9 research outputs found

    Ayurvedic management of Pakshaghata in an Acute Stage - A Case Study

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    Stroke is a major non communicable disease. Hemiplagia is the commonest manifestation of a stroke with neurological deficit and symptoms having sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg most often on one side of the body. In India studies estimate that incidence of stroke varies from 116 to 163 per 100,000 population a/c to ICMR stroke is 4th leading cause of death and 5th leading cause of disability adjusted life year (DALY) . Materials and Methods: A 60 yr old female K/H/O Type 2 DM andHTN was diagnosed with a Avaranajanya Pakshaghata with a clinical feature complete loss of strength and function in left upper and lowerlimb has been treated with Agnilepa, Sarvanga Abhyanga followed by Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda and Dashamula Niruha Basti. Results: After the course of treatment the recovery was promising and worth documenting. Conclusion: CVA is broadly understood under the term Pakshaghata which can be menifest either due to Dhatukshaya or Avarana. In the present case treatment was done based on Avarana concept followed by Kevala Vatavyadhi Chikitsa. Thus the clinical approach to Pakshaghata varies accordingly with the Dosha and Avastha of Vyadhi

    An effective management of collapse compression fracture through Panchakarma - A Case Study

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    Introduction: A Female patient aged 76 years approached our hospital with severe low back pain, inability to sit or stand since 2 weeks. There was no history of injury. On further examination and investigations, it was diagnosed as collapse compression fracture of D12 vertebral body. Materials and Methods: A set of treatment protocols including Vasa Prusta Basti, Majja Matra Bastis were advocated for a period of 60 days. Along with that internal medications like Gandha Taila was given continuosly. Results: The patient started sitting with support in 15 days, without support in 25 days and started standing in 40 days, walking with support in 50 days. Pain in the lowback also relieved and patient got capable of doing her routine activities independently. Discussion: In old age, fractures are difficult to treat. This case study suggest that fracture treatment especially in cases where rest in mainly advised in contemporary medicine, our system of medicine makes the process of healing faster

    Ayurvedic management of Enteropathic arthritis : A Case Study

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    Introduction: A Female patient aged 28 years with chief complaints of reduced appetite, increased frequency of defecation, vague body ache since 10 years approached our OPD. Patient was on eldoper for the past 10 years and recently developed multiple joint pain. This can be diagnosed as Enteropathic arthritis or Vataja grahani. Materials and Methods: A set of treatment principles were adopted including Piccha Basti and Amalaki Rasayana for 30 days. Results: Soon after DeepanaPachana, frequency of defecation reduced to 3-4times/day and further reduced to 1-2 times/day after Piccha Basti. After 30 days, urge for defecation soon after food intake subsided and there was considerable reduction in multiple joint pain. Discussion: There is no cure for this condition as such in modern system of medicine. By following the treatment principles mentioned in Ayurveda, proper Samprapti Vighatana of the disease along with prevention of recurrences can be achieved

    Role of Patrapinda Sweda in Gridrasi w.s.r. to Sciatica

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    Gridhrasi is one of the painful conditions explained in Ayurveda in the context of vatavyadhi, where in the pain from the Sphik radiates to the Kati, Prusta, Uru, Janu, Jangha and upto Pada.[1] It can be compared to Sciatica as there is close resemblance in the manifestation of both the conditions. Sciatica is a relatively common condition with a lifetime incidence varying from 13% to 40%.[2] The corresponding annual incidence of an episode of sciatica ranges from 1% to 5%.[3] Now a days the most common disorder which affects the movement of leg particularly, low back ache out of which 40% are radiating pain that affects daily routine work. Snehana and Swedana are considered as the general line of treatment for Vata Vikaras[4] which can be taken as the line of treatment for Gridrasi. As per the classics, Swedana possesses Stambhaghna, Gauravaghna and Sheetaghna qualities.[5] Patra Pinda Sweda[6] is a form of Sankarasweda where different Vatahara drugs[7] are used. In this procedure, leaves of medicinal plants having Shothahara and Vedanastapana qualities are fried in medicated oil and tied into a Pottali. Thus, it has both Snehana and Swedana effect which helps in reducing the symptoms of Gridrasi. This paper is review of clinical application of Patrapinda Sweda and its efficacy in Gridrasi

    Vaitarana Basti for acute pain management in VataKaphaja Gridhrasi w.s.r. Sciatica - A Case Report

