1 research outputs found

    Ayurvedic perspective of Circadian Rhythm

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    Background: Biological rhythms are the natural cyclical changes in our body, in which researches mainly focuses on circadian rhythms. Body processes vary according to adaptation of solar and lunar related rhythm. Ayurveda explains this on the basis of cyclic rhythm of Tridoshas. The Doshas Kapha, Pitta and Vata maintain the integrity of our body, like Soma, Surya & Anila maintaining the integrity of the terrestrial world. Aims and Objectives: This review paper aims to understand the concept of circadian rhythm in Ayurvedic view and its application in the prevention and management of disorders. Materials and Methods: Literature search were carried out in Classical texts of Ayurveda and Modern system and relevant databases. Total 8969 articles were found, among them 89 relevant articles were taken, of which abstracts and full paper of the most relevant and freely downloadable articles were reviewed. Results and discussion: This review clarified that, diet and lifestyle regimens mentioned in Ayurveda aims to maintain the diurnal and seasonal variations of doshas. Deviation in this rhythm lead to many disorders. Conclusion: We can maximize our health, mental alertness and immunity by proper alignment of circadian rhythm by following methods like Dinacharya, Ritucharya, proper Ahara and Nidra, Ritusodhanas etc