8 research outputs found

    Growth curve of WP3 and its mutant.

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    <p>The growth of WP3 and the WP3Δorf2 mutant under different temperature and pressure conditions were monitered by measuring the optical density of the cultutes at 0D<sub>600</sub>. For each measurement, triplicate cultures were measured simultaneously, and the average value was recorded. A: Growth of the strains at 0.1 MPa and 20 MPa. Wild type WP3 was grown at 0.1 MPa (□), or at 20 MPa (▪); WP3Δorf2 mutant grown at 0.1 MPa (▴) or 20 MPa(Δ); B: Growth of the strains at 4°C and 20°C. Wild type WP3 was grown at 4°C (□), or at 20°C (▪); WP3Δorf2 mutant grown at 4°C (▴) or 20°C (Δ).</p

    Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA (A) and whole proteome analysis (B).

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    <p>The phylogenetic tree of the 16S rRNA gene sequences from various <i>Shewnaella</i> species was constructed by neighbor-joining method using the programs of MEGA package. 1000 trial of bootstrap analysis was used to provide confident estimates for phylogenetic tree topologies. The phylogenetic tree based on the whole proteome sequences of the strains was constructed as described in the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0001937#s3" target="_blank">materials and methods</a> with 100 trial of bootstrap.</p

    Motility and growth assays of the WP3 strains.

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    <p>The motility assays for WP3 and the mutants (WP3Δ1508 has defect in polar flagellum; WP3Δ5118, WP3Δ5125 defect in lateral flagellum) were conducted on 0.3% agar plates at 20°C (A) or 4°C (B). Triplicates of each strain were spotted onto the soft agar, the motile ability of the strains were compared by observing the movements of the strains after 3 days at 20°C, or 7 days at 4°C. The growth of WP3 and the mutants at 4°C was monitered by measuring the optical density of the cultutes at 0D<sub>600</sub>. The mean values with standard deviations (indicated by vertical bars) from triplicate experiments are given. Δ represents the wild type WP3; • mutant WP3Δ1508; ○WP3Δ5118 ▾WP3Δ5125.</p

    The <i>mtr-omc</i> gene cluster and its surrounding genes.

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    <p>The <i>mtr-omc</i> gene clusters in several <i>Shewanella</i> genomes are illustrated. The conserved <i>mtrBAC</i> operon is boxed. <i>hypP</i> represents gene for hypothetical protein, <i>spoP</i> encodes for phage SPO1 DNA polymerase domain protein. 1, <i>Shewanella</i> sp. MR4; <i>S.</i> sp.ANA3; <i>S</i>. sp. MR7; <i>S. baltica</i> OS155; 2, <i>S. oneidensis</i> MR-1; <i>S. baltica</i> OS185; 3, <i>S.frigidimarina</i> NCIMB400; 4, <i>S.putrefaciens</i> CN32; 5, <i>S.</i> sp. W3-18-1; 6, <i>S. amazonensis</i> SB2B; 7, <i>S. Loihica</i> PV4; 8, <i>S.piezotolerans</i> WP3.</p

    Gene organization map of two flagellum systems in WP3.

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    <p>A: Flagellum gene cluster I (polar): swp1493—swp1550; B: Flagellum gene cluster II (lateral): swp5082—swp5126. Arrow indicates gene transcription direction.</p

    Circular representation of the <i>Shewanella piezotolerans</i> WP3 genome.

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    <p>From the outside inward: the first and second circles show predicted protein-coding regions on the plus and minus strands, by biological role: translation/ribosome structure/biogenesis, pink; transcription, olive drab; DNA replication/recombination/repair, forest green; cell division/chromosome partitioning, light blue; posttranslational modification/protein turnover/chaperones, purple; cell envelop biogenesis, red; cell motility/secretion, plum; inorganic ion transport/metabolism, dark sea green; signal transduction mechanisms, medium purple; energy production/conversion, dark olive green; carbohydrate transport/metabolisms, gold; amino acid transport/metabolism, yellow; nucleotide transport/metabolism, orange; coenzyme transport/metabolism, tan; lipid transport/metabolism, salmon; secondary metabolites biosynthesis/transport/catabolism, light green; defense mechanism, black; general function prediction only, dark blue; function unknown and hypothetical protein, gray. The third circle shows G+C content percentage in relation to the mean G+C% for the chromosome. The fourth circle shows GC skew. The fifth circle shows insertion sequences, retrotransposons (black) and prophage (orange). The sixth and seventh circles show tRNA genes and rRNA operons, with blue or black on the plus strand and red on the minus one.</p