. It has various definitions that depend on profession of person who describe the quality of life. However, all conceptions should be analyzed by researcher to right assessment the quality of life. The quality of life researches should be source of information’s of life situation has done by himself. They could prove many valuables information’s of improve ways of work with the patient. That act allow to compare the potential benefits of care with the disadvantageous effects

    Cardiotoxic effect due to accidental ingestion of an organic solvent

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    Toxic myocardial injury can be misdiagnosed as a myocardial infarction, resulting in the patient undergoing standard treatment for cardiac rehabilitation. However, such inadequate therapeutic strategies can lead to cardiovascular complications including dilated cardiomyopathy. This study presents a case of a 65-year-old man after accidental ingestion of organic solvents (toluene and xylene), whose condition demonstrated all the criteria for diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The qualitative determinations of the above mentioned volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in whole blood were carried out using a headspace sampling by means of gas chromatography. Cardiac catheterization revealed no specific coronary lesions, only a muscular bridge causing a 30–50% stenosis in the middle of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery

    Cardiotoxic effect due to accidental ingestion of an organic solvent

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    Toxic myocardial injury can be misdiagnosed as a myocardial infarction, resulting in the patient undergoing standard treatment for cardiac rehabilitation. However, such inadequate therapeutic strategies can lead to cardiovascular complications including dilated cardiomyopathy. This study presents a case of a 65-year-old man after accidental ingestion of organic solvents (toluene and xylene), whose condition demonstrated all the criteria for diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The qualitative determinations of the above mentioned volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in whole blood were carried out using a headspace sampling by means of gas chromatography. Cardiac catheterization revealed no specific coronary lesions, only a muscular bridge causing a 30–50% stenosis in the middle of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery

    Molecular Imaging of Human Skeletal Myoblasts (huSKM) in Mouse Post-Infarction Myocardium

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    Current treatment protocols for myocardial infarction improve the outcome of disease to some extent but do not provide the clue for full regeneration of the heart tissues. An increasing body of evidence has shown that transplantation of cells may lead to some organ recovery. However, the optimal stem cell population has not been yet identified. We would like to propose a novel pro-regenerative treatment for post-infarction heart based on the combination of human skeletal myoblasts (huSkM) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). huSkM native or overexpressing gene coding for Cx43 (huSKMCx43) alone or combined with MSCs were delivered in four cellular therapeutic variants into the healthy and post-infarction heart of mice while using molecular reporter probes. Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography/Computed Tomography (SPECT/CT) performed right after cell delivery and 24 h later revealed a trend towards an increase in the isotopic uptake in the post-infarction group of animals treated by a combination of huSkMCx43 with MSC. Bioluminescent imaging (BLI) showed the highest increase in firefly luciferase (fluc) signal intensity in post-infarction heart treated with combination of huSkM and MSCs vs. huSkM alone (p < 0.0001). In healthy myocardium, however, nanoluciferase signal (nanoluc) intensity varied markedly between animals treated with stem cell populations either alone or in combinations with the tendency to be simply decreased. Therefore, our observations seem to show that MSCs supported viability, engraftment, and even proliferation of huSkM in the post-infarction heart