2,270 research outputs found

    Characteristics of internet sexual offenders: a review

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    The review presented in this paper provides some descriptive findings regarding Internet Sex Offenders (ISOs) in comparison to contact sex offenders. In general, Internet Sex Offenders are found to be Caucasian, male, relatively young, highly educated, intelligent, and well-employed. ISOs also appear to be highly sexualised, in both their current lifestyle as well as childhood experiences as victims. ISOs can also be classified into several subgroups, such as child pornography offenders, who again are a heterogeneous group themselves. Professionals dealing with ISOs should be aware that they seem to share similar deficits with contact sex offenders but might differ in some important areas. This information should be kept in mind when reading their files, establishing treatment needs, and interpreting psychometric test results. To date no personality and risk measure is validated on this 'new' or emerging offender category, hence any results should be interpreted with caution

    Assessing parental risk in parenting plan (child custody) evaluation cases involving internet sexual behavior

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    One type of claim in parenting assessment (child custody)1 cases is that one parent, typically the father, is alleged to be engaging in improper or compulsive sexual behavior via the Internet. The sexual behavior at issue can range from frequent sexually explicit chats with other adults to compulsive viewing of adult pornography. In more extreme cases, the problematic behavior may involve viewing child pornography, and in some cases the parent faces actual criminal charges in this regard. The present article reviews the current scientific knowledge base for evaluation of risk in such parenting evaluation cases and provides some guidelines and recommendations for an evaluator in the assessment process

    Detecting Dark Matter Annihilation with CMB Polarization : Signatures and Experimental Prospects

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    Dark matter (DM) annihilation during hydrogen recombination (z ~ 1000) will alter the recombination history of the Universe, and affect the observed CMB temperature and polarization fluctuations. Unlike other astrophysical probes of DM, this is free of the significant uncertainties in modelling galactic physics, and provides a method to detect and constrain the cosmological abundances of these particles. We parametrize the effect of DM annihilation as an injection of ionizing energy at a rate e_{dm}, and argue that this simple "on the spot'' modification is a good approximation to the complicated interaction of the annihilation products with the photon-electron plasma. Generic models of DM do not change the redshift of recombination, but change the residual ionization after recombination. This broadens the surface of last scattering, suppressing the temperature fluctuations and enhancing the polarization fluctuations. We use the temperature and polarization angular power spectra to measure these deviations from the standard recombination history, and therefore, indirectly probe DM annihilation. (abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Variables Influencing the Case Prioritisation of Men Convicted of Internet Child Abuse Material Offences

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    The differentiation between men convicted of child abuse material offences, known as Internet Child Abuse Material (I/CAM), and Contact (CO) child sex offenders is an ongoing area of research. Current research indicates there are differences between men convicted of I/CAM and CO offences. This article highlights key variables that may indicate clinically and/or statistically significant differences between I/CAM and CO populations, as identified in current published research. Identified key variables may contribute to the case prioritisation of men under investigation for I/CAM offences to assist timely investigation. Post conviction, key variables may contribute to targeted treatment, reducing recidivism and protecting the global community. Articles containing variables differentiating I/CAM and CO populations were reviewed; articles that did not include any comparative analysis were excluded. The final sample of articles (n = 10) was reviewed using a literature review methodology to collate trend variables and directionality between the two populations. Demographic variables with critical differences between men convicted of I/CAM offences when compared to CO offences are younger age, White ethnic background, employed, lower use of alcohol and drugs, and less or no recorded criminal history but higher self-reported history of offending. Key psychological variables identified are lower impression management, lower demonstrations of antisociality, higher sexual deviancy and higher levels of victim empathy when compared to men convicted of CO offences. The findings will be considered in line with existing risk assessment and case prioritisation tools. This research can contribute to community safety through a specific focus on prioritising the investigation, case management, and treatment of men convicted of I/CAM offences and signals future pathways for targeted risk assessmen

    The bereavement experiences of families of potential organ donors:a qualitative longitudinal case study illuminating opportunities for family care

