67 research outputs found

    Studies of MCP-PMTs in the miniTimeCube neutrino detector

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    This report highlights two different types of cross-talk in the photodetectors of the miniTimeCube neutrino experiment. The miniTimeCube detector has 24 8×88 \times 8-anode Photonis MCP-PMTs Planacon XP85012, totalling 1536 individual pixels viewing the 2-liter cube of plastic scintillator

    Measurement of nuclear effects in neutrino-argon interactions using generalized kinematic imbalance variables with the MicroBooNE detector

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    We present a set of new generalized kinematic imbalance variables that can be measured in neutrino scattering. These variables extend previous measurements of kinematic imbalance on the transverse plane and are more sensitive to modeling of nuclear effects. We demonstrate the enhanced power of these variables using simulation and then use the MicroBooNE detector to measure them for the first time. We report flux-integrated single- and double-differential measurements of charged-current muon neutrino scattering on argon using a topology with one muon and one proton in the final state as a function of these novel kinematic imbalance variables. These measurements allow us to demonstrate that the treatment of charged current quasielastic interactions in genie version 2 is inadequate to describe data. Further, they reveal tensions with more modern generator predictions particularly in regions of phase space where final state interactions are important

    Multidifferential cross section measurements of νμ -argon quasielasticlike reactions with the MicroBooNE detector

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    We report on a flux-integrated multidifferential measurement of charged-current muon neutrino scattering on argon with one muon and one proton in the final state using the Booster Neutrino Beam and MicroBooNE detector at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The data are studied as a function of various kinematic imbalance variables and of a neutrino energy estimator, and are compared to a number of event generator predictions. We find that the measured cross sections in different phase-space regions are sensitive to nuclear effects. Our results provide precision data to test and improve the neutrino-nucleus interaction models needed to perform high-accuracy oscillation analyses. Specific regions of phase space are identified where further model refinements are most needed

    First Double-Differential Measurement of Kinematic Imbalance in Neutrino Interactions with the MicroBooNE Detector

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    We report the first measurement of flux-integrated double-differential quasielasticlike neutrino-argon cross sections, which have been made using the Booster Neutrino Beam and the MicroBooNE detector at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The data are presented as a function of kinematic imbalance variables which are sensitive to nuclear ground-state distributions and hadronic reinteraction processes. We find that the measured cross sections in different phase-space regions are sensitive to different nuclear effects. Therefore, they enable the impact of specific nuclear effects on the neutrino-nucleus interaction to be isolated more completely than was possible using previous single-differential cross section measurements. Our results provide precision data to help test and improve neutrino-nucleus interaction models. They further support ongoing neutrino-oscillation studies by establishing phase-space regions where precise reaction modeling has already been achieved

    First demonstration of O (1 ns) timing resolution in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber

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    MicroBooNE is a neutrino experiment located in the Booster Neutrino Beamline (BNB) at Fermilab, which collected data from 2015 to 2021. MicroBooNE's liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) is accompanied by a photon detection system consisting of 32 photomultiplier tubes used to measure the argon scintillation light and determine the timing of neutrino interactions. Analysis techniques combining light signals and reconstructed tracks are applied to achieve a neutrino interaction time resolution of O(1 ns). The result obtained allows MicroBooNE to access the nanosecond beam structure of the BNB for the first time. The timing resolution achieved will enable significant enhancement of cosmic background rejection for all neutrino analyses. Furthermore, the ns timing resolution opens new avenues to search for long-lived-particles such as heavy neutral leptons in MicroBooNE, as well as in future large LArTPC experiments, namely the SBN program and DUNE
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