17 research outputs found

    The nutritional quality of Spirulina platensis of Tamenrasset, Algeria

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    Spirulina platensis, a blue green microalga, has been used since ancient times as a source of food because of its high protein content (65%) and nutritional value. Lipids isolated from S. platensis have been shown to contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linolenic acid which is a precursor of arachidonic acid; this cyanobacteria contains, also, several kinds of sterols. The aim of this study is to evaluate the nutritional quality of S. platensis of Tamenrasset, Algeria. This study shows the analysis of nutritional quality of S. platensis of Tamanrasset, Algeria, to know nutritional value of our local strain. Biochemical analysis was performed for moisture, protein, glucose, lipid and minerals content. The chemical composition is based on the identification of fatty acids, using gas chromatography and quantification of the mineral elements by using the atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The results showed that S. platensis of Algeria has an important nutritional quality. Key words: Spirulina platensis, nutritional, quality, proteins, fatty acids

    Seasonal variation of the diet of the Fennec fox, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), in Algeria

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    Les variations saisonnières du régime alimentaire du Fennec, Vulpes zerda, ont été étudiées à partir de crottes collectées à Ben Ahmed, région de Ghardaïa (Sahara septentrional algérien). De l’automne 2010 au printemps 2011, 130 crottes ont livré 726 proies animales appartenant à 17 ordres, 30 familles et 75 espèces. Les proies principales ont été les Insectes (554 individus), suivis par les Mammifères (142 individus) et les Arachnides (14 individus). Cependant, en biomasse les Mammifères ont été les proies dominantes (86,5 %) devant les Insectes (10,7 %) et les oiseaux (1,2 %). Un spectre semblable a été trouvé au cours des trois saisons étudiées, toutefois les fréquences des principaux groupes ont varié significativement. L’automne a été la saison de plus forte prédation sur les Mammifères, en hiver les Isoptères ont été les proies les plus nombreuses, au printemps ce furent les Orthoptères et les Arachnides. La prédation des Coléoptères, Squamates et Oiseaux a été stable au fil des saisons. Ces résultats confirment que le Fennec est un prédateur opportuniste.The seasonal diet of the Fennec fox, Vulpes zerda, has been investigated in Ben Ahmed, Ghardaïa region (northern Sahara, Algeria) using scat content analysis. In 130 scats collected from autumn 2010 to spring 2011 we identified 726 animal prey items belonging to 17 orders, 30 families and 75 species. The main preys were insects (554 individuals), followed by mammals (142 individuals) and arachnids (14 individuals). However, biomass was dominated by mammals, (86.5 %), followed by insects (10.7 %) and birds (1.2 %). Similar patterns were observed among the seasons, but the frequencies of the main contributing taxa were significantly different. Autumn was the season when mammals were the most consumed; in winter Isoptera were the most numerous preys; in spring Orthoptera and Arachnida were abundantly fed upon, whereas predation of Coleoptera, squamates and birds were similar along the seasons. These results confirm that the fennec fox is an opportunistic predator


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    The wine’s flavor like that of the other fermented drinks is extremely complex. The analyses of the volatile components carried out up to these days reveal the presence of several hundred of substances. In Fact, in the literature, more than 800 flavour compounds have been reported in wines, including higher alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, acids and monoterpenes. The nitrogen composition is claimed by some to be the most important factor influencing the production of aromatic and spoilage compounds. The aim of this work was to describe the effect that the addition of different concentrations of leucine, isoleucine and valine have on the synthesis of aromatic components. The study was conducted on juice of the Mauzac variety. Different amounts of the three amino acids cited were added and their evolution was followed by head space analysis

    Effects of weak climatic variations on assemblages and life cycles of Orthoptera in North Algeria

