135 research outputs found

    On Global Conservation Laws at Null Infinity

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    The ``standard'' expressions for total energy, linear momentum and also angular momentum of asymptotically flat Bondi metrics at null infinity are also obtained from differential conservation laws on asymptotically flat backgrounds, derived from a quadratic Lagrangian density by methods currently used in classical field theory. It is thus a matter of taste and commodity to use or not to use a reference spacetime in defining these globally conserved quantities. Backgrounds lead to N\oe ther conserved currents; the use of backgrounds is in line with classical views on conservation laws. Moreover, the conserved quantities are in principle explicitly related to the sources of gravity through Einstein's equations, while standard definitions are not. The relations depend, however, on a rule for mapping spacetimes on backgrounds

    NAF-1 and mitoNEET are central to human breast cancer proliferation by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis and promoting tumor growth

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    Mitochondria are emerging as important players in the transformation process of cells, maintaining the biosynthetic and energetic capacities of cancer cells and serving as one of the primary sites of apoptosis and autophagy regulation. Although several avenues of cancer therapy have focused on mitochondria, progress in developing mitochondria-targeting anticancer drugs nonetheless has been slow, owing to the limited number of known mitochondrial target proteins that link metabolism with autophagy or cell death. Recent studies have demonstrated that two members of the newly discovered family of NEET proteins, NAF-1 (CISD2) and mitoNEET (mNT; CISD1), could play such a role in cancer cells. NAF-1 was shown to be a key player in regulating autophagy, and mNT was proposed to mediate iron and reactive oxygen homeostasis in mitochondria. Here we show that the protein levels of NAF-1 and mNT are elevated in human epithelial breast cancer cells, and that suppressing the level of these proteins using shRNA results in significantly reduced cell proliferation and tumor growth, decreased mitochondrial performance, uncontrolled accumulation of iron and reactive oxygen in mitochondria, and activation of autophagy. Our findings highlight NEET proteins as promising mitochondrial targets for cancer therapy

    Mathematical modeling and comparison of protein size distribution in different plant, animal, fungal and microbial species reveals a negative correlation between protein size and protein number, thus providing insight into the evolution of proteomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The sizes of proteins are relevant to their biochemical structure and for their biological function. The statistical distribution of protein lengths across a diverse set of taxa can provide hints about the evolution of proteomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the full genomic sequences of over 1,302 prokaryotic and 140 eukaryotic species two datasets containing 1.2 and 6.1 million proteins were generated and analyzed statistically. The lengthwise distribution of proteins can be roughly described with a gamma type or log-normal model, depending on the species. However the shape parameter of the gamma model has not a fixed value of 2, as previously suggested, but varies between 1.5 and 3 in different species. A gamma model with unrestricted shape parameter described best the distributions in ~48% of the species, whereas the log-normal distribution described better the observed protein sizes in 42% of the species. The gamma restricted function and the sum of exponentials distribution had a better fitting in only ~5% of the species. Eukaryotic proteins have an average size of 472 aa, whereas bacterial (320 aa) and archaeal (283 aa) proteins are significantly smaller (33-40% on average). Average protein sizes in different phylogenetic groups were: Alveolata (628 aa), Amoebozoa (533 aa), Fornicata (543 aa), Placozoa (453 aa), Eumetazoa (486 aa), Fungi (487 aa), Stramenopila (486 aa), Viridiplantae (392 aa). Amino acid composition is biased according to protein size. Protein length correlated negatively with %C, %M, %K, %F, %R, %W, %Y and positively with %D, %E, %Q, %S and %T. Prokaryotic proteins had a different protein size bias for %E, %G, %K and %M as compared to eukaryotes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Mathematical modeling of protein length empirical distributions can be used to asses the quality of small ORFs annotation in genomic releases (detection of too many false positive small ORFs). There is a negative correlation between average protein size and total number of proteins among eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes. The %GC content is positively correlated to total protein number and protein size in prokaryotes but not in eukaryotes. Small proteins have a different amino acid bias than larger proteins. Compared to prokaryotic species, the evolution of eukaryotic proteomes was characterized by increased protein number (massive gene duplication) and substantial changes of protein size (domain addition/subtraction).</p

    Mitochondrial CoQ deficiency is a common driver of mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance

