2 research outputs found

    A short Ayurvedic review on morphology based nomenclature of plants from Nighantus

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    In Ayurveda Samhita’s and Nighantu’s, knowledge about so many herbs are documented in a very systematic and scientific manner. For proper identification of a particular plant, so many synonyms are given which indicate all the silent features of plants. This multinomial nomenclature methodology shows the intellectual power of our ancestors as each name describes a particular feature of plant. In Dravyaguna Vigyan there is a major importance of identification of plants because until and unless we are unable to identify plant properly, further studies cannot be carried out. So with the help of synonyms assigned to plants based on their morphological characters, identification can be done at first step

    A Comparative Pharmaco-Clinical Study of Arjuna and Manjishtha w.s.r. to Vyanga

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    In Ayurveda Vyanga is a disease which is firstly described by Acharya Sushruta under Kshudra Roga. According to Acharya Sushruta Krodha and Shoka are responsible for development of Vyanga, as these psychological factors vitiate Pitta and Vata Dosha which then travel and get localized on facial skin and leads to development of Nirujam, Tanu Shyava Varna Mandala. Ayurveda is very effective in treating skin disorders and skin is also mentioned as a route of drug administration in terms of Bahiparimarajan Chikitsa. Acharya Sharangdhara has mentioned various Lepa formulations for various skin diseases; among them he has quoted Arjuna Twak Churna and Manjishtha Churna for treatment of Vyanga. It is easy to understand about Manjishtha because it is a very well known established Varnya drug, but regarding Arjuna it was very much important to trail it clinically as it is an established drug for heart. From Dravyaguna point of view it was very important to study Arjuna, that how it would have broken the pathogenesis of Vyanga, what are the major chemicals present in Arjuna that work on hyper pigmentation. So a proper revalidation of Shastrokta quote of Acharya Sharangdhara was done by clinical trial and pharmacognostical and HPTLC analysis of Arjuna and Manjishtha