1 research outputs found

    Management of Chronic Venous Leg Ulcer (traumatic) – A Case Report

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    A chronic venous leg ulcer is not so common in Ayurvedic practices. But deep vein thrombosis is more common in clinics. Venous and arterial diseases are most usual cause of leg ulcers accounting to 60 to 80% of them. On an average 33 to 60% of these ulcers are present for more than 6 weeks and therefore referred to as venous leg ulcers. The case reported here was as a result of repeated trauma with a history since 20 years. The treatment was given at IPD level diagnosing it as Upadrava Roopi Vatarakta with valid Chikitsa Siddhanta. This case report provides us a guide lines that even a chronic ulcer can be healed with proper assessment of Dosha, Dhatu, Strotas involvement