4 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study between Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara and Shireesha Beejadi Lepa in the management of Arsha

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    Background: Arsha is fleshy projection that pains like an enemy and creates obstruction in Guda Marga which can be compared with haemorrhoids and one among the Astamahagada. Arsha presents with clinical features as bleeding per rectum, prolapse, feeling of mass, pain, anaemia. Peak age is 4rd to 6th decade while majority of patients report regarding onset of disease in 5th decade of life and increased prevalence in women compared with men. Objectives of the Study: To compare the efficacy of Shireesha Beejadi Lepa over Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara in the management of Arsha with special refence to Internal Haemorrhoids. Methods: 30 patients were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria and divided into 2 groups with 15 patients in each group by computerized random technique. Group A was treated with Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara, while Group B was treated with Shireesha Beejadi Lepa. Results: It was found that the main clinical features like Pain were reduced 84.09% in Group A and 90.90% in Group B, Bleeding per Rectum were 68.18% in Group A and 86.36% in Group B. Colour of Pile mass changes of 75% in Group A and 81.81% in Group B. Size of Pilemass reduced 70.45% in Group A and 68.18% in group B after 7th day of treatment. Conclusion: Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara had significant result over Shireesha Beejadi Lepa Yoga in both subjective and objective parameters with P value <0.0001

    Effect of Talisadi Taila in the management of Sadhyo Vrana - A Case Study

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    Abrasion is a type of injury characterized by loss of superficial layer of the skin due to application of mechanical force. In the modern era there is remarkable increase in the number of traumatic wounds due to rise in the vehicular traffic.[1] Traumatic wounds occur at the rate of 50 million every year worldwide. According to Indian Society for Trauma and Acute Care Center, New Delhi (2012) 22.8% of all injuries were due to traffic related and 77.2% of other trauma wounds like self-fall, Agricultural injury, burns, assaults etc.[2] The prevalence rate of minor injury in children less than five years are of 67% and under 5 to 9 years 14.2%, such wounds should be treated by cleaning and topical application of antibiotics along with systemic analgesics.[3] Acharya Vagbhata explained about Saptahika Chikitsa for Sadhyo Vrana in that Sechana, Lepana and Sandhana can be used for Ghrusta Vrana.[4] In this cosmetic and antibiotic era, healing of wound is not only the intension but also to reduce the pain, burning sensation and minimizing the scar. It is having Vrana Ropana and Varnya property by the ingredients it possesses. Application of Talisadi Taila for 7 days uniformly

    Manjisthadi Lepa as Vedanasthapana in soft tissue injury with special reference to Ankle Sprain

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    Background: Demanding lifestyle has boosted the incidence of trauma/soft tissue injury. One among such conditions is sprain with site predominance as Ankle accounting for 75%. Most sprains are sports related injuries and treatment for which is PRICE (pain killers, rest, icepack, compression and elevation) in allied science. In the United States it is estimated that 23,000 people per day, necessitate medical care for ankle sprains including athletes and non-athletes. Achayra Sushruta in the context of Bhagna Chikitsa explained Manjisthadi Lepa to combat Vedana (pain). Objective of the study: To evaluate the Vedanasthapana effect of Manjisthadi Lepa in soft tissue injuries with special reference to Ankle sprain. Materials: 40 patients of Ankle sprain were selected from OPD and IPD of BVVS Ayurved Medical Hospital, Bagalkot based on the inclusive criteria. Study design: Single group, open clinical study. Method: Lepa was applied at affected site twice daily for 07 days and removed before it dried. Follow up: on 15th, 30th and 45th day. Observation: Age distribution showed 40% of patients were between 20-30 years with female predominance of 67.5%. Occupation wise students ranked more. Mode of injury dominates to getting down the stairs 80% with inversion of foot 85% especially left sided majority of 82.5% having grade I injury. Interpretation and conclusion: The study showed 88.2% improvement in pain, 85.7% in tenderness, 71.8% in swelling and 100% in loss of function and discoloration respectively by a period of one week treatment. Ankle range of movements showed 100% improvement with p value <0.001

    The effect of Gokshura Churna over Tilanalakshara Yoga in the management of Mutrashmari - A Randomized Comparative Clinical Study

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    Background: Mutrashmari is a stone like structure anywhere in the Mutravaha Srothas which can be compared with renal calculi and one among the Astamahagada, clinical features as renal angle pain, haematuria, pyuria and dysuria. Peak age is 3rd to 5th decade while majority of patients report regarding onset of disease in 2nd decade of life and male to female ratio is 3:1. Objectives: To compare the effect of Gokshura Churna over Tilanalakshara Yoga in the management of Mutrashmari with special reference to Renal calculi. Materials and Methods: 30 patients were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria and divided into 2 groups with 15 patients in each group by chit method. Group A was treated with standard drug Tilanalakshara Yoga and Group B was traeted with trial drug Gokshura Churna. Results: It was found that standard group reduced the abdominal pain by 85.1%, dysuria by 89.4%, renal angle tenderness 88.4%, haematuria 100%, pyuria 100%, size of renal calculus 41.9% by 21st day of treatment. In study group it was observed that abdominal pain reduced by 92%, dysuria 96.1%, renal angle tenderness 91.6%, haematuria 100%, pyuria 100% and size of renal calculus 48.5% by 21st day of treatment. Conclusion: This assessment showed Gokshura Churna had significant result over Tilanala Kshara Yoga in both subjective and objective parameters with P value <0.0001