4 research outputs found

    Review on Nanorobot as a Nanomachine and Biomedicine

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    Nanorobotics is the technology of producing robots or machines with very small scale or Miniscale of a nanometer (10-9 meters), machines constructed at the molecular level (Nano machines) may Be used to detect or identify and cure the human body of its various diseases like cancer. Nano robots are Very good accuracy they perform a specific task with great accuracy and precision at very small scale or Nanoscale dimension. A recent discovery in the field of drug Delivery is target therapy, which improves the diagnostic tests and Medical devices. Nanotechnology is going to revolutionize the world. According to the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). Nowadays these nano robots play a vital role in the field of Bio Medicine. In the pharma-world, the applications of Nanotechnology mean drugs containing nano-sized active ingredients. They are well used to cure HIV, Cancer, Surgery, Bloodstream, gene therapy, Kidney stone removal and other harmful disease they Can restore lost tissue at the cellular level, useful for monitoring, Diagnosing and fighting sickness. The main purpose is to cure many dreadful Diseases in human body

    Review on Therapeutic Uses of Mimosa Pudica (Touch-me-not) Plant

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    The prostrate or semi-erect subshrub Mimosa pudica L. (Mimosacee), referred to as touch me not, live and die, shame plant, and humble plant, is indigenous to North and South America as well as Australia. They are delicate soft grey green leaves that fold and droop at night or when handled and chilled, and they are thickly equipped with recurved thorns in India. Its peculiar bending behaviors have given it the nickname "curiosity plant." According to Ayurveda, the root of this plant is bitter, acrid, cooling, vulnerary, and alexipharmic. Leprosy, dysentery, vaginal and uterine complaints, inflammations, burning sensations, asthma, leucoderma, tiredness, and blood disorders are among the conditions it is used to treat. It appears to be a prospective herbal candidate deserving of further research, as shown by its pharmacological profile Numerous illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, obesity, and urinary infections, are also prevented or treated using mimosa pudica. It predominantly contains pharmacological activities that include antibacterial, antivenom, antitertility, anticonvulsant, depressant, aphrodisiac, and others. The plant has been used to treat urogenital issues for ages

    Review on Calotropis Gigantea as a Topically used Plant

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    There have been numerous reports of the Asclepiadaceae plant, Calotropis gigantea R.Br, having medicinal and other uses. Plants have been employed as a source of medicinal substances since ancient times. In the indigenous system of medicine, plants are used extensively to treat disease. Traditional medicine makes use of various plant extracts or bioactive substances. This kind of research offers health at a reasonable price. The findings imply that the stem, leaves, and flower's phytochemical qualities can be used to treat a variety of diseases. The nation that produces the most medicinal herbs is India, which is fittingly known as the world's botanical garden. Calotropis gigantea, a member of the Asclepiadaceae/Apocynaceae family, is also referred to as the Crown Flower and has unique therapeutic properties that can be used alone or in conjunction with other medications to treat common disorders. Herbal medicines have a very wide range of medicinal applications. In ayurveda, the entire dried plant is used as a mucus explusor, parasitic worm expeller, and rejuvenator. Leprosy and asthma are treated with its dried root, while vertigo, baldness, hair loss, and rheumatoid arthritis are all treated with its latex. Calotropis is employed for a variety of conventional and homoeopathic treatments. The plant's many parts can be separated and used as medicine to get a variety of benefits

    A Review on Indian Traditional Plant Aegle Marmelos (Bael)

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    <p>Herbal drugs are conventionally used in various and many parts of the world responsible to cure and treat different types of diseases and disorders. The Ayurvedic system of medicine and Siddha system of medicine are very famous medical practices in Indian traditional medicines. Over the many years, many researchers have aimed at identifying and validation of plant derived substance for the treatment of various disease and disorders. Similarly, it has been already proved that various parts of plants such as leaf, fruits seeds, stem, bark, rootsetc. Where used to provide health and nutrition promoting compounds traditional used against various disease and disorder. Aegle Marmelos (Bael) has seen to use in the ethno medicine to exploit its' medicinal properties including astringent, Antidiarrheal antidysentric, demulcent, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory activities. The present review aims to complete medicinal values of Aegle marmelos generated through the research activity using modern scientific approaches and innovative scientific tools.</p&gt