15 research outputs found

    The relationship between math anxiety and math performance: The moderating role of visuospatial working memory

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    According to the processing efficiency theory (PET), math anxiety would interfere with working memory resources, negatively affecting mathematical abilities. To date, few studies have explored how the interaction between math anxiety and working memory would affect different types of math tasks, especially in primary school children. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore whether the interplay between math anxiety and working memory would influence performance in numerical operations (i.e., math fluency task) and mathematical reasoning (i.e., math reasoning task) in a group of primary school children (N = 202). Results showed that visuospatial working memory appeared to moderate the relationship between math anxiety and math performance when the math fluency task was considered, indicating that participants with higher levels of working memory were more negatively affected by math anxiety. No interaction effect was found for the math reasoning task in which students’ scores were explained only by visuospatial working memory. The findings suggest that math anxiety and visuospatial working memory interact to influence performance in the math fluency task and that this effect may vary depending on the strategies used to complete the task. On the other hand, results on the math reasoning task showed that visuospatial working memory continues to have a positive effect on the math performance independently of math anxiety. The implications in the educational setting are discussed, pointing to the importance of monitoring and intervention studies on affective factors

    Math self-efficacy or anxiety? The role of emotional and motivational contribution in math performance

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    Various studies have highlighted the important influence of math ability in a numerate society. In this study, we investigated the influence of emotional (math anxiety and math enjoyment) and cognitive-motivational (math self-efficacy) factors on math performance. Participants were 145 fifth-grade students (84 boys and 61 girls). The results showed that math performance was negatively correlated with math anxiety and positively correlated with math enjoyment and math self-efficacy. Moreover, math anxiety was negatively associated with enjoyment in math and math self-efficacy, whereas math enjoyment was positively correlated with math self-efficacy. Hierarchical regression analysis showed a significant influence of math anxiety and math self-efficacy on math performance in fifth-grade students. Results are discussed in terms of a new perspective in emotional and motivational factors to train in school contexts

    Enhancing math learning with the new digital device “MagiCal”: a pilot study

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    The present pilot study aims to develop and evaluate the effects of a new digital device – the calculator MagiCal – in enhancing children’s math learning. MagiCal is designed to integrate the symbolic and non-symbolic representation of numbers, as well as motor activity Twenty-nine children from second grade were randomly assigned to a training group with MagiCal or to an active control group (literacy training). Children’s math abilities (math fluency, written computation, and number comparison), math anxiety and test anxiety were measured before and after the training. Compared to the active control group, the children of the MagiCal group demonstrated a significant improvement in math fluency and written computation. However, no differences were observed in comparing numbers, math anxiety and text anxiety in the two groups.Nel presente studio pilota si Ăš sviluppato un nuovo dispositivo digitale – la calcolatrice MagiCal – volto a promuovere l’apprendimento matematico. MagiCal integra la rappresentazione numerica simbolica e non simbolica, nonchĂ© l’esperienza motoria. Ventinove bambini frequentanti la seconda classe della Scuola primaria sono stati divisi in gruppo training con MagiCal o gruppo di controllo attivo (training sulla lettura). Prima e dopo il training, si sono misurate le abilitĂ  matematiche dei bambini (fluenza del calcolo, calcolo scritto e confronto numerico), l’ansia per la matematica e l’ansia da test. Rispetto al gruppo di controllo attivo, i bambini del gruppo training hanno dimostrato un miglioramento significativo nelle prove di fluenza del calcolo e del calcolo scritto. Non si sono osservate differenze per il confronto numerico, l’ansia per la matematica e da test

    The Role of Emotional Aspects on Arithmetic Word Problem-Solving in Primary School Children

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    Previous studies found emotional factors, such as math anxiety, to be consistently related to students’ poor math performance. However, less is known about the link between math anxiety and children’s arithmetic word problem-solving achievement. A construct that seems to be associated with anxiety is the perceived task difficulty: judgments of difficulty may arouse feelings of worry which negatively impact students’ performance. In this presentation, data on the contributions of math anxiety and perceived task difficulty to arithmetic word problem-solving performance among primary school students will be reported. Fifth graders were administered a math anxiety scale, an arithmetic word problem task and a task evaluating the perception of problems’ difficulty. In particular, the arithmetic problem-solving task included compare problems which contain a relational term (e.g., more than and less than) that compares the value of two variables. Results revealed that math anxiety significantly predicted students’ problem-solving achievement and it completely mediated the relationship between perceived task difficulty and problem-solving performance. Moreover, a gender difference in math anxiety was found. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings will be discussed

    PHOTOMATH INC., Photomath, 2018 (versione 5.0.3)

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    Podpora učencem z učnimi težavami pri matematiki: intervencije in posledice za pouk (Supporting students with mathematical learning disabilities: interventions and educational implications)

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    Students with mathematic learning disabilities (MLD) exhibit difficulties in a broad range of math competencies. The focus of the present contribution is to provide an overview of some current treatment approaches for MLD children and propose some educational implications. After highlighting the importance to address students’ difficulties in math early in development, we then describe some specific intervention programs and educational protocols for strengthening arithmetic skills and improving word problem-solving. Trainings intended to foster domain-general cognitive factors such as memory and executive functions are also illustrated. We conclude by reporting results of recent trainings aimed to reduce negative emotions in math learning

    The Development of Strategies for Solving Arithmetic Word Problems: Using Keywords or Diagrams?

