20 research outputs found

    Distribution of large lungworms (Nematoda: Dictyocaulidae) in free-roaming populations of red deer Cervus elaphus (L.) with the description of Dictyocaulus skrjabini n. sp.

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    Lungworms of the genus Dictyocaulus are causative agents of parasitic bronchitis in domestic and wild ungulates. This study investigates the distribution, morphology and genetic diversity of D. cervi and a new lungworm species, Dictyocaulus skrjabini n. sp. infecting red deer Cervus elaphus, fallow deer Dama dama and moose Alces alces in Poland and Sweden. The study was conducted on 167 red deer from Poland and on the DNA of lungworms derived from 7 fallow deer, 4 red deer and 2 moose collected in Sweden. The prevalence of D. cervi and D. skrjabini n. sp. in dissected red deer in Poland was 31.1% and 7.2%, respectively. Moreover, D. skrjabini n. sp. was confirmed molecularly in 7 isolates of fallow deer lungworms and 1 isolate of red deer lungworms from Sweden. Dictyocaulus skrjabini n. sp. was established based on combination of their distinct molecular and morphological features; these included the length of cephalic vesicle, buccal capsule (BC), buccal capsule wall (BCW), distance from anterior extremity to the nerve ring, the width of head, oesophagus, cephalic vesicle, BC and BCW, as well as the dimensions of reproductive organs of male and female. Additionally, molecular analyses revealed 0.9% nucleotide sequence divergence for 1,605 bp SSU rDNA, and 16.5–17.3% nucleotide sequence divergence for 642 bp mitochondrial cytB between D. skrjabini n. sp. and D. cervi, respectively, and 18.7–19% between D. skrjabini n. sp. and D. eckerti, which translates into 18.2–18.7% amino acid sequence divergence between D. skrjabini n. sp. and both lungworms

    Conservation genetics of the capercaillie in Poland - Delineation of conservation units.

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    The capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) is one of Poland's most endangered bird species, with an estimated population of 380-500 individuals in four isolated areas. To study these natural populations in Poland further, more than 900 non-invasive genetic samples were collected, along with samples from 59 birds representing large, continuous populations in Sweden and Russia; and from two centres in Poland breeding capercaillie. Microsatellite polymorphism at nine loci was then analysed to estimate within-population genetic diversity and genetic differentiation among populations. The results confirmed that isolation of populations and recent decreases in their sizes have reduced genetic diversity among capercaillie in Poland, with all the country's natural populations found to be experiencing the genetic after-effects of demographic bottlenecks. The results of analyses of genetic differentiation and structure further suggest the presence of a 'lowland' cluster (encompassing birds of the Augustowska and Solska Primaeval Forests in Poland, and of Sweden and Russia), and a Carpathian cluster. Capercaillie from Sweden and Russia are also found to differ markedly. The Polish lowland populations seem more closely related to birds from Scandinavia. Our genetic analysis also indicates that the stocks at breeding centres are of a high genetic diversity effectively reflecting the origins of founder individuals, though identification of ancestry requires further study in the case of some birds. Overall, the results sustain the conclusion that the Polish populations of capercaillie from the Carpathians and the lowlands should be treated as independent Management Units (MUs). This is to say that the breeding lines associated with these two sources should be maintained separately at breeding centres. The high level of genetic differentiation of birds from the Solska Primaeval Forest suggests that this population should also be assigned the status of independent MU


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    Hunting statistics showed that moose (Alces alces) numbers in Poland declined from 5,400 animals in 1991 to 1,718 in 2000. A nation-wide ban on moose hunting was imposed in 2001 in response to this decline in moose abundance. The main purpose of this paper is to outline a moose recovery plan in Poland by using verification of hunting records related to moose population numbers, collecting data on population demographic variables, and understanding moose habitat preferences. During 1998-2002 in the forest habitat of north eastern Poland (total area: 311,400 ha) a line intercept snow track index and plot sampling were used to estimate moose population numbers at 276 animals. It was shown that the population census in this area carried out by hunters in this period through a guess-estimate method overestimated the moose population by 46.0%. Research in Augustowska Forest (110,200 ha) shows that the autumn recruitment rate was 64.4 calves per 100 cows, and the ratio of cows to bulls was 1.34. Analysis of moose population dynamics during 4 hunting seasons (1998-2001) shows that the maximum sustainable harvest is about 30% of population numbers estimated in February. Habitat selection by moose was tested using Bailey's 95% simultaneous confidence intervals. Moose preferred habitats in bog and wet sites dominated by deciduous and mixed forests. The decline in moose populations in Poland over 20 years was caused by overestimation of population numbers and over-harvest. It is suggested that a moose recovery program in Poland should be started by locating 2 large moose management/conservation units where moose population numbers should be estimated by reliable methods, and sustained harvest would then maintain a viable moose population. At the same time, forestry in moose wintering areas should stimulate deciduous browse production as well as providing estimates of forest damage caused by moose using different standards than those applied in lowland commercial forests

    Innowacyjnoƛć konsumentów a odpowiedzialna konsumpcja

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    The grounds for considerations and the analysis in this article are provided by two phenomena: consumers’ innovativeness and responsible consumption. The aim of considerations and the analysis is to seek the impact of consumers’ innovativeness on the formation of consumption. The undertaken task was implemented on the base of secondary sources of information and findings of own empirical research. In our article, we provide some insight into consumers’ innovativeness and responsible consumption and attempt to explain the essence thereof. ‘New consumption’ is shown as consumption of the 21st century, with specific features, characterised by diversity and multiplicity of ways of meeting needs and, in consequence, by new behaviours of consumers, not always complying with the requirements of responsible consumption. The presented analysis illustrates consumers’ innovativeness which is still low in Poland and thus does not exert any substantial impact on the growth of responsible consumption.Podstawę rozwaĆŒaƄ i analizy w niniejszym artykule stanowią dwa zjawiska innowacyjnoƛć konsumentĂłw i odpowiedzialna konsumpcja. Celem rozwaĆŒaƄ i analizy jest poszukiwanie wpƂywu innowacyjnoƛci konsumentĂłw na ksztaƂtowanie odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji. Podjęte zadanie zrealizowano, opierając się na wtĂłrnych ĆșrĂłdƂach informacji oraz wynikach wƂasnych badaƄ empirycznych. W artykule przybliĆŒamy pojmowanie innowacyjnoƛci konsumentĂłw i odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji oraz podejmujemy prĂłbę wyjaƛnienia ich istoty. Pokazujemy „nową konsumpcję” jako konsumpcję XXI w. o specyficznych cechach, charakteryzującą się rĂłĆŒnorodnoƛcią i mnogoƛcią sposobĂłw zaspokajania potrzeb, a w konsekwencji, nowymi zachowaniami konsumentĂłw nie zawsze zgodnymi z wymogami odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji. Przedstawione analizy stanowią ilustrację maƂej jeszcze innowacyjnoƛci konsumentĂłw w Polsce, ktĂłra tym samym nie wywiera istotnego wpƂywu na wzrost odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji

    Results of analysis in STRUCTURE for all populations investigated.

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    <p>Bar plots, estimated mean likelihoods of each number of genetic clusters (bars are SD—only given when exceeding the width of dots) and ΔK curves as a function of K are presented. In bar plots each individual is represented by a vertical bar partitioned into segments. The length of each segment describes the estimated membership proportions to each of the genetic clusters. ΔK suggested a division into two or three genetic clusters. PA—Augustowska Primaeval Forest; LUB—Solska Primaeval Forest; GOR—Gorce National Park; TAT—Polish Tatra National Park; BPN—Babia GĂłra National Park; R-K—Russia, Kirov Oblast; R-U—Russia, Ukhta region in Komi Republic; SWE—Sweden, Norrbotten County; WIS—the breeding centre for capercaillie in WisƂa Forest District; LEZ—the breeding centre for capercaillie in LeĆŒajsk Forest District.</p

    Principal component analysis of the capercaillie genotypes from 8 natural populations.

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    <p>The results are plotted along the first and second axes by reference to the highest Eigen values. PA—Augustowska Primaeval Forest; LUB—Solska Primaeval Forest; GOR—Gorce National Park; TAT—Polish Tatra National Park; BPN—Babia Góra National Park; R-K—Russia, Kirov Oblast; R-U—Russia, Ukhta region in Komi Republic; SWE—Sweden, Norrbotten County.</p

    Principal component analysis of the capercaillie genotypes from all investigated populations.

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    <p>The results are plotted along the first and second axes by reference to the highest Eigen values. PA—Augustowska Primaeval Forest; LUB—Solska Primaeval Forest; GOR—Gorce National Park; TAT—Polish Tatra National Park; BPN—Babia GĂłra National Park; R-K—Russia, Kirov Oblast; R-U—Russia, Ukhta region in Komi Republic; SWE—Sweden, Norrbotten County; WIS—the breeding centre for capercaillie in WisƂa Forest District; LEZ—the breeding centre for capercaillie in LeĆŒajsk Forest District.</p

    Genetic differentiation among 8 natural populations and 2 breeding centre populations (<i>n</i> = 260) of capercaillie.

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    <p>Above diagonal–<i>F</i><sub>ST</sub> [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0174901#pone.0174901.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>], below diagonal–<i>R</i><sub>ST</sub> [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0174901#pone.0174901.ref046" target="_blank">46</a>]. All <i>F</i><sub>ST</sub> values are significant after Bonferroni correction (900 randomizations, adjusted <i>P</i>-value = 0.0011). Significant values of <i>R</i><sub>ST</sub> (1000 permutations) are shown in bold. Overall <i>F</i><sub>ST</sub> = 0.159 (95%CI 0.124–0.196); overall <i>R</i><sub>ST</sub> = 0.137 (<i>P</i><0.05).</p

    Results of analysis in STRUCTURE for natural populations.

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    <p>Bar plots, estimated mean likelihoods of each number of genetic clusters (bars are SD—only given when exceeding the width of dots) and Δ<i>K</i> curves as a function of <i>K</i> are presented. In bar plots each individual is represented by a vertical bar partitioned into segments. The length of each segment describes the estimated membership proportions to each of the genetic clusters. Δ<i>K</i> suggested a division into two or three genetic clusters. PA—Augustowska Primaeval Forest; LUB—Solska Primaeval Forest; GOR—Gorce National Park; TAT—Polish Tatra National Park; BPN—Babia Góra National Park; R-K—Russia, Kirov Oblast; R-U—Russia, Ukhta region in Komi Republic; SWE—Sweden, Norrbotten County.</p

    Distribution of sampling populations in northeastern Europe and the Polish Carpathians.

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    <p>PA—Augustowska Primaeval Forest; LUB—Solska Primaeval Forest; GOR—Gorce National Park; TAT—Polish Tatra National Park; BPN—Babia GĂłra National Park; R-K—Russia, Kirov Oblast; R-U—Russia, Ukhta region in Komi Republic; SWE—Sweden, Norrbotten County; WIS—the breeding centre for capercaillie in WisƂa Forest District; LEZ—the breeding centre for capercaillie in LeĆŒajsk Forest District.</p