10 research outputs found

    Ochrona danych medycznych zawartych w dokumentacji medycznej, a wykorzystanie bezpiecznego podpisu elektronicznego

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Protection of personal data in health care units

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Health beliefs and sense of one’s own efficacy and prophylaxis of osteoporosis in peri- and post-menopausal women

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    Introduction and objective Osteoporosis constitutes one of the relevant health, social and economic problems of the contemporary world which concerns 200 million women, of whom about 20–25% will experience a bone fracture. The aim of the study was to learn about the health beliefs and sense of self-efficacy in peri- and post-menopausal women regarding the prevention of osteoporosis. Material and Methods A group of 300 randomly chosen women aged 45–65 who were patients of healthcare centres in Chełm, Lublin, and the surroundings of Zamość (eastern Poland), was examined. Own Health Beliefs Scale (OHBS) associated with Osteoporosis and Own Efficacy Evaluation Scale (OSES) were used for the study. The obtained material was subjected to descriptive and statistical analysis. Tukey test, t-student test and variance analysis (ANOVA) were all applied. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results were analysed using the SPSS version 19 software package. Results and conclusions It was stated that respondents had thought that osteoporosis is an averagely serious health problem, and they did not feel peculiarly exposed to falling ill with the disease. They attached great significance to the benefits of physical activity and correct nutrition. The perception of barriers to calcium intake and everyday exercise was moderate. Health motivation remained at the average level. Socio-demographic conditions influenced the respondents’ health beliefs in a statistically significant way. Sense of self-efficacy from the aspect of taking possible action preventing osteoporosis remained on the average level; in addition, respondents more often declared the desire for a change in eating habits than resorting to physical activity

    Knowledge about osteoporosis prevention among women screened by bone densitometry

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    Introduction : Osteoporosis is an illness characterized by the handicapped endurance of the bones, causing an increased risk of fracture. Aim of the study was to establish the level of knowledge about osteoporosis prevention among women screened by bone densitometry and to answer the question whether the level of knowledge is dependent on socio-demographic factors. Material and methods: The research was realized by means of a survey method, a poll technique in 2014. The study involved 292 women aged 51-83. The examined women were patients undergoing bone densitometry in the healthcare centres in Lublin. The osteoporosis knowledge test (OKT, revised 2011) by Phyllis Gendler was used as a research tool. Gathered material was subject to descriptive and statistical analysis. Tukey’s test, t-Student test and variance analysis (ANOVA) were all applied. A statistical significance level was set at = 0.05. Results and conclusions : Respondents presented the basic exercise knowledge (M = 9.97) and low knowledge concerning risk factors, screening and treatment of osteoporosis (M = 7.87). The calcium knowledge remained on an average level (M = 14.03). Better educated women, city inhabitants as well as women having very good or good social and welfare conditions showed a significantly higher level of knowledge about osteoporosis prevention. Even women undergoing bone densitometry examination present insufficient knowledge about osteoporosis prevention

    The contemporary look at the problem of recognizing and diagnosing postmenopausal osteoporosis and eliminating the risk of a fall

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    Osteoporosis constitutes a relevant health, social and economic problem of the contemporary world. As a chronic disease, often nicknamed the “silent thief”, it is an object of the clinical research and a reason for many ambiguities. The most noticeable and basic symptom of osteoporosis is a low-energy fracture, which brings pain, physical disability, and a noticeable decrease in one’s quality of life. Osteoporosis affects the entire population; however, women in the postmenopausal period and the elderly are mostly exposed to its progress. The risk of falling ill concerning women simply grows with the age and doubles with every decade after the age of 65. It is estimated that osteoporosis affects 200 million women worldwide, and about 20-25% of them will sustain an injury in the form of a bone fracture. In Poland, the problem of osteoporosis concerns 2.4 million women. The article attempts to show current views on examining and diagnosing postmenopausal osteoporosis and prevention of the fall risk. The BMD (bone mineral density) is considered the basis of osteoporosis diagnosis in postmenopausal women as well as an absolute 10-year risk of fractures and experienced osteoporotic fractures. All people at an increased fall risk should be provided with the multifactorial programme of fall prevention

    Self-assessment and woman’s health control location after gynaecological operations

