5 research outputs found


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    Image filtering is a very important step in image processing. Filtering involves lots of multiplications which consumes time. Time required increases with the increase in the number of pixels. This paper proposes an approach for image filtering using Vedic Mathematic which performs faster multiplication compared to the conventional algorithms namely Booth 2, Booth 3 and Array Multiplication Algorithm thus reducing the time required for filtering of images. Experimentation is done using C language. Time required by the algorithms for filtering are then compared using the experimental results

    Load Balancing Based Approach to Improve Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network

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    ABSTRACT In wireless sensor network, clustering is used as an effective technique to achieve scalability, selforganization, power saving, channel access, routing etc.[3

    Modeling of Biodiesel Plant Design: Data Estimation and Generation Based on Suppositions and Interpolation

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    This paper presents the approach for the Biodiesel plant design data estimation and generation to support the mathematical formulation of the model. Presented approach is based on certain suppositions. Design data is estimated by using actual fundamentals involved in the design of the resources and equipments. Later, the sample space is increased by generating the design data. Design data is generated using the concept of linear interpolation, where the basic data fitting model is developed and then the intermediate design data values are obtained to increase the sample space. This facilitates the formulation of mathematical model. Experimental results are obtained through the MATLAB implementation

    An Approach to Image Compression with Partial Encryption without sharing the Secret Key

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    Existing methods when employ compression there is no consideration of security, similarly when it describe encryption there is no consideration of size i.e. compression. In this paper a simultaneous image compression and encryption scheme is discussed. The order of the two processes viz. compression and encryption is EC i.e. image encryption is performed first then the image compression is applied. For image encryption a symmetric key cryptography multiplicative cipher is used. Similarly for compression Discrete Cosine Transform is used. In the proposed approach a private key cryptography is used for encryption without sharing the secret key. But image transmission is required two times. Therefore to save the bandwidth partial encryption is carried out. Image compression is concerned with minimizing the number of bit required to represent an image. Image Encryption is hiding image from unauthorized access with the help of secret key that key can be private or public. Key word


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    This paper presents the approach for the mathematical modeling of production turnover for the set up of new Biodiesel plant based on the dimensional analysis and multiple regression. Presented production turnover mathematical model is derived based on the generated design data. Design data is generated from the estimated design data. Estimation of design data is carried out based on the assumed plant layouts of different capacities. Dimensional analysis is used to make the independent and dependent variables dimensionless and to get dimensionless equation. Later, multiple regression analysis is applied to this dimensionless equation to obtain the index values based on the least square method. The mathematical model of production turnover is formulated using these obtained index values. Finally, the formulated model is evaluated on the basis of correlation and root mean square error between the computed values by model and the estimated values