11 research outputs found

    Ayurvedic management of a patient with Hypoxia and Co-Morbidities by Home Care through Telehealth in 2nd wave of COVID-19 - Case Report

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    Ayurvedic herbal combinations like Kasaya, Churna and Vati are very useful even in the moderate to severe patients with oxygen support. It was reported that Ayurveda medication can prevent further progression of inflammatory phase (cytokine storm) and prothrombic phase (Organ failure) of Covid- 19 infection. Rasa Rasayana are thought to be more potent and quicker in action as compared to Ayurvedic herbal combination in Jvara Chikitsa (Fever) and are potent Immuno boosters also. A 42 years male consulted an Ayurvedic Physician with breathing difficulties and redness of eyes and face. His SPO2 was 85%and HRCT of thorax’s severity score was 14/25 with Diabetes and Hypertension as pre-existing co-morbidities. The patient had received Ayush-64, Siddha Makardwaja, Swasa Kasa Chintamani Rasa for the first three days of treatment along with oxygen therapy after that Dasamoola Haritaki was added. The patient showed clinical improvement within a day of administration of Ayurvedic medicines and felt good. His cough and breathing difficulties have substantially reduced and his SPO2 became stable between 94 and 96% in two days. This case report highlights the clinical success story as a result of administration of Ayurvedic Rasa-Rasayana and herbal combination in early Inflammatory phase of COVID-19 infection without the use of synthetic steroid and reducing the oxygen requirement needed for home care set up through telehealth service. It may sensitize the reader for early detection and management of similar or identical cases

    Role of Krimi (Pathogen) in Aupasarkika Yakrit Vikara (Infective Liver diseases) - A Narrative Review

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    Infective liver diseases are more than 18% of total Chronic Liver Diseases and been ranked as the fifth most common cause of death worldwide. Krimi can create systemic infection like - Jvara, Vibarnata (skin rash), Shula (Pain), Bhaktadwesa (anorexia), Krimija Pandu (Anaemia) etc. to organ specific disorders like - Krimi Danta, Krimi Karna, Asadhya Pratisyaya, Krimi Granthi, Krimija Hrudroga, Krimija Shira Roga But Krimijayakrit Vikara/Roga is not found in classical literature. A considerable number of Infectious liver disease patients came to various Ayurveda Hospital and expert Ayurveda physicians either feed up with conventional treatment or cannot bear the expenses of conventional therapy. Therefore, it is an attempt to establish the role of Krimi in Aupasarkika Yakrit Vikara through reviewing Ayurveda and modern literature with some experience-based inputs. Virus, bacteria, protozoa can be Adrisya Krimi (not visible in necked eye), Anu (minute) and Suksma and Nematodes and fungus are Drisya (Visible) Krimis. Purisaja and Raktaja Krimi can produce Krimija Yakrit Roga as near to Liver and through gut - liver axis and rich circulation of liver. Jvara (Fever), Shula (abdominal pain), Mandagni (low digestive power), Pita Netrata (Jaundice) are cardinal symptom of Krimija Yakrit Roga. In three dosas, Kapha Dosa is more aggravated in Krimija Yakrit Roga. Rakta Vaha Srotas and Purisha Vaha are mostly affected Srotas in Krimija Yakrit Roga. Sahaja Krimi or Avaikarik Krimi are said to be gut microbiota which are more than 100 trillion microorganisms in the gut show high metabolic activity and are continuously helping with the host immune system through gut-liver axis. Krimija Yakrit Roga can be a type of Yakrit Roga which clinically manifested as Yakritdalludara (Hepato megaly) and Yakrit Kshyaya (Cirrhosis of Liver). Successful diagnosis of type of Krimi can be possible though careful history and appropriate microbial and radiological studies for proper treatment of liver diseases

    Ayurvedic treatment outcome for Chronic Liver diseases

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    Currently available medical therapies for liver disorders have more systemic toxicity, cost effective and liver transplantation was advised to many cases. So many patients want to take ayurveda medication as last choice or as a choice due to poverty. We have documented more than 200 cases and found 40% cases are Non Alcoholic Fatty liver diseases followed by Cirrhosis of liver. There are more than three hundred herbo-mineral preparations in Ayurveda system of medicine for the treatment of jaundice and chronic liver diseases. More than 50% people of our country relay on Ayurveda and herbal medicine for liver diseases. Ayurveda medicine could represent a promising tool to postpone the need of liver transplantations, increase the QoL of patients with cirrhosis, and reduce overall treatment costs of Chronic liver diseases. Ayurveda also delivered sodhana ( Purificatory treatment) by means of Panchakarma treatment. Rasayana therapy is very helpful in CLD. Diet has a integral role in Outcome of a CLD patient. Evidences are coming for remission of hepatao-cellular carcinoma and reversal of fibrosis of liver with high life expectancy. So public participation as well as awareness for Ayurveda treatment in Chronic liver diseases are required. Proper training and modern skill development should be mandatory for of Ayurveda Physicians treating liver diseases . More evidences in terms of Ayurveda outcome studies are the need of the hour to create a hope for CLD Patients

    Pathya & Apathya (Wholesome & Unwholesome diet and regimen) in Yakrit Kshaya (Liver Cirrhosis) : A Narrative Review

