86 research outputs found


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    Croatiaā€™s national defence has experienced dramatic evolution since its creation, during the Homeland War in Croatia, at the beginning of the 1990s, and its subsequent transformation. Political and economic circumstances have the most significant impact on defence expenditure (DEFEXP) and the size of the armed forces. The aim of this research is to analyse a potential causality between DEFEXP and Croatiaā€™s gross domestic product (GDP), as well as between DEFEXP and the number of Croatian Armed Forces personnel (AFP). The main data sources are from the World Bank and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The research is based on the use of the Granger causality test followed by procedures proposed by Toda and Yammamoto (1995) and the impulse response function with data from 1995 to 2014. The results show that there is no short-run or long-run causality between GDP and DEFEXP. The results obtained show one-way causality from DEFEXP to AFP, with AFP responding to shock from DEFEXP after three years.Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske proÅ”le su kroz dramatične promjene od vremena svojeg stvaranja, tijekom Domovinskog rata, početkom 1990-ih te transformacije koja je uslijedila nakon njega. Političke i ekonomske okolnosti najznačajnije utječu na rashode za obranu (DEFEXP) i veličinu oružanih snaga. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je analizirati moguću kauzalnu vezu između DEFEXP- a i bruto domaćeg proizvoda (GDP), te kauzalnu vezu između DEFEXP-a i broja pripadnika Oružanih snaga (AFP). Glavni izvor podataka u istraživanju su Svjetska Banka (The World Bank) i Stockholmski međunarodni institut za mirovna istraživanja (SIPRI). Istraživanje je temeljeno na koriÅ”tenju Grangerovog testa uzročnosti u skladu s procedurama koje su predložili Toda i Yammamoto (1995) te na koriÅ”tenju funkcije impulsnog odziva, za razdoblje od 1995. do 2014. Rezultati su pokazali da na kratki rok i dugi rok ne postoji uzročnost između DEFEXP i GDP-a. Analiza je također pokazala da promjene DEFEXP-a uzrokuju promjenu AFP-a nakon tri godine

    Pavlinski samostan u Gariću

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    Ubojstvo i naknadna katatonija udružena s velikom arahnoidnom cistom: prikaz slučaja

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    The existence of a focal brain lesion that might be the crucial cause for the development of diverse psychiatric phenomena and certain characteristics of personality is often a controversial issue. The patient was a 29-year-old male when he killed his father with a single knock with the blunt side of an axe. Subsequently to the act, the patient developed a 10-month-long catatonic stupor during which he experienced intensive fear, delusions, and affective symptoms. He was an emotionally blunted person with no medical record and without prior history of aggressive behavior. Magnetic resonance image revealed a large, right-sided arachnoid cyst that was associated with right temporal and frontal lobe hypoplasia and bilateral changes of perfusion in peri-insular regions. The treatment with clozapine and diazepam showed to be therapeutic. This could be the second case of homicide committed by a person with arachnoid cyst and without past history of aggression, and the second description of an adult patient with cyst who developed catatonic stupor. This is the first description of long-lasting organic catatonic stupor treated with clozapine and diazepam. Relevant literature is reviewed and some controversial issues are discussed.Razvoj različitih psihijatrijskih sindroma ili promjena značajka osobnosti može biti povezana sa žariÅ”nim ozljedama mozga, ali je ujedno i proturječno pitanje. Bolesnik, inače osoba bez osobitosti u ranijoj medicinskoj dokumentaciji i bez ranijih iskazivanja fizičke agresije, imao je 29 godina kada je ubio oca jednim udarcem sjekire. Nakon djela razvio je dugotrajni, desetomjesečni katatoni stupor tijekom kojeg je doživljavao intenzivni strah, sumanutosti i afektivne simptome. Pretraga glave magnetskom rezonancom otkrila je veliku desnostranu arahnoidnu cistu povezanu s hipoplazijom desnog temporalnog i frontalnog režnja te bilateralnim promjenama u perfuziji periinzularnih regija. Liječenje klozapinom i diazepamom pokazalo se učinkovitim. Ovo je vjerojatno drugi prikaz bolesnika s arahnoidnom cistom koji je počinio ubojstvo, a da prethodno nije pokazivao agresivno ponaÅ”anje te drugi prikaz bolesnika s cistom koji je razvio katatoni stupor. Radi se također o prvom opisu uspjeÅ”nog liječenja dugotrajnog katatonog stupora kombinacijom klozapina i diazepama. Slučaj je poslužio za prikaz relevantne literature i raspravu o proturječnim pitanjima