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    Pain is one of the chief factors to visit a doctor. In today’s scenario low back pain is one among the emerging pains faced by 90% of population in their lifetime. Low back pain presents with different symptoms among them, the one with radiating to lower extremities unilaterally or bilaterally is termed as Gridhrasi. Gridhrasi is Shoola Pradhana Nanatamaja Vatavyadhi. The gait of a person resembles with that of Gridhra or Vulture. The condition presents with Ruk, Toda, Stambha, Spandana in Sphik Pradesha and radiates downwards to Kati, Prusta, Uru, Janu, Jangha, and Pada causing Sakthishepanigraha. Vata-Kaphaja type of Gridhrasi involves above symptoms along with Tandra, Gaurava, Arochaka, Bhaktadvesha, Staimitya. Gridhrasi can be compared with Sciatica. Vaitarana Basti is effective in Vata-Kaphaja Vikara’s as well as Shoola Chikitsa. Hence in the case study a male patient of age 28 years presenting with signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi was treated especially focused on acute pain management

    Management strategies of Mootrashmari through Panchakarma

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    Ashmari is a word termed for those objects resembling stone. Acharya Sushruta described it as one of the Ashta-Mahagadas. He also termed it as ‘Yama’ because it gives intolerable pain. Charaka mentioned Ashmari as one of Bastimarmashritha Vyadhi. In modern science, it is correlated with Urolithiasis. Urolithiasis is the condition where urinary stones are formed or located anywhere in the urinary system. In the modern arena, for Mootrashmari (Urolithiasis) surgical procedures are the only treatment of choice which are not conducive enough as they have the disadvantages of high expenditure, side effects and disease recurrence. present era have highly appreciated the importance and therapeutic efficacy of Panchakarma and has become the integral part of Ayurvedic treatment. Therefore, the Panchakarma modalities are the conservative line of treatments to overcome Mootrashmari

    Role of Panchakarma in the management of Parkinson’s Disease : A Case Study

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    Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease is the most common akinetic rigid syndrome. Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is more common in older people. Postural instability and gait difficulty are major problems in PD. Nonmotor symptoms like depression, anxiety and insomnia can affect the quality of life of patients with PD. Long term use of Anti-Parkinson’s drugs, has been known to have adverse side effects like, dry mouth, hallucinations, confusion, anorexia, nausea and diarrhea. An attempt is made here, to reduce the dose of allopathic medicines, manage their side effects, and improve the quality of life with Panchakarma procedures in a 58 year old male who was diagnosed with PD. The patient was examined on the basis of Hoehn and Yahr Scale and was found to be in stage 3 of PD. The patient exhibited symptoms like Vaak-Swara Graha (difficulty in speech) and Gati Sanga (difficulty in walking), which are the Lakshanas of Kaphavrita Udana Vata and Kaphavrita Vyana Vata respectively. Hence, the treatment was aimed at removing Kapha Avarana initially. Next procedure was aimed at Brihmana and pacifying Vata. The doses of allopathic medicines were tapered gradually. The patient was again examined on the basis of Hoehn and Yahr Scale and was found to be in stage 2.5 of PD. Repeated administration of the therapies, either same or different, based on the Avastha of the Vyadhi is advisable. Counselling the patient and modifying their home and workplace such that they can carry out their activities of daily living with ease, have to be given due importance

    Effect of classical Virechana Karma in the management of Eka Kushtha (Psoriasis) - A Case Study

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    Psoriasis is one among the most common clinical conditions encountered in day today clinical practice. Eka-Kushtha has greater resemblance with Psoriasis. The clinical features of Eka-Kushtha mentioned by Acharya Kashyapa represent remission, relapse and seasonal variation which are present in Psoriasis. Current treatment modalities have their own limitation and side effects, so significant result can’t be expected. There is a need for safe and effective treatment for psoriasis, where Ayurveda plays an important role. The basic principles and unique treatment modalities of Ayurveda i.e. Shodhana, Shamana etc. have long lasting results and provide better life to patients. A male patient aged 28 years reported to our department OPD, with signs and symptoms of Eka-Kushtha since 1 years, as small round erythematous scaly patches over groin, face, both the hands and legs with burning sensation, itching and dryness over affected lesion. Patient was treated with Shodhana in the form of Virechana Karma followed by oral medication. The patient reported symptomatic improvement

    Pregnancy Care In Ayurveda

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    Pregnency is a happy and joyous time of life for many women. It can also be challenging time of life as the mothers body goes through numerous changes in order to create and support the development of new life. Ayurveda is an excellent addition to the care provided by medical doctors and midwives. Ayurveda creates support for the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual bodies of the mother and her baby. Promoting the health of mother and baby during pregnancy using Ayurveda begins with a month by month description of developments during pregnancy. It then covers the topics of apanavata, nutrion, the daily routine, yogaasana, meditation, happiness, challenges, herbs as well as herb examples and herb research, classical month by month regimens, preparing for the baby. Pregnancy and child birth are matters of great importance in a woman’s life. A woman needs to be taken care of and made the centre of attention during this phase. The set of rules that are prescribed in Ayurveda are very important for pregnant women. They give you detailed information about the Vichara (thought process), Vihara (lifestyle) and Ahara (Diet) which are recommended to be followed at various stages during the Pregnancy period