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    Solving simple arithmetic word problems is a major ability that children mustacquire while in primary education. Yet, many students struggle with thismaths task. The aim of the present contribution is to give an overview of how toeffectively support problem-solving abilities in school-age children. For manydecades a very popular problem-solving practice has been the keyword strat-egy. By describing difficulties that students encounter with inconsistent lan-guage problems (i.e. problems where the language featured in the problemtext steers the student towards an inappropriate mathematical operation), wehighlight the superficiality and inappropriateness of this approach. In future,practitioners should rather focus on teaching children to integrate the prob-lem’s textual information into an adequate mental representation, which is thebasis for a successful solution strategy. As such, two methods that emphasizethe use of visual representations, such as diagrams, are described

    Distance learning environment: perspective of Italian primary and secondary teachers during COVID-19 pandemic

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    : School closures because of the COVID-19 emergency forced a rapid transition to distance learning worldwide. In this study, we investigated teachers' experiences with distance learning during the first Italian lockdown. A sample of 270 primary and secondary teachers answered a semi-structured questionnaire administered between April and May 2020. Didactic modalities, students' and teachers' difficulties with distance learning, and teachers' feelings during school closure were investigated through open-ended questions. Content analysis indicated that most teachers adopted both synchronous and asynchronous modalities, which resembled the traditional classroom learning environment. Moreover, technological weaknesses (lack of proper digital equipment and poor digital skills) and lack of interactions appeared to be the main threats to the quality of distance learning. The implementation of distance learning in primary schools emerged as more challenging than in secondary education. Furthermore, most teachers experienced negative feelings during online teaching. However, 13% of the sample reported a sense of resilience and opportunity. Particularly, older teachers reported more resilience compared with younger teachers, indicating the importance of experience in managing stressful teaching events. Overall, findings suggest that-in this novel educational environment-teachers' role has changed significantly, placing strong emphasis on the ability to encourage communication, discussion, and contact with students. Future work should focus on how information and communications technology could sustain meaningful interactions between students and teachers, especially in primary education

    Arithmetic word problems: an analysis of factors underlying their difficulty

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    Solving arithmetic word problems is a fundamental skill that children must learn in the learning of mathematics. However, many students perform weakly on these tasks, even if they can successfully solve corresponding arithmetic computation exercises. This suggests that aspects other than mathematical skills contribute to problem solving success. The present contribution gives an overview of the research literature on word problems and identifies three factors behind students’ difficulties: (a) word problem attributes, (b) individual capabilities, and (c) environmental factors. We will discuss the impact of each component on word problem solving skills and explain the need to consider all factors when developing efficient intervention programs. Implications in terms of educational practices are also discussed.Risolvere problemi aritmetici di tipo verbale ù un’abilità fondamentale che i bambini devono acquisire a partire dalla scuola primaria. Si ù riscontrato, tuttavia, che molti alunni presentano delle difficoltà marcate nell’affrontare questi compiti, nonostante presentino delle buone abilità di calcolo. Questo dato suggerisce che tale abilità di soluzione richieda di prendere in considerazione diverse componenti rispetto la mera conoscenza delle procedure aritmetiche. Il presente contributo fornisce una panoramica della letteratura sui problemi verbali, distinguendo tre fattori alla base delle loro difficoltà: (a) caratteristiche del problema, (b) caratteristiche dell’individuo e (c) fattori ambientali. Verrà inoltre discusso l’impatto di ciascun aspetto sulla soluzione dei problemi e si evidenzieranno alcune implicazioni didattiche

    Music education and the development of executive functions: an exploratory study

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    Several studies have shown that music education may foster the development of executive functions (EF), a set of cognitive skills involved in memory, attention and the ability to inhibit distracting stimuli. However, the literature on the impact of music training on EF is still scarce. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate different components of EF, comparing children who were involved in musical activities with a group that was not. Results revealed that children who performed musical activities showed greater accuracy in inhibition tasks compared to children who did not attend music activities. Our findings are in agreement with the literature data, suggesting that music education can be a key intervention strategy to promote the development of EF, especially in the first years of primary school.Diversi studi hanno mostrato come l’educazione musicale sembri favorire lo sviluppo delle funzioni esecutive (FE), un insieme di abilità cognitive coinvolte nella memoria, nel mantenimento dell’attenzione e nella capacità di inibire stimoli distraenti. Tuttavia, queste abilità sono state poco indagate precocemente in età scolare e in relazione all’educazione musicale. Per questo motivo, lo scopo del presente studio ù stato quello di indagare diverse componenti delle FE, confrontando un campione di bambini che svolge percorsi di educazione musicale con un gruppo che non svolge tali attività nei primi anni della scuola primaria. I risultati hanno mostrato come i bambini che conducono attività musicali abbiano un’accuratezza maggiore nei compiti di controllo dell’inibizione, rispetto ai bambini che non ne svolgono nessuna. I risultati sembrano supportare le evidenze descritte in letteratura, suggerendo come l’educazione musicale possa essere una strategia di intervento chiave per apportare benefici allo sviluppo delle FE, in particolar modo nei primi anni di età scolare