22 research outputs found

    Rychlá imlementace analytického programování pro rozsáhlé datasety

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    Import 05/08/2014The aim of this master thesis is to discuss a method useful for spectra analysis -- analytical programming and its fast implementation. My goal is to create mathematical formulas of emission lines from spectra, which are characteristic for Be stars. One issue in performing this task is symbolic regression, which represents the process in our application, when measured data fit the best represented mathematical formula. In past this was only a human domain; nowadays, there are computer methods, which allow us to do it more or less effectively. A novel method in symbolic regression, compared to genetic programming and grammatical evolution, is analytic programming. The aim of this work is to verify the efficiency of the parallel approach of this algorithm, using CUDA architecture, which can be run on a server. Next I will discuss implementation of random decision forest to classify huge amounts of various spectra with the help of mathematical functions obtained via analytical programming, as shown in small example.Tato práce se zaobírá metodou, kterou lze dobře využít pro analýzu spekter -- analytickým programováním a jeho rychlou realizací. Mým cílem je vytvořit matematické vzorce emisních čar ze spekter, která jsou charakteristická pro Be hvězdy. Jedním z možných řešení tohoto úkolu je symbolická regrese, která v naší aplikaci představuje proces, kdy naměřená data jsou namodelované na nejlépe reprezentující matematický vzorec. V současné době existují počítačové metody, které nám umožňují provádět tyto výpočty více, či méně efektivně. Novou metodou v symbolické regresi, ve srovnání s genetickým programováním a gramatickou evolucí, je analytické programování. Cílem této práce je ověřit efektivitu paralelního přístupu tohoto algoritmu, pomocí CUDA architektury, který lze spustit na serveru. Dále se budu zabývat realizací náhodných rozhodovacích lesů, které mohou být požité ke klasifikování obrovského množství různých spekter s pomocí matematických funkcí získaných pomocí analytického programování, jak je uvedeno v malém příkladu.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Towards modular verification of pathways: fairness and assumptions

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    Modular verification is a technique used to face the state explosion problem often encountered in the verification of properties of complex systems such as concurrent interactive systems. The modular approach is based on the observation that properties of interest often concern a rather small portion of the system. As a consequence, reduced models can be constructed which approximate the overall system behaviour thus allowing more efficient verification. Biochemical pathways can be seen as complex concurrent interactive systems. Consequently, verification of their properties is often computationally very expensive and could take advantage of the modular approach. In this paper we report preliminary results on the development of a modular verification framework for biochemical pathways. We view biochemical pathways as concurrent systems of reactions competing for molecular resources. A modular verification technique could be based on reduced models containing only reactions involving molecular resources of interest. For a proper description of the system behaviour we argue that it is essential to consider a suitable notion of fairness, which is a well-established notion in concurrency theory but novel in the field of pathway modelling. We propose a modelling approach that includes fairness and we identify the assumptions under which verification of properties can be done in a modular way. We prove the correctness of the approach and demonstrate it on the model of the EGF receptor-induced MAP kinase cascade by Schoeberl et al.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2012, arXiv:1211.347


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    Electromobility is currently the most dynamic and developing technological innovation in the field of the passenger and freight transportation. Key aspects of its dynamic development include especially the operational costs of electric vehicles and the ecologization of transportation by using electric-drive vehicles. For the above-mentioned key aspects, the more massive increase in the use of electromobility is recorded especially in the field of “city logistics”. Our research activities are dedicated to identifying barriers and opportunities of sale promotion and using of electric vehicles by conventional transport users. Consumers consider many factors when buying a car, but in terms of the automotive market, purchasing power of the population and marketing support of electromobility in the Slovak Republic, the aspect of ecology of transportation and long-term cost efficiency are not the primary criteria for their decision-making process. We conducted primary quantitative pre-research by inquiry method via standardized online questionnaire that addressed some topics: (1) consumer interest in environmental protection; (2) consumer awareness and knowledge about electromobility; and (3) consumer buying behaviour in the context of electromobility development. Based on the results of consumer pre-research and analysis of legislative, economic and social conditions, the aim of this paper is to identify barriers and possibilities for development of electromobility and to suggest recommendations for the automotive industry (manufacturers and retailers of electric vehicles, associations of electromobility, companies providing electric vehicle services (charging stations), government institutions and the non-profit sector


