52 research outputs found

    Characterization of a Clp Protease Gene Regulator and the Reaeration Response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) enters a non-replicating state when exposed to low oxygen tension, a condition the bacillus encounters in granulomas during infection. Determining how mycobacteria enter and maintain this state is a major focus of research. However, from a public health standpoint the importance of latent TB is its ability to reactivate. The mechanism by which mycobacteria return to a replicating state upon re-exposure to favorable conditions is not understood. In this study, we utilized reaeration from a defined hypoxia model to characterize the adaptive response of MTB following a return to favorable growth conditions. Global transcriptional analysis identified the ∼100 gene Reaeration Response, induced relative to both log-phase and hypoxic MTB. This response includes chaperones and proteases, as well as the transcription factor Rv2745c, which we characterize as a Clp protease gene regulator (ClgR) orthologue. During reaeration, genes repressed during hypoxia are also upregulated in a wave of transcription that includes genes crucial to transcription, translation and oxidative phosphorylation and culminates in bacterial replication. In sum, this study defines a new transcriptional response of MTB with potential relevance to disease, and implicates ClgR as a regulator involved in resumption of replication following hypoxia

    From spatial ecology to spatial epidemiology: Modeling spatial distributions of different cancer types with principal coordinates of neighbor matrices

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    Epidemiology and ecology share many fundamental research questions. Here we describe how principal coordinates of neighbor matrices (PCNM), a method from spatial ecology, can be applied to spatial epidemiology. PCNM is based on geographical distances among sites and can be applied to any set of sites providing a good coverage of a study area. In the present study, PCNM eigenvectors corresponding to positive autocorrelation were used as explanatory variables in linear regressions to model incidences of eight most common cancer types in Finnish municipalities (n = 320). The dataset was provided by the Finnish Cancer Registry and it included altogether 615,839 cases between 1953 and 2010. Results: PCNM resulted in 165 vectors with a positive eigenvalue. The first PCNM vector corresponded to the wavelength of hundreds of kilometers as it contrasted two main subareas so that municipalities located in southwestern Finland had the highest positive site scores and those located in midwestern Finland had the highest negative scores in that vector. Correspondingly, the 165thPCNM vector indicated variation mainly between the two small municipalities located in South Finland. The vectors explained 13 - 58% of the spatial variation in cancer incidences. The number of outliers having standardized residual > |3| was very low, one to six per model, and even lower, zero to two per model, according to Chauvenet's criterion. The spatial variation of prostate cancer was best captured (adjusted r 2= 0.579). Conclusions: PCNM can act as a complementary method to causal modeling to achieve a better understanding of the spatial structure of both the response and explanatory variables, and to assess the spatial importance of unmeasured explanatory factors. PCNM vectors can be used as proxies for demographics and causative agents to deal with autocorrelation, multicollinearity, and confounding variables. PCNM may help to extend spatial epidemiology to areas with limited availability of registers, improve cost-effectiveness, and aid in identifying unknown causative agents, and predict future trends in disease distributions and incidences. A large advantage of using PCNM is that it can create statistically valid reflectors of real predictors for disease incidence models with only little resources and background information

    Development and pilot evaluation of a home-based palliative care training and support package for young children in southern Africa

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    Background The leading cause of death among young children in southern Africa is complications due to HIV infection and, in South Africa, over a third of all deaths of children younger than five are associated with HIV infection. There is a great and urgent need for children’s palliative care in Africa, whether HIV-related or not. It is often not possible for sick children and their carers to attend clinics and hospitals cannot accommodate children for long periods of time. As a result children are often cared for in their own homes where caregivers require support to provide informed and sensitive care to reduce children’s suffering. Home-care places a heavy burden on families, communities and home- and community-based care workers. Methods This project involved the development and pilot evaluation of a training and support package to guide home and community-based care workers to help caregivers of seriously ill young children at home in southern Africa. A number of research methods were used, including a cross-sectional survey of content experts using the Delphi technique, participatory action research with photo elicitation and qualitative thematic analysis. Results Because the palliative care needs of these children are complex, the package focuses on delivering 9 key messages essential to improving the quality of care provided for young children. Once the key messages were developed, culturally relevant stories were constructed to enhance the understanding, retention and enactment of the messages. The various research methods used, including literature reviews, the Delphi technique and photo-elicitation ensured that the content included in the package was medically sound and culturally relevant, acceptable, feasible, and comprehensive. The end product is a home-based paediatric palliative care training and support package in English designed to help train community workers who are in a position to support families to care for very sick young children at home as well as to support families in looking after a very sick child. Conclusion A pilot study to assess the training and support package found it to be useful in delivering the key messages to caregivers. The training component was found to be feasible. It is concluded that the package offers a practical means of integrating palliative care with home-based care. Further implementation and evaluation is needed to establish its utility and impact