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    Introduction: Surgical treatment in gynaecology has a specific influence on a woman’s life and has a psychological effect because of the organs involved. Self-assessment and women’s health control location after gynaecological operation determine the treatment and rehabilitation process. Aim of the research : Self-assessment and women’s health control location after gynaecological operation evaluation was the aim of this study. Material and methods : There were 167 women after gynaecological treatment evaluated. Patients were registered in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department and the Gynaecology outpatient Clinic in Chełm Public Specialist Hospital. MHCL version B scale with polish adaptation (Z. Juszyński) and sociodemographic, self-evaluation, and health control questionnaires created by the authors were used. This analysis used Kołmogorow-Smirnow, U Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Confidence intervals of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 were established. IBM SPSS Statistics software was used. Results and conclusions : Most of the women after their gynaecological operations (61.1%) revealed their health perception as good and only one (0.6%) as poor. Over half of the patients self-assessed themselves as a valuable person (56.3%) and womanlike (55.1%), whilst a small number of patients stated as not attractive, impoverished, worse than others, useless, or worthless. The highest self-assessment scores were from women in early stages after their operation, e.g. from one month to one year after treatment (M = 14.95). MHLC scale analysis showed that most of the patients overbalanced internal health self-control (M = 25.33), indicating that life control is dependent on the patient. Respondents who stated their health status as poor in every health control scale had higher results. Age and education had a significant influence on the MHCL and self-assessment scales (p < 0.001)

    Does the participation of district nurses in trainings courses in oncology influence cancer prevention policies in the primary health care?

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    Wstęp. Aby efektywnie uczestniczyć w realizacji profilaktyki chorób nowotworowych na poziomie podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej, pielęgniarki środowiskowo-rodzinne powinny stale podnosić swoje kwalifikacje i uzupełniać wiedzę, biorąc udział w różnego rodzaju kursach i szkoleniach z zakresu onkologii. Cel pracy. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, czy uczestnictwo pielęgniarek środowiskowych w takich szkoleniach wpływa korzystnie na poziom realizacji profilaktyki onkologicznej w praktykach lekarza rodzinnego, w których pracują. Materiał i metody. Badania metodą sondażu diagnostycznego przy użyciu kwestionariusza ankiety przeprowadzono w 70 losowo wybranych praktykach lekarza rodzinnego województwa lubelskiego. Wzięły w nich udział 194 pielęgniarki środowiskowe pracujące w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej. Wyniki. Udział w szkoleniu onkologicznym dla pielęgniarek środowiskowo-rodzinnych potwierdziło 30,4% ankietowanych. Wykazano istotną zależność między uczestnictwem w szkoleniach a miejscem pracy pielęgniarek i posiadaną specjalizacją. Zaobserwowano, że pielęgniarki, które ukończyły szkolenia onkologiczne, w porównaniu z tymi, które nieuczestniczyły w takich kursach, są bardziej zaangażowane w realizację profilaktyki pierwotnej i wtórnej &#8212; częściej prowadzą edukację zdrowotną i w większym stopniu angażują się w organizowanie i przeprowadzanie badań przesiewowych w swoich przychodniach. Wnioski. Z uwagi na to, że pielęgniarki po szkoleniach znamiennie częściej podejmują działania prewencyjne, korzystne dla efektywnej realizacji profilaktyki chorób nowotworowych w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej byłoby wprowadzenie systematycznych obligatoryjnych szkoleń onkologicznych dla pielęgniarek środowiskowych. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2011; 19 (3): 365&#8211;371Introduction. In order to play an efficient part in the cancer prevention policies of the primary health care, district nurses should upgrade their qualifications and improve their knowledge, participating in a variety of courses and trainings in oncology. Aim of the study. The aim of the paper was to estimate whether the participation of district nurses in such trainings has a positive influence on the level of cancer prevention actions of the health care centers they are employed in. Material and methods. The diagnostic survey was carried out by means of a survey questionnaire in 70 GP surgeries of Lublin region selected at random. The survey included 194 district nurses employed in the primary health care. Results. The participation in trainings in oncology for district nurses was confirmed by 30.4% of the respondents. A statistically significant dependence was found between the participation in trainings and district nurses&#8217; workplace as well as speciality. It has been observed that the district nurses who have completed trainings in oncology are more involved in primary and secondary prevention policies, as compared to the ones who have not taken part in such trainings, i.e. they are more active in health education programmes as well as show more commitment to the organization and implementation of screening examinations in their own surgeries. Conclusions. Due to the fact that district nurses who have completed such trainings are more involved in undertaking preventive actions, it would be beneficial for the effective cancer prevention in the primary health care to introduce regular compulsory trainings in oncology for district nurses. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (3): 365&#8211;37