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    Electromobility is currently the most dynamic and developing technological innovation in the field of the passenger and freight transportation. Key aspects of its dynamic development include especially the operational costs of electric vehicles and the ecologization of transportation by using electric-drive vehicles. For the above-mentioned key aspects, the more massive increase in the use of electromobility is recorded especially in the field of “city logistics”. Our research activities are dedicated to identifying barriers and opportunities of sale promotion and using of electric vehicles by conventional transport users. Consumers consider many factors when buying a car, but in terms of the automotive market, purchasing power of the population and marketing support of electromobility in the Slovak Republic, the aspect of ecology of transportation and long-term cost efficiency are not the primary criteria for their decision-making process. We conducted primary quantitative pre-research by inquiry method via standardized online questionnaire that addressed some topics: (1) consumer interest in environmental protection; (2) consumer awareness and knowledge about electromobility; and (3) consumer buying behaviour in the context of electromobility development. Based on the results of consumer pre-research and analysis of legislative, economic and social conditions, the aim of this paper is to identify barriers and possibilities for development of electromobility and to suggest recommendations for the automotive industry (manufacturers and retailers of electric vehicles, associations of electromobility, companies providing electric vehicle services (charging stations), government institutions and the non-profit sector


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    Macro-defect-free (MDF) materials belong, according to Odler’s categorisation, to the type of materials where polymers may be successfully combined with cements and water to produce also the parameters of technological novelty and interests. A challenge, which has not been followed or indicated by now, is the option to intensify mixing of dry cement and polymer. The mechanochemical pre-reactions of dry MDF raw mixes consisting of Portland cement and polyphosphate, together with the model of atomic-level interpretations of the formed functional interfaces are proposed, experimentally tested and discussed in the present paper. The results ultimately show the activation of studied system due to the mechanochemical treatment, which consists in the initiation and measurable formation of Al(Fe)–O–P cross-links already in the treated raw mixes. The mechanochemical activation of raw mixes in the high energy planetary mill for the duration of 5 minutes is proposed as the specific mixing and activation / pre-reaction step within the entire MDF synthesis procedure

    Influence of health-conscious consumer behaviour on consumer ethnocentrism during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The aim of the article is fourfold: (1) to identify the level of health consciousness during the pandemic in Slovakia and Croatia, and to point out the possible influence of selected demographic factors on this rate, (2) to identify the degree of consumer ethnocentrism during the pandemic in Slovakia and Croatia and to examine the impact of selected demographic factors to this extent, (3) to examine the link between health consciousness as a factor affecting consumer ethnocentrism and (4) to identify differences in the studied variables of Croatia and Slovakia. The article is supported by a primary survey based on 459 respondents in Croatia and 429 respondents in Slovakia. Whilst referring to our aims, we formulated research questions and hypotheses, in order to answer and verify them we chose ANOVA test and regression analysis. The results point to a high level of respondents’ health awareness and an average (in the case of Slovakia) and aboveaverage (in the case of Croatia) rate of consumer ethnocentrism. The results indicate a low relationship between the variables examined. Results can be applied both in theory and in practice in various fields

    Gaussian Blurred Mean-Shift: Implemetation and Experiments

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    Import 04/07/2011Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je zoznámenie sa s metódou segmentácie obrazu tzv. Gaussovský "Blurring Mean-shift", jej efektívnou implementáciou a následne experimentálne overiť jej chovanie. Na rozdiel od človeka, počítač nie je schopný samostatne rozlíšiť objekty na obrázku. K tomu mu dopomáhajú segmentačné algoritmy. V úvodnej časti sa venujem popisu metódy "mean-shift", ako jednému z účinných algoritmov pre segmentáciu obrazu. V ďalšej časti som sa dostal už priamo ku Gaussovmu "blurring mean shift", kde som popísal jeho funkciu a možnosť jeho zrýchlenia. Pre implementáciu som využil multiplatformnú knižnicu Qt, Qt SDK a programovací jazyk C/C++. Pomocou experimentov som sa zoznámil s chovaním metódy a výsledky následne zdokumetoval v tejto práci.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to get familiarized with the method in image segmentation called Gaussian "Blurring Mean-shift", its effective implementation and then experimentally verify its behavior. In contrast to human, computer is unable to recognize objects in the image. This do segmentation algorithms. The introduction deals with the description of the method "mean-shift", as one of efficient algorithms for image segmentation. In the next section, I describe directly the Gaussian "Blurring mean-shift", its function and the possibility of its acceleration. Implementation was made with multiplatform library Qt, Qt SDK and programming language C/C++. I used some experiments to get familiarized with behaving of the methods and my results afterwards documented in this thesis.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Techniques for Production Quality Control in the Global Company

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    In this article, the production quality control in the global company that works on the principle of World Class Manufacturing was described. The occurrence of a human error can be caused by a misunderstanding of the procedure, disregard of the instruction manual, and lack of organization in the workplace as well as lack of product or process understanding. Quality control is a wide-used managerial tool for carrying out tasks in order to provide continuity, avoid negative adjustments and retain the current state. Quality monitoring can be performed through three classic managerial procedures and it can be said that quality control is the best tool in today´s environment