1 research outputs found

    Conceptual study of Yuktaratha Basti and its mode of action

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    Basti Chikitsa regarded as the prime treatment modality among the Panchakarma. It is having not only curative action but also preventive and promotive actions. Acharya Sushruta has described various kind of Basti in Chikitsasthana. Yuktarathabasti is a type of Niruhabasti and Vikalpa of Madhutailik Basti. Synonyms are Yapana, Siddha and Yuktarathabasti. As the patient can travel even after the administration of Basti on chariots, back of elephants or horses it is called as Yuktaratha. These are normally strictly contraindicated in Basti therapy as it causes Samkshobha (irritation) and complications. This characteristic of Yuktarathabasti makes it applicable to out-door patients without hospitalization. It enhances Deepana, Pachana and has the Kati, Pada, Jangha, Uru, Trikashoolahara property. So that it can be useful in Vatavyadhis like Sandhigatvata