1,811 research outputs found

    Dynamics from diffraction

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    A model-independent approach for the extraction of detailed lattice dynamical information from neutron powder diffraction data is described. The technique is based on a statistical analysis of atomistic configurations generated using reverse Monte Carlo structural refinement. Phonon dispersion curves extracted in this way are shown to reproduce many of the important features found in those determined independently using neutron triple-axis spectroscopy. The extent to which diffraction data are sensitive to lattice dynamics is explored in a range of materials. The prospect that such detailed dynamical information might be accessible using comparatively facile experiments such as neutron powder diffraction is incredibly valuable when studying systems for which established spectroscopic methods are prohibitive or inappropriate

    Structure determination of disordered materials from diffraction data

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    We show that the information gained in spectroscopic experiments regarding the number and distribution of atomic environments can be used as a valuable constraint in the refinement of the atomic-scale structures of nanostructured or amorphous materials from pair distribution function (PDF) data. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach for three paradigmatic disordered systems: molecular C60, a-Si, and a-SiO2 . Much improved atomistic models are attained in each case without any a-priori assumptions regarding coordination number or local geometry. We propose that this approach may form the basis for a generalised methodology for structure "solution" from PDF data applicable to network, nanostructured and molecular systems alike.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, set out as for PR

    Methanolysis of Poly(lactic Acid) Using Catalyst Mixtures and the Kinetics of Methyl Lactate Production

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    Polylactic acid (PLA) is a leading bioplastic of which the market share is predicted to increase in the future; its growing production capacity means its end-of-life treatment is becoming increasingly important. One beneficial disposal route for PLA is its chemical recycling via alcoholysis. The alcoholysis of PLA leads to the generation of value-added products alkyl lactates; this route also has potential for a circular economy. In this work, PLA was chemically recycled via methanolysis to generate methyl lactate (MeLa). Four commercially available catalysts were investigated: zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(OAc)2), magnesium acetate tetrahydrate (Mg(OAc)2), 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (DMAP), and triazabicyclodecene (TBD). Dual catalyst experiments displayed an increase in reactivity when Zn(OAc)2 was paired with TBD or DMAP, or when Mg(OAc)2 was paired with TBD. Zn(OAc)2 coupled with TBD displayed the greatest reactivity. Out of the single catalyst reactions, Zn(OAc)2 exhibited the highest activity: a higher mol% was found to increase reaction rate but plateaued at 4 mol%, and a higher equivalent of methanol was found to increase the reaction rate, but plateaued at 17 equivalents. PLA methanolysis was modelled as a two-step reversible reaction; the activation energies were estimated at: Ea1 = 25.23 kJ∙mol−1, Ea2 = 34.16 kJ∙mol−1 and Ea-2 = 47.93 kJ∙mol−1

    Condensation of a tetrahedra rigid-body libration mode in HoBaCo4O7 : the origin of phase transition at 355 K

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    Rietveld profiles, Moessbauer spectra and x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) were analyzed through the structural phase transition at Ts = 355 K in HoBaCo4O7. Excess of the oxygen content over O7 was avoided via annealing the samples in argon flow at 600 degree C. Space groups (S.G.) Pbn21c and P63mc were used to refine the structure parameters in the low- and high-temperature phases, respectively. Additionally, the Cmc21 symmetry was considered as a concurrent model of structure of the low-temperature phase. In the high-temperature phase, severe anisotropy of thermal motion of the major part of the oxygen atoms was observed. This anisotropic motion turns to be quenched as the sample is cooled below Ts. The variation of quadrupole splitting near Ts is not similar to a steplike anomaly frequently seen at the charge-ordering transition. We observe instead a dip-like anomaly of the average quadrupole splitting near Ts. Narrow distribution of the electric field gradient (EFG) over different cobalt sites is observed and explained on the basis of point-charge model. XAFS spectra show no evidence of significant difference between YBaCo4O7 (T > Ts) and HoBaCo4O7 (T < Ts). The origin of the transition at Ts is ascribed to the condensation of the libration phonon mode associated with the rigid-body rotational movements of the starlike tetrahedral units, the building blocks of kagome network. It is shown that the condensation of the libration mode is not compatible with translation symmetry for the hexagonal S.G., but compatible for the orthorhombic S.G. The orthorhombic lattice parameters and EFG components (Vxx, Vyy, Vzz) vary smoothly with temperature at approaching Ts and closely follow each other.Comment: 13 figure

    Grid tool integration within the eMinerals Project

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    In this article we describe the eMinerals mini grid, which is now running in production mode. Thisis an integration of both compute and data components, the former build upon Condor, PBS and thefunctionality of Globus v2, and the latter being based on the combined use of the Storage ResourceBroker and the CCLRC data portal. We describe how we have integrated the middleware components,and the different facilities provided to the users for submitting jobs within such an environment. We willalso describe additional functionality we found it necessary to provide ourselves

    Volumetric Ultrasound: A Novel Methodology for 3D Evaluation of Cardiovascular Structure and Function

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    Three-dimensional reconstructions (3DR) of the heart and great vessels are conventionally formed by scanning a single two-dimensional (2-D) plane, and then combining the data in this scan with data obtained from other scan planes taken at different levels. Missing data between planes are filled in by interpolation. Applications of such 3DR’s from ultrasonic, radionuclide and magnetic resonance images have yielded promising results (1). 3DR’s of the left ventricle have been obtained from cardiac ultrasonic and ultrafast computed tomographic images in our laboratory (2,3). We have also utilized the reconstructed geometries for analysis of mechanical deformation of the ventricular chamber and quantitative assessment of wall motion abnormalities in diseased states (4)

    Expanding global distribution of rotavirus serotype G9: detection in Libya, Kenya, and Cuba.

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    Serotype G9 may be the fifth most common human rotavirus serotype, after serotypes G1 to G4. In three cross-sectional studies of childhood diarrhea, we have detected serotype G9 rotaviruses for the first time in Libya, Kenya, and Cuba. Serotype G9 constituted 27% of all rotaviruses identified, emphasizing the reemergence of serotype G9 and suggesting that future human rotavirus vaccines will need to protect against disease caused by this serotype
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