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    Chantier qualité GAA study on orthopterologic diversity was carried out in two stations situated at 25 km (Soumàa) and 4 km (Koléa) from the Mediterranean Sea in the Mitidja plain (North Algeria) between 1991 and 1992. Mean temperatures are higher in Soumàa than in Koléa, the dry period begins earlier, at the end of spring, in Koléa. The two stations show a diversified entomofauna, as 28 species were listed in Koléa and 24 in Soumàa. Three seasonal assemblages were defined, the summereautumn one significantly differs between the two stations, especially for minority species. The life cycle of larvae was investigated for 6 dominant species in both stations. Four species present a precocious hatching in Koléa, but with a longer duration of larval life. The two species that accomplish their larval life earlier in Koléa than in Soumàa show the greatest lag in hatching date, suggesting an adaptation to the early onset of the dry period. The longer larval life of Ochrilidia harterti in Koléa is discussed in the light of a possible supernumerary larval stage

    Impact of predation by Cattle Egret Bubulcus Ibis L. on wildlife of farmlands in Chlef region (Algeria)

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    Mohamedi, A., S. Doumandji, A. Ababou, M. Koudjil, and a. Rouabhi. 2016. Impact of predation by cattle egret Bubul ibiscus ibis L. on wildlife of farmlands in Chlef region of Algeria. Lebanese Science Journal, 17(2): 117- 129. The study was conducted in the region of Chlef which is located approximately at 200 km North- West of Algiers and at 36º 12' North latitude and 1 ° 19' East longitude. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of predation of Cattle Egret on crop pests in four different agricultural areas of the region (cereal, potato, citrus orchard and uncultivated field), from the comparison between preys consumed by the predator and the potential preys available in these environments.Trappings of preys made in the area studied have revealed that the abundance of potential preys differs from one habitat to another, although not exploited environment is richer than the others. The calculation of the diversity with the index of Shannon-Wiever and the similarity with the index of community of Jaccard have shown that the preys consumed by the cattle egret are only partly similar to the set of potential preys. It is possible that this bird looks for its preys in other areas different from those surveyed. The calculation of attendance of agricultural environments by the Cattle Egret showed that this bird is very opportunistic; it uses these areas in a well-planned manner, depending on the availability of preys. Thus, the impact of its predation on wildlife and especially the insect fauna of different agricultural habitats, although it differs from one medium to another, remains important and beneficial to local culture

    Seasonal dimorphism of the desert locust in agricultural areas in the Sahara

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    International audienceThe development of Saharan agriculture in recent decades by increasing irrigated areas for vegetable production in central Sahara has led to significant outbreaks of locusts. This insect, which is note deserticola type, has succeeded in developing a series of behavioural, morphological and physiological characteristics to adapt to this environment which has become one of its areas of reproduction and dispersal This work aims at evaluating the morphometric variation of locusts in two different habitats located in the southern Sahara, natural and cultivated environments. The results of biometric analysis on male and female populations, conducted from 1993 to 2004, primarily on the elytra (E), femur (F) and head capsule (C), revealed the existence of differences between locusts from two locations. Population densities were low and did not exceed 500 individuals per hectare, except in April 2004 when a maximum of 10 000 individuals/ha was reached in Adrar. Morphometric ratios (E/F and F/C) of the studied populations oscillate between the solitary and transiens-dissocians phases, except for populations in June 2004 in Tamanrasset and April 1998 in Adrar, which were gregarious. Analyses of variance both with and without population density as a covariate, showed the effect of density on measured traits. Separate analysis of variance of males and females emphasized a marked seasonal effect on the femur and head capsule, especially in Adrar. The male population at this location In the dry season presented shorter femur and smaller head capsule measurements than those present in the wet season at the same location and those of Tamanrasset. This result shows the influence of seasons and weather conditions on morphometric traits. A seasonal dimorphism in size coupled with a contrast of phase status has been highlighted in male populations of Adrar. The relationship between human activities and the change in morphometric traits at the locations studied is discussed. These results are of significance in preventing the proliferation of the desert locust

    Effect of cold and scarification on seeds germination of pistacia atlantica L. for rapid multiplication