    Differences in the Value of Proliferation Index (Ki67) and Immunophenotypes Between Invasive Breast Cancers With Respect to the Axillary Lymph Node Status

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    Introduction: Present study aimed to determine the frequency of invasive breast cancer (IBC) immunophenotypes in the General County Hospital Vinkovci, examine a difference between the ages of patients with respect to immunophenotypes and axillary lymph node (ALN) status, and determine differences in the frequency of positive ALNs with respect to immunophenotypes and the proliferation index (Ki67), regardless of the immunophenotype. Materials and Methods: A monocentre cross-sectional study which included 289 patients diagnosed with invasive breast cancer was conducted in the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2018. The expression of IBC biomarkers was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: The most common immunophenotype (41.54 %) was luminal B-like HER2-negative (LumB/HER2-). The mean age was 65.24 (Ā± 12.04), with no age difference with respect to immunophenotypes (F = 0.64, P = 0.43) or ALN status (t = 1.59; P = 0.11). A total of 167 patients (58 %) had their ALNs removed, 66 % of which were positive. LumB/HER2- appeared to have significantly more positive ALNs compared to the luminal A-like immunophenotype (P < 0.01), while a difference in the size of primary tumours between metastatic breast cancers of these two immunophenotypes has not been detected (P = 0.17). ALNs were more likely to be positive in those tumours with Ki67 values higher than 20 % compared to the tumours in which Ki67 was lower than or equal to 20 % (P < 0.01). Conclusions: LumB/HER2- is the most prevalent IBC immunophenotype in patients in our institution and has significantly more positive ALNs compared to the luminal A-like immunophenotype. Also, metastases to ALNs, regardless of the immunophenotype, are more common in patients with Ki67 higher than 20 % than in those with Ki67 lower than or equal to 20 %


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    U prilogu su analizirani članci objavljeni u časopisu Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada u razdoblju od 1994. do 2003. godine. Svrha rada bila je utvrditi strukturu objavljenih priloga, područje koje obuhvaćaju, autorsku analizu, te ustanove iz kojih dolaze autori objavljenih priloga. Analizirana je i citirana literatura (citiranje stranih i domaćih autora, članaka iz Ljetopisa, te autocitiranje). U prilogu je prikazana i tehnička analiza radova (obim rada, grafički prikazi, tablice). Na taj način analizirano je ukupno 222 priloga.The paper analyses articles published in the journal Yearbook of the Department of Social Work in the period from 1994 to 2003. The purpose of the paper was to determine the structure of the articles published, the field they address and to analyse the authorship of the articles and institutions they come from. The literature cited was also analysed (citing foreign and domestic authors, articles from the Yearbook, and self-citations). The supplement also contains a technical analysis of the works (length of article, graphic presentations, tables). 222 articles have been analysed in this way

    Stigmatizacija alkoholičara i drugih visoko rizičnih socijalnih skupina ā€“ odnos sa spolom i vrstom zanimanja

