15 research outputs found

    Interlayer Microstructure Analysis of the Transition Zone in the Silicon/Perovskite Tandem Solar Cell

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    The aim of the paper was to determine the morphology of the layers and the microstructure of the transition zone present in the proposed tandem solar structure. The bottom-silicon solar cell plays a double role: first as a highly porous non-reflecting material, and second as a scaffold for top-perovskite cell. In the presented solution, the use of a porous layer made of (e.g., TiO2) is excluded in favor of chemically etched wires on the silicon surface. The porous layer of silicon consists of nano- and microwires etched with metal assisted etching (MAE). The perovskite layer is introduced by a two-step chemical method into the spaces between the wires to fully fill them and intentionally form an additional capping layer at the same time. To examine the structure made in this way, advanced microscopic methods were used including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), also in high resolution

    Application of polycrystalline silicon cells as elastic photovoltaic covers

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    Uzależnienie współczesnych urządzeń wojskowych od energii elektrycznej powoduje, że ich skuteczność i niezawodność zależy w bardzo dużym stopniu od ciągłości dostarczania energii elektrycznej oraz jej jakości. Rozwiązaniem zmniejszającym zagrożenie braku ciągłości zasilania może być elastyczne pokrycie fotowoltaiczne realizowane w ramach programu „GEKON – Generator Koncepcji Ekologicznych”. Dynamiczny rozwój źródeł odnawialnych powoduje znaczący spadek ich cen oraz polepszenie ich efektywności energetycznej. Wymienione zalety powodują, że konwencjonalne źródła prądu (np. zespoły prądotwórcze) w określonych wyżej przypadkach mogą być zastępowane przez źródła alternatywne. Istotą projektu jest skonstruowanie innowacyjnego elastycznego pokrycia fotowoltaicznego wykonanego w oparciu o polikrystaliczne ogniwa krzemowe. W ramach projektu określono: sposób cięcia pojedynczych ogniw na mniejsze płytki, dobór elastycznego podłoża, rozmieszczenie płytek oraz rozwiązanie metody wykonania połączeń pomiędzy nimi, a także koncepcję systemu gromadzenia energii zintegrowanego z pokryciem. Przedstawiono wyniki podstawowych badań pokrycia w zakresie pomiarów elektrycznych, elektroluminescencji oraz termoemisji. W oparciu o zrealizowane prace wykonano model elastycznego pokrycia fotowoltaicznego będącego bazą do dalszej realizacji projektu. Takie rozwiązanie ma na celu zapewnić dużą autonomię w praktycznie w każdej sytuacji kryzysowej, może być wykorzystane np. jako element dachów namiotów lub jako wyposażenie osobiste żołnierza.The dependence of modern military equipment on electricity means that their efficiency and reliability depend very much on the continuity of electricity supply and its quality. The solution to reduce the risk of power loss may be the flexible solar cover implemented under the „GEKON - Generator of Ecological Concepts” program. Dynamic development of renewable sources causes a significant drop in their prices and improvement of their energy efficiency. The aforementioned advantages mean that conventional power sources (eg power generating sets) in the above-mentioned cases can be replaced by alternative sources. The essence of the project is to construct an innovative elastic photovoltaic cover made based on polycrystalline silicon cells. The project defined: the method of cutting individual cells into smaller plates, selection of a flexible substrate, arrangement of tiles and the solution of the method of making connections between them, as well as the concept of a system of accumulating energy integrated with the cover. The results of basic coverage tests in the field of electrical measurements, electroluminescence and thermoemission are presented. Based on the work carried out, a model of flexible photovoltaic cover was made which is the basis for further project implementation. This solution is intended to provide a large autonomy in practically every crisis situation, it can be used, for example, as an element of tent roofs or as a soldier’s personal equipment

    Photovoltaic modules with a modified ETFE foil for BIPV applications

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    This article introduces a laboratory-scale concept and research on photovoltaic (PV) modules designed for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) market, with enhanced architectural aesthetics and no protective glass. The proposed concept involves replacing a typical glass protective and load-bearing element of PV modules with an ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) foil while using an aluminium sheet as a load-bearing element in the system. To further enhance the visual appeal of the solution, special modifications were proposed to the geometry of the front security foil. To confirm the feasibility of the proposed concept for mass production, critical tests were conducted on the material system and the process of modifying the surface of the ETFE foil. These tests included evaluating adhesion strength between layers, optical transmission coefficients, and electrical parameters of the developed PV modules. Additionally, the effect of the ETFE film modification on the formation of micro-cracks in solar cells was also investigated

    Morphology of an ITO recombination layer deposited on a silicon wire texture for potential silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell applications

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    This paper presents research on the deposition of an indium tin oxide (ITO) layer which may act as a recombination layer in a silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell. ITO was deposited by magnetron sputtering on a highly porous surface of silicon etched by the metal-assisted etching method (MAE) for texturing as nano and microwires. The homogeneity of the ITO layer and the degree of coverage of the silicon wires were assessed using electron microscopy imaging techniques. The quality of the deposited layer was specified, and problems related to both the presence of a porous substrate and the deposition method were determined. The presence of a characteristic structure of the deposited ITO layer resembling a "match" in shape was demonstrated. Due to the specificity of the porous layer of silicon wires, the ITO layer should not exceed 80 nm. Additionally, to avoid differences in ITO thickness at the top and base of the silicon wire, the layer should be no thicker than 40 nm for the given deposition parameters