5 research outputs found

    The physiological study of Twak Upadhatu w.s.r. to Skin

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    In Samhitas Twak/Twacha is described as outermost protective layer of body as well as largest sensory organ of body. According to Acharya Charaka, Twacha is the Mula of Mansavaha Srotas and Updhatu of Mansadhatu. Acharya Sushrut and Acharya Charak very minutely described its layers according to their functions and also diseases which are related to those layers. Modern health science described skin in detail according to division of cell. Skin, the largest organ of human body, holds significant importance in maintaining normal human physiological condition. The conceptual aspect of skin needs to be understood because skin disorder is outer exhibition of some kind of internal pathology. The ancient science of Ayurveda has noted its features ages back. Ayurveda, the “Science of Life”, is a real wealth of medical sciences. In Ayurvedic oldest text Sushruta Samhita- Shareer sthana, Acharya Sushruta has mentioned five sensory organs i.e. Gyanendriyas. Sparshanendriya is one of them whose Adhishthana is Twacha (skin). As we know, skin is the largest sense organ of the body which sense touch, pain, pressure, temperature etc. It is also known as “The First Line of Defense”. Ayurveda is real wealth of medical sciences which gives preference to prevention of health in healthy person and provides best treatment to diseased one. It believes in complete elimination of root cause of disorder rather than short-term relief. Skin is the largest and first site visible organ of body which acquires 1.5-2 square meter surface area of the body. It is not merely protecting covering but it is reflection of the internal system of the body

    The physiological study of Prakopavastha of Shatkriyakala w.s.r. to Seasons (Ritu’s)

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    The Prayojana of Ayurveda is of two types, maintenance of health a healthy person, by adopting the Ritucharya, Dincharya and Sadvritta and curing of a disease of diseased Person, by adopting therapeutic measures. Kriya means Action or treatment. Kala means time or period. Shatkriyakala means ‘Appropriate time periods to take action/treatment. Acharya Susrutha has narrated detail idea of Shatkriyakala in 21st chapter of Sutrasthana. Shatkriyakala include six stages viz. Sanchaya, Prakopa, Prasara, Sthansamshraya, Vyaktavastha and Bhedavastha. Shatkriyakala is distinctive concept of Ayurveda. By knowing the process of Shatkriyakala the disease process can be arrest at initial stage and avoid the probabilities of complications. Acharya Sushruta already mentions the Kriyakala helps the physician to adopt line of treatment by seeing the vitiated Dosha condition by his intellect and knowledge. So, we can say that the physician who diagnose a disease and treat according to Shatkriyakala will be become a successful Practitioner

    Importance of Ghranendriya as explained in Ayurveda with reference to Olfaction

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    Indriya word is derived from word “Indra” means Prana. Indriya are organ in the body which exhibit the sign of life or vitality. The Panch Gyanendriya is the Sadhan for the perception of Bahygagyana. Each sense is dominated by the 5 different elements according to Ayurveda; earth, water, fire, air and sky. All elements are present in each sensory experience. Indriya is a function that connect the individual with the outside the world, which is the strength of the body. And the power of the senses. The feeling by which the inner ‘I’ gets knowledge about the world around. The nose is considered the doorway to the brain, according to Ayurveda. So, the cleansing and caring for the nose increase the flow of Prana and increases energy to the head and brain

    Non-target Effects of Botanicals on Beneficial Arthropods with Special Reference to Azadirachta indica

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    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition).

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