    TEL/AML1 fusion resulting from a cryptic t(12;21) is the most common genetic lesion in pediatric ALL and defines a subgroup of patients with an excellent prognosis

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    The t(12;21)(p13;q22) is identified by routine cytogenetics in less than 0.05% of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. This translocation encodes a TEL/AML-1 chimeric product comprising the helix-loop-helix domain of TEL, a member of the ETS-like family of transcription factors, fused to AML-1, the DNA-binding subunit of the AML-1/CBFβ transcription factor complex. Both TEL and AML-1 are involved in several myeloid leukemia-associated translocations with AML-1/CBFβ being altered in 20-30% of de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cases. We now demonstrate that a TEL/AML1 chimeric transcript encoded by a cryptic t(12;21) is observed in 22% of pediatric ALL, making it the most common genetic lesion in these patients. Moreover, TEL/AML1 expression defined a distinct subgroup of patients characterized by an age between 1 and 10 years, B lineage immunophenotype, nonhyperdiploid DNA content and an excellent prognosis. These data demonstrate that molecular diagnostic approaches are invaluable in identifying clinically distinct subgroups, and that the AML1/CBFβ transcription complex is the most frequent target of chromosomal rearrangements in human leukemia.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Early T-cell precursor leukaemia: a subtype of very high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

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    BACKGROUND: About a fifth of children with acute -lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) succumb to the disease, suggesting an unrecognised biological heterogeneity that might contribute to drug resistance. We postulated that T-ALL originating from early T-cell precursors (ETPs), a recently defined subset of thymocytes that retain stem-cell-like features, would respond poorly to lymphoid-cell-directed therapy. We studied leukaemic cells, collected at diagnosis, to identify cases with ETP features and determine their clinical outcome. METHODS: Leukaemic cells from 239 patients with T-ALL enrolled at St Jude Children's Research Hospital (n=139) and in the Italian national study Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica (AIEOP) ALL-2000 (n=100) were assessed by gene-expression profiling, flow cytometry, and single nucleotide polymorphism array analysis. Probabilities of survival and treatment failure were calculated for subgroups considered to have ETP-ALL or typical T-ALL. FINDINGS: 30 patients (12.6%) had leukaemic lymphoblasts with an ETP-related gene-expression signature or its associated distinctive immunophenotype (CD1a(-), CD8(-), CD5(weak) with stem-cell or myeloid markers). Cases of ETP-ALL showed increased genomic instability, in terms of number and size of gene lesions, compared with those with typical T-ALL. Patients with this form of leukaemia had high risk of remission failure or haematological relapse (72% [95% CI 40-100] at 10 years vs 10% [4-16] at 10 years for patients with typical T-ALL treated at St Jude Children's Research Hospital; and 57% [25-89] at 2 years vs 14% [6-22] at 2 years for patients treated in the AIEOP trial). INTERPRETATION: ETP-ALL is a distinct, previously unrecognised, pathobiological entity that confers a poor prognosis with use of standard intensive chemotherapy. Its early recognition, by use of the gene expression and immunophenotypic criteria outlined here, is essential for the development of an effective clinical management strategy. FUNDING: US National Cancer Institute, Cariplo Foundation, Citta della Speranza Foundation, Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC), Italian Ministry for University and Research, and American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC)
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