9 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutico analytical study of Ashwagandha Ghrita

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    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L) Family - Solanaceae) known as Indian ginseng is an effective immunomodulator, aphrodisiac, sedative and adaptogen. Ashwagandha Ghrita is a ghee based Ayurvedic formulation which is available in the market, but Ashwagandha Ghrita containing Rasasindura and Tamra Bhasma along with Ashwagandha and Musta Churna is also mentioned in classical text which many of us are not aware of. As we all know that the action of Rasaushadhis are quick and require very less dose the one mentioned by Vagbhatacharya (author of Rasaratnasamuchaya) is the need of the hour for the immunomodulation. The current trend in applied instrumental medical research encourages good medical practice, clinical and research based drug analysis. The main aim of analytical study is to find out working standards for the formulations and safe use of therapeutics

    A Review on Pottali Kalpana w.s.r. to Kaparda Purana Putapaka method of preparation

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    Pottali Kalpana is one of the unique Kalpana mentioned in our classics. It is one among the four Moorchita Parada Yogas. Kaparda Purana Putapaka method is one the methods mentioned for preparation of this Kalpana. It brings in the compactness of the Dravyas. Pottali Kalpana are a blend of extremely important trace elements which form the crux of the immune system. Various Kaparda Purana Method of preparation of Pottalis have been compiled here which have been mentioned in classical Rasashastra texts along with its ingredients and other variations. The alkalinity of the Kaparda Purana method of preparation owing to calcium probably has a significant role to play in the management of Atisara and Grahani. This Kalpana can be used in emergency care as well

    A Review on Ashwagandha Ghrita

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    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L) Family - Solanaceae) known as Indian ginseng is an effective immunomodulator, aphrodisiac, sedative and adaptogen. Ashwagandha Ghrita is a ghee based Ayurvedic formulation which is available in the market, but Ashwagandha Ghrita containing Rasasindura and Tamra Bhasma along with Ashwagandha and Musta Churna is also mentioned in classical text which many of us are not aware of. As we all know that the action of Rasaushadhis are quick and require very less dose the one mentioned by Vagbhatacharya (author of Rasaratnasamuchaya) is the need of the hour for the immunomodulation

    Review on Nagarjuna Varti

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    The concept of Trisutra has been specified in Ayurveda for the fulfilment of Swasta Parayana and Athura Parayana.[1] Among them Bheshaja plays a major tool in treating diseases. References of different Oushadha Kalpanas are mentioned for internal as well external purposes. One among them is Varti Kalpana (Ayurvedic suppositories) which is derivative of Vati Kalpana. Varti Kalpanas are meant for local applications and helps in eliminating the Sthanika Doshas (site of administration). Visual disturbances are described in the context of Timira, Kacha and Linga Nasha. Ancient scholars have advocated different Varti/Anjana application in Timira stage itself. One such significant ocular therapeutic formulation is Nagarjuna Varti.[2] It consist of Rasoushadhis like Tamra Bhasma, Tutta and other drugs like Rasanjana, Prapoundarika, Yashtimadhu, etc. which can play a vital role in various bio-chemical events in the body as well as eyes. They act as catalyst, co-factor for enzyme etc. These complexes help in exerting faster action of the drug and have a longer shelf life. Its benefit even in Netra Chikitsa is in different folds

    A Review on Anupana for Saptadhatus of Rasashastra

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    Ayurveda is the science which is practiced all over the world since 5000 years. This science is popular because of its unique concepts and treatment methods. Rasashastra is a specialized branch of Ayurveda in which certain minerals, metals and organic compounds are used for the treatment purpose. These substances will be subjected to various purificatory and incineration processes to remove the toxicity before internal administration. Rasoushadhis are famous because of their faster actions and minimal dosage. These medicines should be administered with proper adjuvants i.e. Anupana which can increase the potency of the medicine to attain good result. In Rasashastra, Suvarna, Tamra, Rajata, Naga, Vanga, Yasada, Loha are the seven important Dhatus which are commonly used in Bhasma form for treatment. These should be administered as a treatment modality with a specific Anupana indicated for various diseases distinctively there by proving to have its maximum effect with it. Hence this article deals with the classical Anupanas which has to be used while administering Bhasmas

    An Analytical Study on Pippalyasava

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    Pippalyasava is one of the important and common preparation used by practitioners for various ailments. Lot of references are available regarding Pippalyasava in classics and are abundant in market. As a part of study Pippalyasava is prepared and observed for 6 months also these samples were subjected to following analytical parameters like organoleptic characters, physical characters, chemical characters and TLC during 2nd month and 6th month to ensure the quality of the prepared sample

    A Review on the concept of Anupana in Ayurveda

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    Ayurveda which is the science of life is famous all over the world because of its unique concepts and practising methods. The main aim of Ayurveda is to attain Dhatusamyakriya, and through that maintain the Swasthyata of the body. Anupana is one of the unique concept of Ayurveda which plays an important role in the treatment. Anupana is that material which is consumed along with food or medicine. It can increase the palatability of the food or medicine, can improve the digestion and absorption and also act as a vehicle which carries the drug to their target site. Hence this article deals with the importance of Anupana in the Ayurvedic practise