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of mechanical scarification and cold treatment of seeds at + 4°C before sowing seed of Pistacia atlantica. In these cases, the durations at cold temperature, which have been taken into account, are successively 60, 50, 40, and 30 days. After these periods, the rate of germination and the speed of germination are calculated every 4 days. The rates of germinations concerning the not scarified seeds having undergone a cold treatment lasting 50 days are the most important that is a value of 39% from the 09-05-2010 until the 29-05-2010. The speed germination is maximum that is 89 germinated seeds /4 days. In addition this same rate reaches a maximum of 70%. Concerning the pistachio tree seeds of the atlas treated mechanically with duration of cold treatment at + 4°C during 30 days. For the same category of seed the speed of germination is maximum that is 214 seeds/4 days. Thus the scarification and the 30 days stay are the fastest means which allow to obtain the seedlings of pistachio tree in a rather short tim

    Variations saisonnières du régime alimentaire du Fennec, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), en Algérie

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    Seasonal variation of the diet of the Fennec fox, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), in Algeria. The seasonal diet of the Fennec fox, Vulpes zerda, has been investigated in Ben Ahmed, Ghardaïa region (northern Sahara, Algeria) using scat content analysis. In 130 scats collected from autumn 2010 to spring 2011 we identified 726 animal prey items belonging to 17 orders, 30 families and 75 species. The main preys were insects (554 individuals), followed by mammals (142 individuals) and arachnids (14 individuals). However, biomass was dominated by mammals, (86.5 %), followed by insects (10.7 %) and birds (1.2 %). Similar patterns were observed among the seasons, but the frequencies of the main contributing taxa were significantly different. Autumn was the season when mammals were the most consumed ; in winter Isoptera were the most numerous preys ; in spring Orthoptera and Arachnida were abundantly fed upon, whereas predation of Coleoptera, squamates and birds were similar along the seasons. These results confirm that the fennec fox is an opportunistic predator.Les variations saisonnières du régime alimentaire du Fennec, Vulpes zerda, ont été étudiées à partir de crottes collectées à Ben Ahmed, région de Ghardaïa (Sahara septentrional algérien). De l’automne 2010 au printemps 2011, 130 crottes ont livré 726 proies animales appartenant à 17 ordres, 30 familles et 75 espèces. Les proies principales ont été les Insectes (554 individus), suivis par les Mammifères (142 individus) et les Arachnides (14 individus). Cependant, en biomasse les Mammifères ont été les proies dominantes (86,5 %) devant les Insectes (10,7 %) et les Oiseaux (1,2 %). Un spectre semblable a été trouvé au cours des trois saisons étudiées, toutefois les fréquences des principaux groupes ont varié significativement. L’automne a été la saison de plus forte prédation sur les Mammifères, en hiver les Isoptères ont été les proies les plus nombreuses, au printemps ce furent les Orthoptères et les Arachnides. La prédation des Coléoptères, Squamates et Oiseaux a été stable au fil des saisons. Ces résultats confirment que le Fennec est un prédateur opportuniste.Khechekhouche E., Brahmi Karima, Kerboub A., Slimani S., Bissati Samia, Doumandji Salaheddine, Aulagnier Stéphane. Variations saisonnières du régime alimentaire du Fennec, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), en Algérie. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°2, 2018. pp. 103-114

    Prediction of chronic inflammation for inhaled particles: the impact of material cycling and quarantining in the lung epithelium

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    On a daily basis, people are exposed to a multitude of health-hazardous airborne particulate matter with notable deposition in the fragile alveolar region of the lungs. Hence, there is a great need for identification and prediction of material-associated diseases, currently hindered due to the lack of in-depth understanding of causal relationships, in particular between acute exposures and chronic symptoms. By applying advanced microscopies and omics to in vitro and in vivo systems, together with in silico molecular modeling, it is determined herein that the long-lasting response to a single exposure can originate from the interplay between the newly discovered nanomaterial quarantining and nanomaterial cycling between different lung cell types. This new insight finally allows prediction of the spectrum of lung inflammation associated with materials of interest using only in vitro measurements and in silico modeling, potentially relating outcomes to material properties for a large number of materials, and thus boosting safe-by-design-based material development. Because of its profound implications for animal-free predictive toxicology, this work paves the way to a more efficient and hazard-free introduction of numerous new advanced materials into our lives