3 research outputs found
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penciptaan Nilai pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Jakarta
This paper studies the value creation process in the Jakarta stock exchange using a sample of 33 listed companies during the period of 2001-2003. The random probit model estimation procedure is used to find out the determinants of the value creation of the selected companies. The results suggest that the probability of creating future values is positively and significantly correlated with profitability factor. The results also indicate that the value creation is affected by size, that is, the probability to create value is stronger in big firms than in small ones
Analisis Perbandingan Economic Value Added (Eva) dan Financial Value Added (Fva) sebagai Alat Ukur Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan pada Industri Perkebunan di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Economic Value Added (EVA) and the Financial Value Added (FVA) are the concept of management performance assessment based on the size of the added value which is created by the company during the specified period. EVA measures the economic profit of the company taking into account the cost of capital, whereas FVA earnings measure taking into account the contribution of fixed assets in generating net profits of the company. The study aims to determine the ratio of Economic Value Added (EVA) and the Financial Value Added (FVA) as a measurement of financial performance assessment on the industrial estates listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2004 to 2009. The method used a descriptive analysis method using time series data. The results of this study indicated that companies using EVA to create economic value and have a good financial performance from 2004 until 2009. While using the FVA, the company is also able to create a positive financial value of good financial performance from 2004 until 2009. The results also show that there are significantly differences between the EVA and the FVA for the period 2004 to 2009
Pengaruh Fluktuasi IHSG, Inflasi dan Suku Bunga terhadap Imbal Hasil Unitlink Berbasis Saham
Investment is a general word and is understood by the general society, but how to manage an investment or how to invest the money that will generate good return with small risk is an attractive challenge and not known by many people. This paper will discuss about unit link, a newly developed investment instrument, which is predicted to be the new star for investment, together with the factors that influence the return of a unit link investment. Unit link is an innovation from the financial industry, and is a combination of insurance and investment. Year 2007 is the year where the stock market had a spectacular growth and this paper will discuss the IHSG fluctuation phenomenon, inflation and interest rate toward the equity-based unit link return and the effect of each factors. From the result of research, we can conclude that IHSG, inflation and interest will affect the equity-based unit link return where the most significant effect is shown by IHSG