474 research outputs found

    Diploma Thesis: Do Women Represent Women?

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    There is an implicit assumption behind advocating for women in elected offices that descriptive representation of women lead to a corresponding political output. This would mean that gender is one of the indicators of legislative behavior. To examine the role of gender in the substantial representation of women, I focus on the agenda setting process, which I measure as the sponsorship of group interest legislation. Data include all bills introduced in lower Houses of ten states, which provide necessary variance to control for party effect, overall ranking of the status of women, and level of women’s presence in a state legislature. If a gender of a legislator is crucial for his or her legislative behavior, I should find a significant difference in a sponsorship of women’s issue bills, which are the bills directly concerning women, as well as of other bills

    Multidisciplinary Therapy of Upper and Lower Jaws Defects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of multidisciplinary therapy of injury and other defects of the upper and lower jaws. The imperfections originate primary (cleft, oligodontia) or secondary (cysts, accidents, tumors, inflammation etc.).The incidence in the Czech Republic is criminal in 28 %, sports in 12 %, and home accidents in 9 %. The cleft genetic register includes at the present time more than 4500 families from Bohemia. The multidisciplinary therapy involves the following disciplines: prosthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, orthodontics, speech pathology, psychology, otorhinolaryngology, genetics, and social work. Dental care of adult patients is not simple. The five case reports demonstrate the prosthetic treatment of adult patients by multidisciplinary therapy: surgeon, orthodontist and prosthodontist. The aim of our therapy is to receive the integration oforthodontic treatment or surgi cal prerestorative therapy with prosthodontic restoration, to enable esthetic harmony and functional efficiency of dental arches. The case reports describe: • unfitting orthodontic treatment with central incisor extrusion, • bone defect after implant disintegration, • polytrauma after traffic accident, • status post partial resection of the right upper jaw after fibrosarcoma - rest oroantral communication and total bilateral cleft, • hypertelorism, hands and feet malformation, left side oronasal communication from palate to fornix. The methods of reconstruction are unusual and some of them are presented in the 5 clinical cases

    Some Biological and Physical Properties of Laser Deposited Hydroxyapatite Based Films

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    The preliminary results of biological and physical tests of hydroxyapatite thin films deposited on dental implants by a new technology with the KrF excimer laser ablation method were evaluated. Biological and physical properties were studied and analyzed by the lymphocyte proliferation test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray analysis, Rutherford backscattering analysis (RBS) and particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) methods. Ten bioceramic films from 45 samples had very good physical and biological properties. Creation of hydroxyapatite thin films with laser ablation can have a positive effect on adhesion of the film and protection for corrosion

    Two Years Retrospective Study of Metalceramic Crowns with Nickelchromium Alloy

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    Crown and bridge stability in the human mouth is not easy to evaluate. The structure and quality of crown materials are directly connected with the hardness and composition of the surface. The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term stability of 52 crowns (19 patients) made from ceramic material (Vita Omega, Vita) and nickelchromium ceramic bonding metal alloy (Wiron, Bego) in clinical practice. In accordance with the US Public Health Service System changes in occlusal anatomy, occlusal relief, marginal adaptation, material break age, changes of shape and color, were checked. Another objective of the study was to observe the two year clinical progress of attrition of crowns. Replica casts (Epoxy-die (Ivoclar) were prepared. A scanning electron microscope (JEOL ; JMS-5500 LV (JEOL) and standard model (Ivoclar - Williams) were used to evaluate the quality of restoration. No changes in the shape and color were found, postop sensitivity was present in 1.9 %, and caries presence has been detected in 1.9 %. After two years the labial or buccal coronal margin was recorded as being at the level ofthe adjacent gingiva for 34.6 % of the 52 crowns placed and above the gingival margin for 65.4% of the crowns. Marginal adaptation was rated as contiguous with the existing anatomic form in 71.2 %. Gingival health varied from 0 to 2 CPITN index.Abrasion in fissures was visible in the scanning electron microscope. The cusps were well formed. Two fractures of the ceramic layer were observed. A significant increase in the position of the gingival margins was found, and varied from 45.0 ÎĽm to 108.3 ÎĽm vestibular 89.1 (SE12.1) to 63 ÎĽm oral (SE 7.0)

    Study of Different Printing Design Type Polymer Samples Prepared by Additive Manufacturing

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    3D printing is one of the most progressive additive technologies today. It finds its application also in industry. In terms of mechanical properties, the printing design of the product is an important parameter. The presented study investigates the effects of the printing design of a thin-walled 3D polymer model on the mechanical properties of the model. The material used for printing was acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and the 3D print method was Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). ABS was tested at various die temperatures and with various printing designs at a constant 3D print speed and identical print bed temperature. We examined the effect of printing temperature and product printing design on the resulting mechanical properties. We compared theoretical and experimental results by CAE–FEM Advanced Simulation modules. Results tensile deformations at maximum load by experiment and simulations are comparable. The best results of testing the mechanical properties were found in the pattern printed at a 45° angle at temperature 285 °C

    Veneers, Crowns, and Inlay Bridges after Orthodontic Therapy: a ThreeYear Prospective Study