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    Apart from functional problems that arise from the fact that they belong to certain vulnerable social categories (individuals with chronic illnesses and conditions, individuals belonging to minorities and marginalized groups, etc.), members of these groups also face the feeling of distancing and/or rejection by others, including health professionals. The main purpose of this research is to determine social distances towards alcoholics compared with other high-risk social groups and to check for possible differences in social distances (and stigmatization) of alcoholics with regard to gender and occupation type. On a sample of 230 respondents (a deliberate sample of health and non-health professionals, heterogeneous by socio-demographic characteristics), using the Bogardus social distance scale, we investigated social distances for certain social groups: drug addicts, alcoholics, homosexuals, mentally ill individuals and individuals with physical disabilities. The results have shown that individuals with physical disabilities are the least stigmatized group, while the most stigmatized are drug addicts, with alcoholics being second according to social distance. A similar trend was also found in groups of subjects of different sex as well as different types of occupation, with an exception that alcoholics were the most stigmatized group among health professionals, while drug addicts were second most stigmatized group. Sexual differences in social distance towards alcoholics have not been confirmed, nor the differences between the two observed groups of occupations. The research results provide the basic guidelines needed to design the process of destigmatization of alcoholics, as well as other vulnerable social groups studied, in the populations of both health and non-health professionals of both sexes.Uz probleme u funkcioniranju koji proizlaze iz činjenice da pripadaju određenim osjetljivim socijalnim kategorijama (osobe s kroničnim bolestima i stanjima, pripadnici manjinskih i marginaliziranih skupina i dr.), pripadnici tih skupina suočavaju se i s osjećajem distanciranja i/ili odbacivanja od strane drugih ljudi, uključujući i zdravstveno osoblje. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi socijalne udaljenosti prema alkoholičarima u usporedbi s pojedinim drugim visoko rizičnim socijalnim skupinama, te provjeriti eventualne razlike u socijalnim udaljenostima (i stigmatizaciji) alkoholičara s obzirom na spol i vrstu zanimanja. Na uzorku od 230 ispitanika (namjernog uzorka zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika, heterogenih po sociodemografskim obilježjima) primjenom Bogardusove ljestvice socijalne distance ispitivana je socijalna distanca prema određenim socijalnim skupinama: narkomanima, alkoholičarima, homoseksualcima, psihički bolesnim osobama i osobama s tjelesnim invaliditetom. Rezultati su pokazali da su osobe s tjelesnim invaliditetom najmanje stigmatizirana skupina, a najstigmatiziraniji su narkomani, dok su alkoholičari po socijalnoj distanci na visokom drugom mjestu. Sličan trend pronađen je i unutar skupina ispitanika različitog spola, kao i vrsta zanimanja, s tim da su se kod zdravstvenih djelatnika alkoholičari izdvojili kao najstigmatiziranija skupina, dok su se narkomani naÅ”li na drugom mjestu. Spolne razlike u socijalnoj distanci prema alkoholičarima nisu potvrđene, kao ni razlike među dvije promatrane skupine zanimanja. Rezultati istraživanja daju načelne smjernice potrebne za osmiÅ”ljavanje procesa destigmatizacije alkoholičara, ali i drugih ispitivanih rizičnih socijalnih skupina, u populacijama zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika oba spola

    Manhole spacing along sewerage network

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    Predložene su izmjene postojeće prakse u određivanju najvećeg razmaka kontrolnih okana na ravnim potezima kanala istog poprečnog presjeka, koja je nasljeđe tehnoloÅ”kog stanja razvoja postupaka održavanja kanalske mreže iz prve polovice proÅ”log stoljeća. Prikazane su i obrazložene mogućnosti novih tehnologija održavanja koje omogućavaju bitno veće minimalne razmake. UÅ”tede su moguće na svim sustavima javne odvodnje, a naročito u području odvodnje oborinskih voda s prometnica.The authors propose a change in current practice relating to maximum spacing among manholes on straight sections of ducts of similar cross section. This spacing is a remnant of sewerage system maintenance practices that have been in use since the first half of the past century. Advantages of novel maintenance technologies, enabling adoption of much greater minimum distances among manholes, are presented and explained. Considerable savings can thus be made on all public drainage systems, and especially in the sphere of rainwater drainage from roadways
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