2 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review on Trividha Pareeksha in current scenario

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    In Ayurveda the term Pareeksha is used in place of Pramana. The synonyms of Pareeksha are Pramana, Saadana, Jnana, Upalabdhi. Any abnormalities in the normal structural, physiological, or psychological aspects of the body is a disease. For proper treatment of any disease perfect diagnosis is a must. In Ayurveda, the method of diagnosis mainly depends on the proper understanding of Dosha and Dooshya. Aptopadesha, Pratyaksha and Anumana Pareeksha helps in understanding the stage, state and site of Dosha; state of Dooshya and the site of Dosha Dooshya Sammurchana. Trividha Pareeksha’s like Darshana, Sparshana and Prashna holds relevance in the current clinical methods like history taking, general examination and systemic examinations. ‘Rogamadou Pareekshet Tathoanantharam Oushadam’ before planning any treatment one should have complete knowledge of Roga and Rogibala. Examinations helps to obtain knowledge regarding the life strength and intensity of morbidity and life span. Pareeksha helps to arrive at proper diagnosis by understanding the condition of the patient. Trividha Pareeksha when employed appropriately helps to understand Roga - Rogiavastha more accurately

    Holistic approach to Geriatric Care

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    Old age is an integral part of human life. The branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people is called Geriatrics. Diseases prevention and health maintenance is more important in old age because sickness related morbidity is more frequent, serious, chronic and more expensive to treat in this age group. Geriatric problems are best confronted by preventive measures than curative ones. Clinical consequences in various system of the body due to changes with ageing are described in text books. Various Ayurveda classics gives detailed classification of Vaya based on the degenerative changes in the body. The Nidana, Poorvaroopa and Lakshanas of Jara is clearly mentioned in Madhava Nidana. Importance of Dinacharya and Ritucharya in preventing Jara is mentioned by Acharyas. Ayurveda has the abeyantto avert disease by health promotion and noncommunicable disease prevention. Jara is considered as one among the eight branches of Ayurveda. Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Jarachikitsa promote healthy longevity. Jarachikitsa and Rasayana helps to delay Vruddhavastha (ageing) and control geriatric degenerative changes in body