7 research outputs found

    Indirect measurement of the (

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    Sensitivity studies of the i process have identified the region around 135I as a bottleneck for the neutron capture flow. Nuclear properties such as the Maxwellian-averaged cross section (MACS) are key to constrain the uncertainties in the final abundance patterns. From the 124Sn(α, pγ)127Sb reaction we are able to indirectly measure the nuclear level density and γ-ray strength function for 127Sb using the Oslo method. From these two quantities we can calculate the MACS for the 126Sb(n, γ)127Sb reaction using the Hauser-Feshbach formalism, constrain its uncertainties and compare it to libraries such as JINA REACLIB, TENDL and BRUSLIB

    Indirect measurement of the (

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    Sensitivity studies of the i process have identified the region around 135I as a bottleneck for the neutron capture flow. Nuclear properties such as the Maxwellian-averaged cross section (MACS) are key to constrain the uncertainties in the final abundance patterns. With the Oslo method, we are able to indirectly measure such properties for the nuclei involved in this process. From the 124Sn(α, pγ)127Sb reaction data we extract the nuclear level density and γ-ray strength function for 127Sb. The level density at higher excitation energies is compatible with the constant-temperature model, while the γ-ray strength function presents features like an upbend and a pygmy-like structure below S n. From these two quantities we can calculate the MACS for the 126Sb(n, γ)127Sb reaction using the Hauser-Feshbach formalism, and constrain its uncerainties from the theoretical ones. Libraries such as JINA REACLIB, TENDL and BRUSLIB agree well with the experimental results, while ENDF/B-VIII.0 predicts a higher rate

    Indirect measurement of the (n,γ)127Sb cross section

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    Nuclei in the 135I region have been identified as being a possible bottleneck for the i process. Here we present an indirect measurement for the Maxwellian-averaged cross section of 126Sb(n,γ). The nuclear level density and the γ-ray strength function of 127Sb have been extracted from 124Sn(α,pγ)127Sb data using the Oslo method. The level density in the low-excitation-energy region agrees well with known discrete levels, and the higher-excitation-energy region follows an exponential curve compatible with the constant-temperature model. The strength function between Eγ≈1.5–8.0 MeV presents several features, such as an upbend and a possibly double-peaked pygmy-like structure. None of the theoretical models included in the nuclear reaction code talys seem to reproduce the experimental data. The Maxwellian-averaged cross section for the 126Sb(n,γ)127Sb reaction has been experimentally constrained by using our level-density and strength-function data as input to talys. We observe a good agreement with the jina reaclib, tendl, and bruslib libraries, while the endf/b-viii.0 library predicts a significantly higher rate than our results

    The study of prompt fission γ rays at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory

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    The study of prompt fission γ rays (PFGs) is crucial for understanding the energy and angular momentum distribution in fission, and over the last decade there has been an revived interest in this aspect of fission. We present the new experimental setup at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory for detecting PFGs resulting from charged particle-induced fission. Additionally, PFGs from the reaction 240 Pu(d,pf) were measured in April 2018, and the fission gated proton- γ coincidence spectrum is shown. In order to explore the dependence of the PFG emission on the excitation energy and angular momentum of the compound nucleus, we plan several experiments where charged particle reactions are used to induce fission in various plutonium isotopes. The final results will be compared to predictions made by the Fission Reaction Event Yield Algorithm (FREYA) in an upcoming publication, to benchmark the current modelling of both the PFGs and the fission process

    Evolution of the gamma-ray strength function in neodymium isotopes

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    The experimental γ-ray strength functions (γSFs) of 142,144–151Nd have been studied for γ-ray energies up to the neutron separation energy using the Oslo method. The results represent a unique set of γSFs for an isotopic chain with increasing nuclear deformation. The data reveal how the low-energy enhancement, the scissors mode, and the pygmy dipole resonance evolve with nuclear deformation and mass number. This indicates that the mechanisms behind the low-energy enhancement and the scissors mode are decoupled from each other