9 research outputs found

    A Literary Review on Role of Ethno-medicine In Drug Discovery and Development

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    World Health Organization defines Traditional Medicine as, the sum total knowledge, skills and practice based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures whether explicable or not used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness. Traditional medicine is a part of health care systems around the globe. Drug discovery and development strategies based on traditional / ethno-medicine is emerging as an alternative option. Traditional knowledge can provide valuable guidance in selecting and obtaining plant material of potential therapeutic interest and knowledge experimental database of traditional herbal medicine can provide a new functional leads to reduce time, Money, Toxicity - the three main hurdles of conventional drug development

    Experimental Study of Manjistha root (Rubia cordifolia Linn.) w.s.r. to Anti-Diabetic Activity

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    Manjistha is well known for its various activities, one of which is Pramehagna (Anti-Diabetic) activity. The Manjistha was collected from market and its authenticity was approved by its organoleptic characters and is used for present study. The sample was processed and it’s alcoholic and aqueous extracts were prepared. Then the drug was subjected to experimental study on albino rats. Study was carried out to assess the anti-diabetic activity. Results showed that there is significant reduction in sugar level which indicates that both aqueous and alcoholic extracts do possess significant antihyperglycemic activity as compared to Metformin (Standard drug), which could be due to antioxidants and flavonoids present in it. The variations in above said analysis make it very interesting and important to analyse the expected Anti-microbial and immune modulatory activity of Manjistha root

    A conceptual study on Charakokta Bhaishajya Pareeksha Vidhi and it’s significance

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    Ayurveda is a holistic science which explains Karana Dravyas and Karya Drayas in its basic principles. Dravya (drug) one which gives shelter (Ashraya) to Guna and Karma in an inherent relation.[1] Dravyaguna Shashtra is the science which mainly deals with Dravya, Guna, Karma, Rasa, Veerya, Vipaka of drug in detail.[2] The Prakruti and action of Dravya mainly depends on its Panchabhoutika constituents, Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava etc. of Dravya. For Dravyabhuta Chikitsa Dravya should be examined for the factors like Prakruti (nature of Dravya), Guna (Qualities of Dravya), Prabhava (Specific actions), Desha (Habitant or place of growth), Rutu (Season of collection), Gruhita (mode of collection), Nihita (Method of preservation), Upaskrutya (Method of Processing), Matra (Dosage), Doshaapakarshana, Upashamana all these factors should be assessed properly before selecting a Dravya for Chikitsa.[3] According to Ayurveda, Bhashajya or Dravya placed as important among Chikitsa Chatuspada. The Dravya is basic need for the Chikitsa without which Chikitsa is not possible so to have better therapeutic results in treatement Bhaishajya Pareeksha Vidhi plays a major role. Acharya Charaka has explained Bhaishajya Pareeksha Vidhi or Dravya Pareeksha Vidhi in detail in Charaka Vimana 8/87 which has great significance in thearapeutic results by selecting drug for Chikitsa after considering Charakokta Bhaishajya Pareeksha Vidhi

    Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) - A Drug Review

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    Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) commonly known as Honne Mara in Kannada, Bijasal in Hindi, Indian kino or Malabar kino in English, belongs to the family Fabaceae and it is widely distributed among several regions of India. It is one of the important medicinal plant of Indian traditional system of medicines and it has been used in India for several medicinal purposes. The Indian Kino is a medium to large; deciduous tree having chemical constituents like pterostilbene, (-)-epicatechin, pterosupin, marsupsin, etc. Asana have the pharmacological activity like antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, etc

    Folder by ICAR-KVK, Kolar

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    Reshme hulu saakaanike yalli uzinonada samagra nirvahane Folder by KVK, KolarReshme hulu saakaanike yalli uzinonada samagra nirvahaneNot Availabl

    Popular article by KVK, Kolar

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    Hippunerele thotada mannina aarogyakkagi - senabu - Popular Article by KVK, KolarHippunerele thotada mannina aarogyakkagi - senabuNot Availabl

    Folder by ICAR-KVK, Kolar

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    Improved production technologies in cashew Folder by KVK, KolarImproved production technologies in cashewNot Availabl

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    Gunamattada hippunerale soppu utpadaneyalli yale simparakagala mahatva- Popular Article by KVK, KolarGunamattada hippunerale soppu utpadaneyalli yale simparakagala mahatva-Popular articleNot Availabl

    Folder by ICAR-KVK, Kolar

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    Reshme krushiyalli hippunerele mara besaya paddathi Folder by KVK, KolarReshme krushiyalli hippunerele mara besaya paddathiNot Availabl