4 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Ayurvedic medications over contemporary management in Dengue

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    Dengue is a fast emerging pandemic prone viral disease in many parts of the world. This mosquito borne viral infection, having a prevalence up to 50-100 milion annually among 100 endemic countries, putting almost half of the world’s population.The typical features of this fever includes sudden onset of fever, frontal headache, retro orbital pain, back pain, myalgia and transient macular rashes in first day. In a small number of cases, the disease develops into the life threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and plasma leakage or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. In Ayurvedic perspective, Acharya Caraka has explained Abhishangaja Jwara, one among the Agantuja Jwara, in which Bhutas are told to be one of the cause. Acharya Madhavakara has mentioned Vishama Jwara is having Bhuthanubandha. Agantuja Jwara is mostly Dhatu Ashraya. Hence Koshtasrita Dosha Chikitsa alone cannot give success. In the case of dengue, Rasa and Rakta Dhatu are mainly affected. Also the signs and symptoms are more or less similar to these Dhatu Vikara. Hence the aim of the treatment is to restore the Prakrita Karma of these Dhatu

    Importance of Satvawajaya Chikitsa in Shareerika Vyadhi

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    In Ayurveda, Satwavajaya Chikitsa is considered to be having the psychospiritual approach with a nonpharmacological treatment modality which solely deals on the mind and its related attributes. It consists five methodologies, two principles, three dimensions, three psychotherapeutic domains, and five techniques. Withdrawal of the bothered mind from unwholesome objects is the prime focus of Satwavajaya Chikitsa. Mainly focusing on the intelligence, consciousness, memory, and spiritual aspects of the affected individuals, Satwavajaya Chikitsa aims at stimulating consciousness, altering and discriminating the maladaptive thoughts or actions. Thus, it helps in managing psychiatric, psychological, and psychosomatic ailments. The present review article throws light on the detailed descriptions of basic doctrines of Satwavajaya Chikitsa concept and also offers a brief note on its contemporary relevance, recent insights and applied clinical facets. This paper reports the researches, reviews and studies on Satwavajaya Chikitsa encompassing nonpharmacological nootropic efficacy

    A literary review on Vata Rakta

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    Vatarakta is one of the unique disorders among Vatavyadhi compared to other Vatavyadhis. In this illness, Vata and Rakta are afflicted by distinct etiological factors. There are 2 types of Vatarakta i.e. Uttanvatarakta and Gambhirvatarakta. Uttanvatarakta produces symptoms like itching, burning sensation pain blackish discolour skin. Gambhirvatarakta produces symptoms like swelling, hardness, tenderness, burning sensation, pain. Sometimes numbness is also present. It also produces deformities like bending of fingers. Sushruta has mentioned it in Vata Vyadhi chapter while Charaka dedicated a separate chapter for Vata Rakta. Vatarakta is a burning problem of the society. This may compromise the quality life of patients due to permanent inflammatory and degenerative changes in the joints

    Role of Ayurvedic dietetics and lifestyle modifications in Diabetes Mellitus

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    Since a long time, Ayurveda has been emphasizing more on the importance of diet and lifestyle in the maintenance of health. It is also said that in both the conditions, viz. health and disease, the wholesomeness and the unwholesomeness is a prime factor to be thought about, as without proper diet, the use of any drug is futile. Centuries ago, Ayurveda laid the concepts of Dinacharya (daily regimen for healthy living), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen for healthy living), Sadvaritta (moral conducts) and Achara Rasayana (social conducts) as well established guidelines for healthy diet and lifestyle; but in current era, hardly anyone aptly follow it. As a result, there is tremendous rise in lifestyle disorders as pandemics, diabetes being the most menacing among them. The aim of this review is to bring into the limelight the Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle guidelines for prevention of type 2 diabetes and available factual research evidence validating it