11,135 research outputs found

    Evaluation of range and distortion tolerance for high Mach number transonic stages

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    Designing transonic compressors for investigating distortion tolerance of high tip speed fan stage

    AgRISTARS: Interim catalog ground data summary, data acquisition year 1979

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    To honor numerous requests for information about data holdings, and to facilitate the requirements specifications process, a series of interim catalogs are being developed. The 1979 data acquisition year is covered in this volume with subsequent years to follow under different covers. This catalog lists by state those sample segment numbers for which aircraft data has been acquired and/or field inventory products produced

    Attenuation of upstream-generated low frequency noise by gas turbines

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    The acoustic transfer functions of low frequency (below 3500 Hz) noise through aircraft turbines were investigated. Model test results were compared with theoretical predictions in order to assess the validity of the theory. Component tests were conducted on both high pressure and low pressure model turbines. The influence of inlet temperature and turbine speed attenuation was evaluated, while the effects of turbine pressure ratio, blade-row choking, and additional downstream stages were determined. Preliminary identification of pertinent aeroacoustic correlating parameters was made

    Existing motor state is favored at the expense of new movement during 13-35 Hz oscillatory synchrony in the human corticospinal system

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    Oscillations in local field potentials in the β-frequency band (13-35 Hz) are a pervasive feature of human and nonhuman primate motor cortical areas. However, the function of such synchronous activity across populations of neurons remains unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that β activity may promote existing motor set and posture while compromising processing related to new movements. Three experiments were performed. First, healthy subjects were instructed to make reaction time movements of the outstretched index finger in response to imperative cues triggered by transient increases in corticospinal synchrony, as evidenced by phasic elevations of β-frequency band microtremor and intermuscular synchrony. Second, healthy subjects were instructed to resist a stretch to the index finger triggered in the same way. Finger acceleration in the reaction time task and transcortical components of the stretch reflex were measured and compared with those elicited by random cue or stretch presentation. Finally, we sought a correlation between finger acceleration in the reaction time task and cortical synchrony directly measured from the electrocorticogram in two patients undergoing functional neurosurgery. We demonstrate that movements are slowed and transcortical responses to stretch are potentiated during periods of elevated β-band cortical synchrony. The results suggest that physiological periods of β synchrony are associated with a cortical state in which postural set is reinforced, but the speed of new movements impaired. The findings are of relevance to Parkinson's disease, in which subcortical and cortical β-band synchronization is exaggerated in the setting of increased tone and slowed movements

    Core noise investigation of the CF6-50 turbofan engine

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    Acoustic data obtained during the running of the CF6-50 turbofan engine on an outdoor test stand are presented. The test was conducted to acquire simultaneous internal and far-field measurements to determine the influence of internally generated noise on the far-field measurements. The data includes internal and far-field narrowband and one-third octave band pressure spectra

    Experimental clean combustor program, phase 3: Noise measurement addendum

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    The acoustic characteristics of the double annular combustor in a CF6-50 high bypass turbofan engine were investigated. Internal fluctuating pressure measurements were made in the combustor region and in the core exhaust. The transmission loss across the turbine and nozzle was determined from the measurements and compared to previous component results and present theory. The primary noise source location in the combustor was investigated. Spectral comparisons of test rig results were made with the engine results. The measured overall power level was compared with component and engine correlating parameters

    Mediation and Judicial Review: An empirical research study

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    The aim of this research is to establish an independent evidence base for identifying the value and the limits of mediation as an alternative to, or used alongside, judicial review. It has been devised in response to claims made by government and mediation providers that mediation can lead to savings in costs as well as in court time, and provide remedies and solutions to disputes that cannot be offered by the court. These claims will be considered in the specifi c context of judicial review, which not only has an important constitutional function, but, compared to other forms of civil litigation, offers flexibility, low costs and speed

    Core noise investigation of the CF6-50 turbofan engine

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    The contribution of the standard production annular combustor to the far-field noise signature of the CF6-50 engine was investigated. Internal source locations were studied. Transfer functions were determined for selected pairs of combustor sensors and from two internal sensors to the air field. The coherent output power was determined in the far-field measurements, and comparisons of measured overall power level were made with component and engine correlating parameters

    Evaluation of the in-flight noise signature of a 32-chute suppressor nozzle: Acoustic data report

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    Outdoor static and 40 x 80 FT wind tunnel tests of the J79-15 engine/nacelle system with the conic nozzle and 32-chute exhaust suppressor were conducted to acquire the data necessary to evaluate the simulated in-flight signature of an engine-size 32-chute exhaust nozzle suppressor using the 40 x 80 ft wind tunnel and to study possible engine core noise contamination of the jet signature. The tests are described and and a sampling of the data acquired is presented. Included are aero performance summaries, as-measured and composite 1/3 OBSPL spectra for the 70 ft sideline high and low mics from the outdoor static tests, sideline traverse spectra and internal noise measurements from both the outdoor static and the 40 x 80 ft wind tunnel tests