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    OBJECTIVES: To illuminate opportunities for care in the context of deceased organ donation by exploring pre-existing family and healthcare professional characteristics, in-hospital experiences, and ongoing adjustment through the lenses of grief theory, systems theory, meaning-making, narrative, and organ donation literature. METHOD: Qualitative longitudinal case studies explored individual and family change in five Australian families who had consented to Donation after Circulatory Determination of Death at a single centre. Participants attended semi-structured interviews at four, eight, and twelve months after the death. FINDINGS: Family values, pre-existing relationships, and in-hospital experiences influenced first responses to their changed lives, understanding of the patient’s death, and ongoing family adjustment. Novel behaviour that was conguent with family values was required at the hospital, especially if the patient had previously played a key role in family decision-making. This behaviour and emerging interactional patterns were drawn into family life over the first year of their bereavement. RECOMMENDATIONS: Training that includes lenses introduced in this study will enable healthcare professionals to confidently respond to individual and family psychosocial needs. CONCLUSION: The lenses of grief theory and systems thinking highlight opportunities for care tailored to the unique in-hospital context and needs that emerge in the months that follow

    The elliptic genus from split flows and Donaldson-Thomas invariants

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    We analyze a mixed ensemble of low charge D4-D2-D0 brane states on the quintic and show that these can be successfully enumerated using attractor flow tree techniques and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. In this low charge regime one needs to take into account worldsheet instanton corrections to the central charges, which is accomplished by making use of mirror symmetry. All the charges considered can be realized as fluxed D6-D2-D0 and anti-D6-D2-D0 pairs which we enumerate using DT invariants. Our procedure uses the low charge counterpart of the picture developed Denef and Moore. By establishing the existence of flow trees numerically and refining the index factorization scheme, we reproduce and improve some results obtained by Gaiotto, Strominger and Yin. Our results provide appealing evidence that the strong split flow tree conjecture holds and allows to compute exact results for an important sector of the theory. Our refined scheme for computing indices might shed some light on how to improve index computations for systems with larger charges.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Non-commutative superspace from string theory

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    Turning on background fields in string theory sometimes has an alternative interpretation as a deformation of the target space geometry. A particularly well-known case is the NS-NS two form B, which gives rise to space-time non-commutativity. In this note we point out that this phenomenon extends to ten-dimensional superspace when employing a covariant quantization of the superstring, generalizing an observation by Ooguri and Vafa in four dimensions. In particular, we will find that RR field strengths give rise to a non-zero {θ,θ}\{\theta,\theta\} anti-commutator, just as in four dimensions, whereas the gravitino yields a non-zero value for [x,θ][x,\theta].Comment: LaTex, 12 page

    Permeable conformal walls and holography

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    We study conformal field theories in two dimensions separated by domain walls, which preserve at least one Virasoro algebra. We develop tools to study such domain walls, extending and clarifying the concept of `folding' discussed in the condensed-matter literature. We analyze the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry, and discuss the holographic duals in AdS3 when they exist. One of the interesting observables is the Casimir energy between a wall and an anti-wall. When these separate free scalar field theories with different target-space radii, the Casimir energy is given by the dilogarithm function of the reflection probability. The walls with holographic duals in AdS3 separate two sigma models, whose target spaces are moduli spaces of Yang-Mills instantons on T4 or K3. In the supergravity limit, the Casimir energy is computable as classical energy of a brane that connects the walls through AdS3. We compare this result with expectations from the sigma-model point of view.Comment: Latex file, 34 pages, 8 figures, uses JHEP3.cls. Typos corrected and references adde

    In-hospital experiences of families of potential organ donors: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis

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    Information and compassion assist families of potential organ donors to make informed decisions. However, psychological implications of the in-hospital process are not well described with past research focusing on decisionmaking. To enhance understanding and improve service delivery, a systematic review was conducted. Inductive analysis and synthesis utilised Grounded Theory Methodology within a systems theory framework and contributed to a model proposing that family and staff form a System of Systems with shared responsibility for process outcomes. This model can guide evaluation and improvement of care and will be tested by means of a longitudinal study of family experiences.The first author acknowledges that as a PhD candidate, support was received through an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarshi
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