7 research outputs found

    Sensitivity and specificity of skin AF alone, skin AF based decision tree (SAF-DM), FPG, HbA1c and FINDRISC for correct classification of diabetes/IGT versus normal, using OGTT based WHO criteria, or for DM/suspicion DM using HbA1c based IEC 2009 criteria.

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    <p>Sensitivity and specificity of skin AF alone, skin AF based decision tree (SAF-DM), FPG, HbA1c and FINDRISC for correct classification of diabetes/IGT versus normal, using OGTT based WHO criteria, or for DM/suspicion DM using HbA1c based IEC 2009 criteria.</p

    Patient characteristics.

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    <p>Values are mean ± S.D (plus range or number) or percentage; AF: Autofluorescence; DM: diabetes mellitus; Former smoker: smoked in the past 10 years, last year excluded; BP: blood pressure; BMI: Body Mass Index.</p

    Odds ratios for increasing degree of atherosclerosis (control, subclinical atherosclerosis, symptomatic peripheral arterial disease) by 1 unit increase of skin autofluorescence (Skin AF).

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    <p>Model 1 was only corrected for age, sex, diabetes mellitus and renal function. In model 2, we corrected additionally for cardiovascular risk factors as Framingham risk score. Model 3 was corrected for age, sex, renal function and metabolic syndrome.</p