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    Yakrit Kshaya (Liver Cirrhosis) is associated with vitiated Agni (digestive power), production of Ama (Undigested food) and Anuloma and Pratilomakshyaya (forward and backward depletion of Dhatu). Approximate 20% compensated cirrhosis patients and 65-95% decompensated cirrhosis patient have either Anuloma Dhatu Kshaya (forward depletion) or Pratilomana Dhatu Kshaya (backward depletion) or both types of malnutrition. Pathya (wholesome diet and regimen) is defined as the Ahara (Diet) and Vihara (regimen) that give proper nutrition to body and mind, clear the micro channels of Body (Pantha/Marga/Srotas), and provide happiness; that opposite is Apathya(unwholesome diet and regimen). A Pathya and Apathya chart for Yakrit Kshaya (Liver Cirrhosis) is prepared and presented. Chinta (anxiety), Shoka (depression), Krotha (anger), Duhkha (sorrow), Dukkha Shaiya (uncomforted bed) and Ratrijagarana (insomnia) can contribute for the indigestion even if a small quantity of Pathyaahara (wholesome diet). Normal diet with Goghruta (ghee) prepared from curd (Emulsified fat), Mamsa Rasa, milk can balance the protein. The Yakrit Kshaya patients should eat 6-8 times in small quantity (snax, mini meal ) as their Agni is low to very low. Mid night meal is also advisable for reduce protein breakdown. Restriction of water, sour and salty foods, fast foods are very crucial for the treatment outcome as it create Ama. More research on Pathya (Ayurveda diet) in Yakritkshaya (Liver cirrhosis) is encouraged

    Phyto extracts of Carica papaya and Tinospora cordifolia can correct thrombocytopenia in alcoholic decompensate liver cirrhosis : Case Series

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    Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150 × 109/L) is a frequent complication of decompensate cirrhosis and is considered as an indicator of advanced disease. Carica papaya leaf juice has beneficial effect in thrombocytopenia associated with dengue. Tinospora cordifolia has been shown to prevent the fibrous tissue deposition of liver by modulation of kupffer cell activation. An attempt was taken to observe the usefulness of extract Carica papaya and Tinospora cordifolia in alcoholic decompensate cirrhosis. A market available product Cariden is easily available to the patients which contains Phyto extracts of Carica papaya 1100mg and Tinospora cordifolia 500mg. Phyto extracts of Carica papaya and Tinospora cordifolia can enhance the platelet count within 15 days and it can normalise the platelet within 90 days of therapy in all three cases. Further randomised control trial is suggested

    Ayurveda Practitioners Consensus to Develop Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)

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    Background: The outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been recently declared as Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by World Health Organization and the virus has now spread beyond the boundaries of countries and continents. At present, no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine is available or recommended to counter the COVID-19, and the potential therapy is still symptomatic. Objective: The primary aim of the study is to review ancient classical literatures and past human treatment protocols of Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and flu like illnesses, so as to provide guidance for the prevention of COVID-19. Methods: Classical Ayurveda and recent modern literature with treatment protocols of Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of flu and infectious diseases were reviewed and COVID-19 has been categorized in four specific situations based on the severity of clinical condition. Total 110 Ayurveda practitioners of different parts of India were participated in the survey. These specific situations were conveyed and described to these participants and their opinions and options were collected through social media platform i.e. WhatsApp or SMS. Results: Recommendation and suggestions received from more than 50% participants were taken into accounts to draft the recommendation for probable preventive and therapeutic regimen for the disease. Conclusion: The results obtained in the study may provide a preventive strategy to the Ayurveda practitioners as well as common people across the globe by increasing the innate immunity of the body to combat COVID-19. However, till today, social distancing is considered as most effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19. Further, pilot study for different group is recommended

    Role of Meda (Adipocyte) in Yakrit Vikara (liver diseases) - Ayurveda prospective

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    Meda Dhatu (Adipose tissue) was considered as inert tissue that stores fat only but now it is an endocrine gland which controls coagulation, appetite regulation, immunity, glucose and lipid metabolism, reproduction, angiogenesis, fibrinolysis, body weight homeostasis and vascular tone control. Meda is the fourth Dhatu (stable constituent of body) as per Ayurveda doctrine and resemble with the adipose tissue. Meda can create not only Sthyaulya (Obesity) in general but also organ specific disorders like - Medaja Granthi , Medaja Masurika, Medaja Galaganda, Medaja Vridhi etc. Yakritmeda is found in Sanskrit literature. But Medaja Yakritdalludara or Yakrit Vikar is not enumerated in classical Ayurveda literature. Strong evidences suggested that accumulation of lipids in non-adipose tissues can contribute to cellular dysfunction and cell death, a phenomenon that is called lipotoxicity. Various components of Meda and its function found in Ayurveda literature are discussed. Multiple factors hit hypothesis for Samprapti (pathogenesis) of Medaja Yakrut Vikara (Fatty liver disorders) and its progression with preventive and curative strategies are described with scientific evidences

    Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    10.1016/s0140-6736(21)01169-7The Lancet397102922337-236

    The value of open-source clinical science in pandemic response: lessons from ISARIC

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