3 research outputs found

    Maladaptive defensive behaviours in monoamine oxidase A-deficient mice

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8369466&fileId=S1461145710001483Rich evidence indicates that monoamine oxidase (MAO) A, the major enzyme catalysing the degradation of monoamine neurotransmitters, plays a key role in emotional regulation. Although MAOA deficiency is associated with reactive aggression in humans and mice, the involvement of this enzyme in defensive behaviour remains controversial and poorly understood. To address this issue, we tested MAOA knockout (KO) mice in a spectrum of paradigms and settings associated with variable degrees of threat. The presentation of novel inanimate objects induced a significant reduction in exploratory approaches and increase in defensive behaviours, such as tail-rattling, biting and digging. These neophobic responses were context-dependent and particularly marked in the home cage. In the elevated plus- and T-mazes, MAOA KO mice and wild-type (WT) littermates displayed equivalent locomotor activity and time in closed and open arms; however, MAOA KO mice featured significant reductions in risk assessment, as well as unconditioned avoidance and escape. No differences between genotypes were observed in the defensive withdrawal and emergence test. Conversely, MAOA KO mice exhibited a dramatic reduction of defensive and fear-related behaviours in the presence of predator-related cues, such as predator urine or an anaesthetized rat, in comparison with those observed in their WT littermates. The behavioural abnormalities in MAOA KO mice were not paralleled by overt alterations in sensory and microvibrissal functions. Collectively, these results suggest that MAOA deficiency leads to a general inability to appropriately assess contextual risk and attune defensive and emotional responses to environmental cues

    Assessment of risk of bias in translational science

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    Abstract Risk of bias in translational medicine may take one of three forms: A. a systematic error of methodology as it pertains to measurement or sampling (e.g., selection bias), B. a systematic defect of design that leads to estimates of experimental and control groups, and of effect sizes that substantially deviate from true values (e.g., information bias), and C. a systematic distortion of the analytical process, which results in a misrepresentation of the data with consequential errors of inference (e.g., inferential bias). Risk of bias can seriously adulterate the internal and the external validity of a clinical study, and, unless it is identified and systematically evaluated, can seriously hamper the process of comparative effectiveness and efficacy research and analysis for practice. The Cochrane Group and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality have independently developed instruments for assessing the meta-construct of risk of bias. The present article begins to discuss this dialectic