1,595 research outputs found

    Neutron--Antineutron Oscillations at the Surface of Nuclei

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    We discuss some aspects of possible neutron--antineutron oscillations in nuclei. The phenomenon occurs mostly at the surface of nuclei, and hence {\sl i)} is not very sensitive to medium corrections and {\sl ii)} makes use of the antinucleon-nucleus interaction in a region probed by experiments at CERN.Comment: Contr. Oak Ridge Workshop on Workshop on Baryon Instability, Latex, 4 pages, comments to [email protected]

    Mutual information for examining correlations in DNA

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    This paper examines two methods for finding whether long-range correlations exist in DNA: a fractal measure and a mutual information technique. We evaluate the performance and implications of these methods in detail. In particular we explore their use comparing DNA sequences from a variety of sources. Using software for performing in silico mutations, we also consider evolutionary events leading to long range correlations and analyse these correlations using the techniques presented. Comparisons are made between these virtual sequences, randomly generated sequences, and real sequences. We also explore correlations in chromosomes from different species.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Sigma Exchange in the Nonmesonic Decays of Light Hypernuclei and Violation of the Delta I=1/2 Rule

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    Nonmesonic weak decays of s-shell hypernuclei are analyzed in microscopic models for the Lambda N to NN weak interaction. A scalar-isoscalar meson, sigma, is introduced and its importance in accounting the decay rates, n/p ratios and proton asymmetry is demonstrated. Possible violation of the Delta I=1/2 rule in the nonmesonic weak decay of Lambda is discussed in a phenomenological analysis and several useful constraints are presented. The microscopic calculation shows that the current experimental data indicate a large violation of the Delta I=1/2 rule, although no definite conclusion can be derived due to large ambiguity of the decay rate of {^4_Lambda H}.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Monoenergetic proton beams accelerated by a radiation pressure driven shock

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    High energy ion beams (> MeV) generated by intense laser pulses promise to be viable alternatives to conventional ion beam sources due to their unique properties such as high charge, low emittance, compactness and ease of beam delivery. Typically the acceleration is due to the rapid expansion of a laser heated solid foil, but this usually leads to ion beams with large energy spread. Until now, control of the energy spread has only been achieved at the expense of reduced charge and increased complexity. Radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) provides an alternative route to producing laser-driven monoenergetic ion beams. In this paper, we show the interaction of an intense infrared laser with a gaseous hydrogen target can produce proton spectra of small energy spread (~ 4%), and low background. The scaling of proton energy with the ratio of intensity over density (I/n) indicates that the acceleration is due to the shock generated by radiation-pressure driven hole-boring of the critical surface. These are the first high contrast mononenergetic beams that have been theorised from RPA, and makes them highly desirable for numerous ion beam applications

    Limits on \boldmath n {\bar n} oscillations from nuclear stability

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    The relationship between the lower limit on the nuclear stability lifetime as derived from the non disappearance of `stable` nuclei (Td  5.4 × 1031T_{d}~\gtrsim~5.4~\times~10^{31} yr), and the lower limit thus implied on the oscillation time (τnnˉ)(\tau_{n \bar n}) of a possibly underlying neutron-antineutron oscillation process, is clarified by studying the time evolution of the nuclear decay within a simple model which respects unitarity. The order-of-magnitude result τnnˉ2(Td/Γnˉ)1/2>2×108\tau_{n \bar n} \approx 2 (T_{d}/\Gamma_{\bar n})^{1/2} > 2 \times 10^{8} sec, where Γnˉ\Gamma_{\bar n} is a typical nˉ\bar n nuclear annihilation width, agrees as expected with the limit on τnnˉ\tau_{n \bar n} established by several detailed nuclear physics calculations, but sharply disagreeing by 15 orders of magnitude with a claim published recently in Phys. Rev. CRAP.Comment: 8 pages; this PRC version (accepted for publication, November 4 1999) differs from the original version only by a few minor editorial change

    Some comments on nˉp\bar n p-annihilation branching ratios into ππ\pi \pi-, KˉK\bar K K- and πη\pi \eta-channels

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    We give some remarks on the nˉp\bar n p-partial branching ratios in flight at low momenta of antineutron, measured by OBELIX collaboration. The comparison is made to the known branching ratios from the ppˉp \bar p-atomic states. The branching ratio for the reaction nˉpπ+π0\bar n p \to \pi^+\pi^0 is found to be suppressed in comparison to what follows from the ppˉ p \bar p-data. It is also shown, that there is no so called dynamic I=0-amplitude suppression for the process NNˉKKˉN\bar N \to K\bar K.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Critical Examination of the "Field-Theoretical Approach" to the Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations in Nuclei

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    We demonstrate that so called "infrared divergences" which have been discussed in some publications during several years, do not appear within the correct treatment of analytical properties of the transition amplitudes, in particular, of the second order pole structure of the amplitudes describing the nnˉn - \bar n transition in nuclei. Explicit calculation with the help of the Feynman diagram technique shows that the neutron-antineutron oscillations are strongly suppressed in the deuteron, as well as in heavier nuclei, in comparison with the oscillations in vacuum. General advantages and some difficulties of the field theoretical methods applied in nuclear theory are reminded for the particular example of the parity violating npdγnp\to d\gamma capture amplitude.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; prepared for Eur.Phys.J.

    Neutron Star Constraints on the H Dibaryon

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    We study the influence of a possible H dibaryon condensate on the equation of state and the overall properties of neutron stars whose population otherwise contains nucleons and hyperons. In particular, we are interested in the question of whether neutron stars and their masses can be used to say anything about the existence and properties of the H dibaryon. We find that the equation of state is softened by the appearance of a dibaryon condensate and can result in a mass plateau for neutron stars. If the limiting neutron star mass is about that of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar a condensate of H dibaryons of vacuum mass 2.2 GeV and a moderately attractive potential in the medium could not be ruled out. On the other hand, if the medium potential were even moderately repulsive, the H, would not likely exist in neutron stars. If neutron stars of about 1.6 solar mass were known to exist, attractive medium effects for the H could be ruled out. Certain ranges of dibaryon mass and potential can be excluded by the mass of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar which we illustrate graphically.Comment: Revised by the addition of a figure showing the region of dibaryon mass and potential excluded by the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. 18 pages, 11 figures, latex (submitted to Phys. Rev. C

    Hyperon-nucleon scattering and hyperon masses in the nuclear medium

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    We analyze low-energy hyperon-nucleon scattering using an effective field theory in next-to-leading order. By fitting experimental cross sections for laboratory hyperon momenta below 200 MeV/c and using information from the hypertriton we determine twelve contact-interaction coefficients. Based on these we discuss the low-density expansion of hyperon mass shifts in the nuclear medium.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure