1 research outputs found

    Chronotherapeutics in Ayurveda

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    In order to maximize health benefits and minimize adverse effects of a treatment, chronotherapeutics is administered to patients according to his/her daily, monthly, seasonal or yearly biological clock. According to Ayurveda observation of the specific features of disease corresponding to season, day and night, age and meal is known as Kaala Aveksha. The Dasha Bheshaja Kaala (ten different time period for the administration of medicine) is one among the Shadaveksha Kaala (Six observatory aspects of time). It is defined according to the biological clock. The medicines at proper Bheshaja Kaala help to attain the equilibrium of Doshas and Dhatus. Here chronotherapeutics can be correlated with Bheshaja Kaala. As it gives importance to the time of administration which can be responsible for variations of drug kinetics. Objective: To conduct an in-depth analysis of the literature in order to identify and evaluate the evidence base for chronotherapy. Data source: A literature search was conducted in classics of Ayurveda and electronic databases. Result: Review shows that the drug administered according to the Bheshaja kaala has more beneficial outcomes than the other methods. Conclusion: The review presents the scope of chronotherapy in drug administration