23 research outputs found

    Perturbative reduction of derivative order in EFT

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    Higher derivative corrections are ubiquitous in effective field theories, which seemingly introduces new degrees of freedom at successive order. This is actually an artefact of the implicit local derivative expansion defining effective field theories. We argue that higher derivative corrections that introduce additional degrees of freedom should be removed and their effects captured either by lower derivative corrections, or special combinations of higher derivative corrections not propagating extra derees of freedom. Three methods adapted for this task are examined and field redefinitions are found to be most appropriate. First order higher derivative corrections in a scalar tensor theory are removed by field redefinition and it is found that their effects are captured by a subset of Horndeski theories. A case is made for restricting the effective field theory expansions in principle to only terms not introducing additional degrees of freedom.Comment: 45 page

    Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in 4-dimensional space-time

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    In this Letter we present a general covariant modified theory of gravity in D ⁣= ⁣4D\!=\!4 space-time dimensions which propagates only the massless graviton and bypasses the Lovelock's theorem. The theory we present is formulated in D ⁣> ⁣4D\!>\!4 dimensions and its action consists of the Einstein-Hilbert term with a cosmological constant, and the Gauss-Bonnet term multiplied by a factor 1/(D ⁣ ⁣4)1/(D\!-\!4). The four-dimensional theory is defined as the limit D ⁣ ⁣4D\!\to\!4. In this singular limit the Gauss-Bonnet invariant gives rise to non-trivial contributions to gravitational dynamics, while preserving the number of graviton degrees of freedom and being free from Ostrogradsky instability. We report several appealing new predictions of this theory, including the corrections to the dispersion relation of cosmological tensor and scalar modes, singularity resolution for spherically symmetric solutions, and others.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; v3 accepted manuscrip

    Photon quantization in cosmological spaces

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    Canonical quantization of the photon -- a free massless vector field -- is considered in cosmological spacetimes in a two-parameter family of linear non-covariant gauges that treat all the vector potential components on equal footing. The goal is to set up a framework for computing convenient photon two-point functions appropriate for loop computations in realistic inflationary spacetimes. The quantization is implemented without relying on spacetime symmetries, but rather it is based on the classical canonical structure. Special attention is paid to the quantization of the canonical first-class constraint structure, that is implemented via the subsidiary condition on the physical states. This subsidiary condition gives rise to subsidiary conditions on the photon two-point functions that serve as convenient consistency conditions. Some of the de Sitter space photon propagators from the literature are found not to satisfy these subsidiary conditions, bringing into question their consistency.Comment: 42 page

    Inflation from cosmological constant and nonminimally coupled scalar

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    We consider inflation in a universe with a positive cosmological constant and a nonminimally coupled scalar field, in which the field couples both quadratically and quartically to the Ricci scalar. When considered in the Einstein frame and when the nonminimal couplings are negative, the field starts in slow roll and inflation ends with an asymptotic value of the principal slow roll parameter, ϵE=4/3\epsilon_E=4/3. Graceful exit can be achieved by suitably (tightly) coupling the scalar field to matter, such that at late time the total energy density reaches the scaling of matter, ϵE=ϵm\epsilon_E=\epsilon_m. Quite generically the model produces a red spectrum of scalar cosmological perturbations and a small amount of gravitational radiation. With a suitable choice of the nonminimal couplings, the spectral slope can be as large as ns0.955n_s\simeq 0.955, which is about one standard deviation away from the central value measured by the Planck satellite. The model can be ruled out by future measurements if any of the following is observed: (a) the spectral index of scalar perturbations is ns>0.960n_s>0.960; (b) the amplitude of tensor perturbations is above about r102r\sim 10^{-2}; (c) the running of the spectral index of scalar perturbations is positive.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Late-time quantum backreaction of a very light nonminimally coupled scalar

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    We investigate the backreaction of the quantum fluctuations of a very light (m ⁣ ⁣Htodaym \!\lesssim\! H_{\text{today}}) nonminimally coupled spectator scalar field on the expansion dynamics of the Universe. The one-loop expectation value of the energy momentum tensor of these fluctuations, as a measure of the backreaction, is computed throughout the expansion history from the early inflationary universe until the onset of recent acceleration today. We show that, when the nonminimal coupling ξ\xi to Ricci curvature is negative (ξc ⁣= ⁣1/6\xi_c \!=\! 1/6 corresponding to conformal coupling), the quantum backreaction grows exponentially during inflation, such that it can grow large enough rather quickly (within a few hundred e-foldings) to survive until late time and constitute a contribution of the cosmological constant type of the right magnitude to appreciably alter the expansion dynamics. The unique feature of this model is in that, under rather generic assumptions, inflation provides natural explanation for the initial conditions needed to explain the late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe, making it a particularly attractive model of dark energy.Comment: 66 pages, 6 figure

    Stochastic dark energy from inflationary quantum fluctuations

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    We study the quantum backreaction from inflationary fluctuations of a very light, non-minimally coupled spectator scalar and show that it is a viable candiate for dark energy. The problem is solved by suitably adapting the formalism of stochastic inflation. This allows us to self-consistently account for the backreaction on the background expansion rate of the Universe where its effects are large. This framework is equivalent to that of semiclassical gravity in which matter vacuum fluctuations are included at the one loop level, but purely quantum gravitational fluctuations are neglected. Our results show that dark energy in our model can be characterized by a distinct effective equation of state parameter (as a function of redshift) which allows for testing of the model at the level of the background.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures; published version, significant change

    Photon propagator in de Sitter space in the general covariant gauge

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    We consider a free photon field in DD-dimensional de Sitter space, and construct its propagator in the general covariant gauge. Canonical quantization is employed to define the system starting from the classical theory. This guarantees that the propagator satisfies both the equation of motion and subsidiary conditions descending from gauge invariance and gauge fixing. We first construct the propagator as a sum-over-modes in momentum space, carefully accounting for symmetry properties of the state. We then derive the position space propagator in a covariant representation, that is our main result. Our conclusions disagree with previous results as we find that the position space photon propagator necessarily breaks de Sitter symmetry, except in the exact transverse gauge limit.Comment: 47 page

    Even the photon propagator must break de Sitter symmetry

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    The propagator for the massless vector field in de Sitter space cannot maintain de Sitter invariance in the general covaraint gauge, except in the exactly transverse gauge limit. This is due to a previously overlooked Ward-Takahashi identity that the propagator must satisfy. Here we construct the propagator that satisfies all the conditions of a consistently quantized theory. Our solution preserves cosmological symmetries and dilations, but breaks spatial special conformal transformations. The solution amounts to adding a homogeneous de Sitter breaking term to previously reported de Sitter invariant solutions of the propagator equation of motion. Even though the corrections we report pertain to the gauge sector of the linear theory, they are relevant and have to be accounted for when interactions are included.Comment: 6 page