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    Composite veneers, crowns, and inlay bridges after orthodontic therapy can reshape the dental arch. The main emphasis is given on esthetic appearance of the patient and protection of healthy teeth. The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term treatment stability. 49 composite veneers, crowns and inlay bridges (20 patients) were inserted on the frontal teeth as a part of reshaping and reorientation of teeth after orthodontic therapy; diasthemic closure, microdontia of lateral incisors, reshaping of canines, anodontia of lateral incisors, etc. Based on ADA recommendation a special card was prepared containing relevant information on the patients. Used materials were: Charisma, Artglass, (Kulzer) Ribbond, (Sigma Dental Systems) Targis, Vectris, (Ivoclar). Baseline examination was made one week and three years after therapy. Clinical assessments were carried out in accordance with the US Public Health Service System. The follow-up included: marginal ridge, marginal adaptation, anatomic form, caries presence, color match, cavo surface margin discoloration, surface smoothness and postoperative sensitivity. In the three year period, marginal ridge contour and adaptation were excellent (100% alfa). Anatomic form was destroyed in 18.7%. The general contour of the restoration followed the overall contour of the teeth in 81.3%. In our study no evidence of caries was found. The color match was darker and translucent in 31.2 %, and marginal discoloration was seen in 12.5%. The entire surface of each restoration was smooth with marked spot relief in 62.5%. The results demonstrate that composite resin and reinforced polymers are an effective method for long-term stable treatment

    Effect of estrogens on boar sperm capacitation in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mammalian sperm must undergo a series of controlled molecular processes in the female reproductive tract called capacitation before they are capable of penetrating and fertilizing the egg. Capacitation, as a complex biological process, is influenced by many molecular factors, among which steroidal hormone estrogens play their role. Estrogens, present in a high concentration in the female reproductive tract are generally considered as primarily female hormones. However, there is increasing evidence of their important impact on male reproductive parameters. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of three natural estrogens such as estrone (E1), 17beta-estradiol (E2) and estriol (E3) as well as the synthetical one, 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) on boar sperm capacitation in vitro.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Boar sperm were capacitated in vitro in presence of estrogens. Capacitation progress in control and experimental samples was analyzed by flow cytometry with the anti-acrosin monoclonal antibody (ACR.2) at selected times of incubation. Sperm samples were analyzed at 120 min of capacitation by CTC (chlortetracycline) assay, immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry with anti-acrosin ACR.2 antibody. Furthermore, sperm samples and capacitating media were analyzed by immunocytochemistry, ELISA with the ACR.2 antibody, and the acrosin activity assay after induced acrosomal reaction (AR).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Estrogens stimulate sperm capacitation of boar sperm collected from different individuals. The stimulatory effect depends on capacitation time and is highly influenced by differences in the response to estrogens such as E2 by individual animals. Individual estrogens have relatively same effect on capacitation progress. In the boar samples with high estrogen responsiveness, estrogens stimulate the capacitation progress in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, estrogens significantly increase the number of acrosome-reacted sperm after zona pellucida- induced acrosomal reaction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrate here the stimulatory effect of four different estrogens on boar sperm capacitation in vitro. According to our results, there is significant difference in the response to tested estrogens at different capacitation time and among individual animals. In animals with a high response to estrogens, there is a concentration-dependent stimulation of capacitation and individual estrogens have relatively the same effect. Effects of individual estrogens, differences in the response to them by individual animals, their time and concentration-dependent outcomes further contribute to our knowledge about steroidal action in sperm.</p

    The Clinical Impact of Systematic Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in a Type 2 Diabetes Population—Adherence to the Screening-Diagnostic Process and the Acceptance and Adherence to the CPAP Therapy Compared to Regular Sleep Clinic Patients

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder in Type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients further increasing their already high cardiovascular risk. As T2D patients typically not report OSA symptoms, systematic screening for OSA in this population is warranted. We aimed to determine the readiness of T2D patients to undergo screening and to compare their adherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy with “regular” sleep clinic patients who typically seek medical advice on their own initiative. We therefore recruited 494 consecutive T2D patients and offered them OSA screening using home sleep monitoring (type IV device). All participants in high risk of moderate-to-severe OSA were recommended home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) followed by CPAP therapy. Patients were followed-up for 12 months and outcomes compared to 228 consecutive sleep clinic patients undergoing HSAT. Among 307 screened T2D patients, 94 (31%) were identified at high risk of moderate-to-severe OSA. Subsequently, 54 patients underwent HSAT, 51 were recommended, and 38 patients initiated CPAP (acceptance 75%). Among 228 sleep clinic patients, 92 (40%) were recommended and 74 patients initiated CPAP (acceptance 80%). After 1 year, 15 (39%) T2D and 29 (39%) sleep clinic patients showed good CPAP adherence (use ≥ 4 h/night ≥ 70% nights). In conclusion, 20 T2D patients needed to be screened in order to obtain one successfully treated patient. OSA screening in T2D patients identified 31% with moderate-to-severe OSA. Once diagnosed, their CPAP acceptance and adherence did not differ from sleep clinic patients. However, the reasons for the high dropout during the screening-diagnostic process impacting the overall success of the screening program need to be identified and addressed
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