466 research outputs found
The Results of the Adjustment Program for the Greek Economy
AbstractThe adjustment policy for the Greek economy in the period 2010-2014 proved that improvement was not achieved. Quantitative economic targets connected to the adoption of internal devaluation provided results in regard to fiscal adjustment (a primary surplus) and the balancing of the budgetary situation in Greece, but without being connected to a plan either in the framework of the program or outside it, that would attempt systematically to create areas, sectors, and policies that would constitute the basis for economic recovery. The requirements of service of the country's obligations (debt) do not, under currently valid conditions, allow for the creation of positive prospects to free it from the vicious circle of debt service and adjustment and for potential progress of the Greek economy. The necessary reorganization of the economy, for multiple reasons, by obligation presupposes a new plan and agreement with Europe, which will put forward conditions and policies capable of creating a dynamic framework for the growth of the economy in the present and in the future
FGF-23 Levels before and after Renal Transplantation
Phosphatonin fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) is involved in phosphate (P) excretion and vitamin D metabolism. Recently, FGF-23 has been suggested to be responsible for the hypophosphatemia and inappropriately low calcitriol levels observed after renal transplantation. We performed a prospective study to investigate FGF-23 levels in patients with end-stage renal disease before and after renal transplantation and their probable association with markers of bone and mineral metabolism. Intact FGF-23 levels were determined before and at 3, 6, and 12 months posttransplantation in 18 renal transplant recipients. Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), calcium (Ca), P, 25(OH)VitD, and 1,25(OH)2VitD levels were measured at the same time periods. Renal threshold phosphate concentration (TmPO4/GFR) was also calculated at 3, 6, and 12 months posttransplantation. The results showed that FGF-23 levels decreased by 89% 3 months posttransplantation (346 ± 146 versus 37 ± 9 pg/mL, P < .01) and remained stable throughout the study period. iPTH and P levels also decreased significantly after renal transplantation, while Ca and 1,25(OH)2VitD increased. Pretransplantation FGF-23 was significantly correlated with P levels at 3 months posttransplantation (P < .005). In conclusion, FGF-23 levels decrease dramatically after successful renal transplantation. Pre-transplantation FGF-23 correlate with P levels 3 months posttransplantation
Visualization of Actin Polymerization in Invasive Structures of Macrophages and Carcinoma Cells Using Photoconvertible β-Actin – Dendra2 Fusion Proteins
Actin polymerization controls a range of cellular processes, from intracellular trafficking to cell motility and invasion. Generation and elongation of free barbed ends defines the regions of actively polymerizing actin in cells and, consequently, is of importance in the understanding of the mechanisms through which actin dynamics are regulated. Herein we present a method that does not involve cell permeabilization and provides direct visualization of growing barbed ends using photoswitchable β-actin - Dendra2 constructs expressed in murine macrophage and rat mammary adenocarcinoma cell lines. The method exploits the ability of photoconverted (red) G-actin species to become incorporated into pre-existing (green) actin filaments, visualized in two distinct wavelengths using TIRF microscopy. In growing actin filaments, photoconverted (red) monomers are added to the barbed end while only green monomers are recycled from the pointed end. We demonstrate that incorporation of actin into intact podosomes of macrophages occurs constitutively and is amenable to inhibition by cytochalasin D indicating barbed end incorporation. Additionally, actin polymerization does not occur in quiescent invadopodial precursors of carcinoma cells suggesting that the filaments are capped and following epidermal growth factor stimulation actin incorporation occurs in a single but extended peak. Finally, we show that Dendra2 fused to either the N- or the C-terminus of β-actin profoundly affects its localization and incorporation in distinct F-actin structures in carcinoma cells, thus influencing the ability of monomers to be photoconverted. These data support the use of photoswitchable actin-Dendra2 constructs as powerful tools in the visualization of free barbed ends in living cells
Uticaj metode uzorkovanja na detekciju Campylobacter coli iz pribora za uzorkovanje i mesa
A defined Campylobacter coli (C. coli) suspension was inoculated on sterile sampling materials (cotton bud, polyester bud, cellulose sponge) and pieces of lamb meat. Various combinations of diluents (phosphate buffer saline ± Tween®80) and sampling methods (direct homogenization, simulating the excision method for meat, and swabbing) were investigated for the recovery (detachment) of C. coli cells from the inoculated samples. The obtained C. coli bacteria, as quantified by real-time PCR with respect to the dilution factors and the initial inoculum, were used for the calculation of the recovery (%) per sampling material and method. Regarding artificially inoculated sampling materials, the lowest recovery was observed for cotton buds (2.8%) and the highest for cellulose sponge (28.9%), and the differences between the obtained results were statistically significant (P < 0.05). As regards lamb meat, the lowest recovery was observed for swabbing with cotton buds (3.2%) and the highest for direct homogenization (10.7%). The results indicate an overall low rate of bacterial recovery from contaminated samples, with cellulose sponges and polyester buds being significantly superior to cotton buds, and direct homogenization of meat with diluent better than swabbing. The type of sampling materials and methods applied for the quantification of C. coli entailsPrethodno određena suspenzija Campylobacter coli inokulisana je na sterilne materijale za uzorkovanje (pamučni štapić, poliesterski štapić, celulozni sunđer) i komade jagnjeć eg mesa. Različite kombinacije razređivača (fi ziološki rastvor fosfatnog pufera ± Tveen®80) i metode uzimanja uzoraka (direktna homogenizacija, simuliranje metode ekscizije mesa i uzimanje brisa) ispitivane su na uspešnost detekcije ć elija C. coli iz inokulisanih uzoraka. Kvantifi kacija je urađena PCR-om u realnom vremenu u odnosu na faktore razblaženja i početni inokulum i izračunat je nivo detekcije C. coli (%) prema materijalu i metodi uzimanja uzoraka. Iz veštački inokulisanih materijala za uzimanje uzoraka najniža detekcija ovih bakterija je zabeležena kod pamučnih štapića (2,8%), a najveća kod celuloznih sunđera (28,9%) i utvrdjena je statistički značajna razlika (
Zamjena masti u trajnim kobasicama emulzijom ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja s dodatkom autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja
Research background. Formulations based on vegetable or fish oil and modifications in the production technology of dry fermented sausages have emerged in recent years aiming to achieve the desirable target of reducing the fat content of these meat products. However, previous efforts have confronted many difficulties, such as high mass loss and unacceptable appearance due to intensely wrinkled surfaces and case hardening. The objective of this study is to produce and evaluate dry fermented sausages by utilising a meat protein-olive oil emulsion as fat substitute and indigenous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with probiotic properties isolated from traditional Greek meat products.
Experimental approach. A novel formulation with extra virgin olive oil and turkey protein was developed to totally replace the conventionally added pork fat. Probiotic and safety characteristics of autochthonous LAB isolates from spontaneously fermented sausages were evaluated and three LAB isolates were finally selected as starter cultures. Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were carried out in all treatments (control, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L. sakei and Pediococcus pentosaceus) during fermentation.
Results and conclusions. Ready-to-eat sausages were found to be microbiologically stable. The olive oil-based formulation produced in this study generated a mosaic pattern visible in the sliced product simulating the fat in conventional fermented sausages and was regarded as an ideal fat substitute for the production of fermented sausages. An autochthonous isolate of Lactobacillus casei adapted the best to the final products as it was molecularly identified to be present in the highest counts among the LAB isolates used as starter cultures.
Novelty and scientific contribution. Α novel and high-quality dry fermented meat product was produced by replacing the added pork fat with a fat substitute based on a meat protein-olive oil emulsion. Autochthonous LAB with in vitro probiotic properties could have a potential use in large-scale novel dry fermented sausage production. Such isolates could be used as starters in an effort to standardise the production process and retain the typical organoleptic and sensory characteristics. Moreover, isolates like L. casei 62 that survived in high counts in the final products can increase the safety of fermented sausages by competing not only with pathogens but also with the indigenous microbiota and could have a potential functional value for the consumer.Pozadina istraživanja. Posljednjih godina se u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica koriste novi pripravci na bazi biljnog ili ribljeg ulja koji smanjuju udjel masti u tim mesnim proizvodima. Međutim, dosadašnji napori u dobivanju takvih proizvoda nailazili su na mnoge prepreke, kao što su veliki gubitak mase i neprihvatljiv izgled proizvoda zbog prevelike naboranosti površine i tvrdoće crijeva. Svrha je ovoga rada bila proizvesti trajne kobasice s emulzijom maslinovog ulja i proteina mesa kao zamjenom za masti, uz dodatak autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja s probiotičkim svojstvima izoliranih iz tradicionalnih grčkih mesnih proizvoda, te ispitati svojstva dobivenih proizvoda.
Eksperimentalni pristup. Razvijen je novi pripravak s ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem i proteinima iz puretine koji bi u potpunosti zamijenio tradicionalno dodavanu svinjsku mast. Ispitana su probiotička svojstva i sigurnost primjene autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja izoliranih iz tradicionalnih fermentiranih kobasica, i izdvojena su tri izolata koja su zatim upotrijebljena kao starter kulture. Tijekom fermentacije provedene su fizikalno-kemijske, mikrobiološke i senzorske analize svih ispitanih uzoraka (kontrolnog uzorka, te kobasica proizvedenih s pomoću Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L. sakei i Pediococcus pentosaceus).
Rezultati i zaključci. Gotovi proizvodi bili su mikrobiološki stabilni. Dodatkom pripravka na bazi maslinovog ulja dobivena je kobasica koja je na presjeku imala mozaičan izgled sličan onom tradicionalne kobasice, pa se pripravak smatra idealnom zamjenom za mast u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica. Molekularnom je analizom utvrđeno da je među bakterijama mliječno-kiselog vrenja koje su korištene kao starter kulture u gotovom proizvodu bilo najviše bakterija Lactobacillus casei, što potvrđuje da se ta vrsta najbolje prilagođava uvjetima proizvodnje.
Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Proizveden je novi visoko kvalitetni sušeni fermentirani mesni proizvod zamjenom svinjske masti emulzijom maslinovog ulja i proteina iz puretine. Autohtone bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja s potvrđenim probiotičkim svojstvima in vitro mogle bi se primijeniti u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica na veliko. Dobiveni bi se izolati mogli primijeniti kao starter kulture za standardizaciju postupka i očuvanje tipičnih organoleptičkih i senzorskih svojstava kobasica. Osim toga, izolati poput L. casei 62, koji su pronađeni u velikom broju u gotovom proizvodu, svojom kompetitivnošću ne samo s patogenim sojevima, već i s autohtonom mikrobiotom, povećavaju sigurnost fermentiranih kobasica te imaju potencijalnu funkcionalnu vrijednost za potrošače
Clinical Study FGF-23 Levels before and after Renal Transplantation
Recommended by Bruce Kaplan Phosphatonin fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) is involved in phosphate (P) excretion and vitamin D metabolism. Recently, FGF-23 has been suggested to be responsible for the hypophosphatemia and inappropriately low calcitriol levels observed after renal transplantation. We performed a prospective study to investigate FGF-23 levels in patients with end-stage renal disease before and after renal transplantation and their probable association with markers of bone and mineral metabolism. Intact FGF-23 levels were determined before and at 3, 6, and 12 months posttransplantation in 18 renal transplant recipients. Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), calcium (Ca), P, 25(OH)VitD, and 1,25(OH) 2 VitD levels were measured at the same time periods. Renal threshold phosphate concentration (TmPO 4 /GFR) was also calculated at 3, 6, and 12 months posttransplantation. The results showed that FGF-23 levels decreased by 89% 3 months posttransplantation (346 ± 146 versus 37 ± 9 pg/mL, P < .01) and remained stable throughout the study period. iPTH and P levels also decreased significantly after renal transplantation, while Ca and 1,25(OH) 2 VitD increased. Pretransplantation FGF-23 was significantly correlated with P levels at 3 months posttransplantation (P < .005). In conclusion, FGF-23 levels decrease dramatically after successful renal transplantation. Pre-transplantation FGF-23 correlate with P levels 3 months posttransplantation
Evaluation of cross-protection of a lineage 1 West Nile virus inactivated vaccine against natural infections from a virulent lineage 2 strain in horses, under field conditions
Although experimental data regarding cross-protection of horse West Nile virus (WNV) vaccines against lineage 2 infections exist, the cross-protective efficacy of these vaccines under field conditions has not been demonstrated. This study was conducted to evaluate the capability of an inactivated lineage 1 vaccine (Equip WNV) to protect against natural infections from the Nea Santa-Greece-2010 lineage 2 strain. In total, 185 WNV-seronegative horses in Thessaloniki, Greece, were selected during 2 consecutive years (2011 and 2012); 140 were immunized, and 45 were used as controls. Horses were examined for signs compatible with WNV infection. Neutralizing antibody titers against the Greek strain and the PaAn001/France lineage 1 strain were determined in immunized horses. WNV circulation was detected during both years in the study area. It was estimated that 37% and 27% of the horses were infected during 2011 and 2012, respectively. Three control animals developed clinical signs, and the WNV diagnosis was confirmed. Signs related to WNV infection were not observed in the vaccinated animals. The nonvaccinated animals had a 7.58% ± 1.82% higher chance of exhibiting signs than immunized animals (P < 0.05). Neutralizing antibodies raised against both strains in all immunized horses were detectable 1 month after the initial vaccination course. The cross-protective capacity of the lowest titer (1:40) was evident in 19 animals which were subsequently infected and did not exhibit signs. Neutralizing antibodies were detectable until the annual booster, when strong anamnestic responses were observed (geometrical mean titer ratio [GMTR] for lineage 1 of 30.2; GMTR for lineage 2 of 27.5). The results indicate that Equip WNV is capable of inducing cross-protection against natural infections from a virulent lineage 2 WNV strain in horses
WASP family members and formin proteins coordinate regulation of cell protrusions in carcinoma cells
We examined the role of the actin nucleation promoters neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) and WAVE2 in cell protrusion in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF), a key regulator in carcinoma cell invasion. We found that WAVE2 knockdown (KD) suppresses lamellipod formation and increases filopod formation, whereas N-WASP KD has no effect. However, simultaneous KD of both proteins results in the formation of large jagged protrusions with lamellar properties and increased filopod formation. This suggests that another actin nucleation activity is at work in carcinoma cells in response to EGF. A mammalian Diaphanous–related formin, mDia1, localizes at the jagged protrusions in double KD cells. Constitutively active mDia1 recapitulated the phenotype, whereas inhibition of mDia1 blocked the formation of these protrusions. Increased RhoA activity, which stimulates mDia1 nucleation, was observed in the N-WASP/WAVE2 KD cells and was shown to be required for the N-WASP/WAVE2 KD phenotype. These data show that coordinate regulation between the WASP family and mDia proteins controls the balance between lamellar and lamellipodial protrusion activity
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