    Professional activity of Polish peri- and postmenopausal women

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    Introduction: The menopausal transition as one of the stages in women’s life can bring many ailments which complicate the accomplishment of professional duties. The situation of women on the Polish job market is determined by many barriers and stereotypes which impede women’s access to jobs and professional promotions. Material and methods : The aim of the study was to estimate the professional status and job satisfaction of women aged 40-65. The research was carried out by a survey method, a poll technique in the period from January to March 2016. An original questionnaire consisting of 35 questions was used as a research tool. Results: The analysis of obtained results shows that the arithmetic mean of the age of women in full-time employment was 51.84 years whereas the arithmetic mean of the age of women in part-time or seasonal employment was 52.64. Women aged 45-60 were characterised by a significantly lower job satisfaction than women over 60 years of age. The highest percentage of women in full-time employment lived in large cities. The financial situation of working women determined their job satisfaction. Well-off respondents were more pleased with their jobs than women in a worse financial situation. Conclusions : There is a strong need of education about counteraction of gender and age discrimination on the Polish labour market. The struggle against discrimination requires support on each level of the state administration through the implementation of numerous regulations facilitating the final period and resumption of women’s professional activity

    General self-efficacy level and health behaviours in women over the age of 45 years who have undergone osteoporosis treatment

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    Introduction : Contemporary people do not follow the civilisation development in every life domain, their lifestyle is not always healthy. Self-efficacy is the factor that plays an important role in undertaking actions towards struggling with the disease. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the general self-efficacy level and health behaviours as well as chosen sociodemographic features in women over the age of 45 years who have undergone osteoporosis treatment. Material and methods : The study comprised 151 women over the age of 45 years. The research was conducted in 2016 in health care centres in Lublin, a city in south-eastern Poland. The Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) by R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem and Z. Juczyński and an original questionnaire were used as research tools. The obtained material was subjected to descriptive and statistical analysis. 2 test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney Test and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were all applied. Results : The analysis of obtained results showed that as much as 73.5% of the respondents showed very low and low generalised self-efficacy level. On the other hand, only 22.5% of the examined were characterised by high and very high generalised self-efficacy level. The longer the duration of osteoporosis treatment (rho = 0.251; p = 0.002) and the better the self-estimation of health status (rho = 0.473; p = 0.000), the higher the respondents’ generalised self-efficacy level. The women’s self-efficacy level declined with increasing ailments (rho = –0.190; p = 0.019). Conclusions : The generalized self-efficacy level and the health behaviours are not satisfactory

    Men’s knowledge about osteoporosis and its risk factors

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    Introduction : Until recently osteoporosis was seen mainly as a woman’s problem. However, in the last ten years there has been rising awareness in society that osteoporosis constitutes an inseparable element of getting old for men as well. The aim of the research was to evaluate men’s knowledge about osteoporosis and its risk factors contributing to the development of the disease. Material and methods: The study included 205 men aged 20-60. The examined men were patients of selected healthcare centres in Lublin Voivodeship. The study was conducted between September 2014 and April 2015. The research was performed by means of the survey method, using a poll technique. Purposive sampling and an original questionnaire were used. Gathered material was subjected to descriptive and statistical analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied. The statistical significance level was set at = 0.05. IBM SPSS Statistics software was used to perform the statistical analysis. Results : The respondents’ level of knowledge about osteoporosis and its risk factors can be estimated as average. The polled men showed better knowledge on osteoporosis risk factors (M = 59.78) than general osteoporosis knowledge (M = 53.71). Significant differences were found between the respondents’ education and their general osteoporosis knowledge as well as between the respondents’ living conditions and their knowledge about osteoporosis risk factors. Conclusions : Because of the insufficient level of knowledge about osteoporosis and its risk factors in the male population it is advisable to launch prevention programmes aimed at men focusing on this issue