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    Insulin resistance in muscle, adipocytes and liver is a gateway to a number of metabolic diseases. Here, we show a selective deficiency in mitochondrial coenzyme Q (CoQ) in insulin-resistant adipose and muscle tissue. This defect was observed in a range of in vitro insulin resistance models and adipose tissue from insulin-resistant humans and was concomitant with lower expression of mevalonate/CoQ biosynthesis pathway proteins in most models. Pharmacologic or genetic manipulations that decreased mitochondrial CoQ triggered mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance while CoQ supplementation in either insulin-resistant cell models or mice restored normal insulin sensitivity. Specifically, lowering of mitochondrial CoQ caused insulin resistance in adipocytes as a result of increased superoxide/hydrogen peroxide production via complex II. These data suggest that mitochondrial CoQ is a proximal driver of mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance, and that mechanisms that restore mitochondrial CoQ may be effective therapeutic targets for treating insulin resistance

    Mitochondrial CoQ deficiency is a common driver of mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance.

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    Insulin resistance in muscle, adipocytes and liver is a gateway to a number of metabolic diseases. Here, we show a selective deficiency in mitochondrial coenzyme Q (CoQ) in insulin-resistant adipose and muscle tissue. This defect was observed in a range of in vitro insulin resistance models and adipose tissue from insulin-resistant humans and was concomitant with lower expression of mevalonate/CoQ biosynthesis pathway proteins in most models. Pharmacologic or genetic manipulations that decreased mitochondrial CoQ triggered mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance while CoQ supplementation in either insulin-resistant cell models or mice restored normal insulin sensitivity. Specifically, lowering of mitochondrial CoQ caused insulin resistance in adipocytes as a result of increased superoxide/hydrogen peroxide production via complex II. These data suggest that mitochondrial CoQ is a proximal driver of mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance, and that mechanisms that restore mitochondrial CoQ may be effective therapeutic targets for treating insulin resistance

    Fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) promotes adipogenesis by downregulation of carboxypeptidase A4 (CPA4) – a negative regulator of adipogenesis implicated in the modulation of local and systemic insulin sensitivity

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    Fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) promotes differentiation of human preadipocytes into mature adipocytes via modulation of a BMP and Activin Membrane-Bound Inhibitor (BAMBI)/Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR?)-dependent network. Here, we combined transcriptomic and functional investigations to identify novel downstream effectors aligned with complementary analyses of gene expression in human adipose tissue to explore relationships with insulin sensitivity. RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR analysis revealed significant down-regulation of carboxypeptidase A4 (CPA4) following FGF-1 treatment or induction of differentiation of human preadipocytes in a BAMBI/PPAR?-independent manner. siRNA-mediated knockdown of CPA4 resulted in enhanced differentiation of human preadipocytes. Furthermore, expression of CPA4 in subcutaneous adipose tissue correlated negatively with indices of local and systemic (liver and muscle) insulin sensitivity. These results identify CPA4 as a negative regulator of adipogenesis that is down-regulated by FGF-1 and a putative deleterious modulator of local and systemic insulin sensitivity. Further investigations are required to define the molecular mechanism(s) involved and potential therapeutic opportunities

    Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks for reconstructing protein signaling networks from multiple interventions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern gene perturbation techniques, like RNA interference (RNAi), enable us to study effects of targeted interventions in cells efficiently. In combination with mRNA or protein expression data this allows to gain insights into the behavior of complex biological systems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks (DEPNs) as a special Bayesian Network approach to reverse engineer signaling networks from a combination of protein expression and perturbation data. DEPNs allow to reconstruct protein networks based on combinatorial intervention effects, which are monitored via changes of the protein expression or activation over one or a few time points. Our implementation of DEPNs allows for latent network nodes (i.e. proteins without measurements) and has a built in mechanism to impute missing data. The robustness of our approach was tested on simulated data. We applied DEPNs to reconstruct the <it>ERBB </it>signaling network in <it>de novo </it>trastuzumab resistant human breast cancer cells, where protein expression was monitored on Reverse Phase Protein Arrays (RPPAs) after knockdown of network proteins using RNAi.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>DEPNs offer a robust, efficient and simple approach to infer protein signaling networks from multiple interventions. The method as well as the data have been made part of the latest version of the R package "nem" available as a supplement to this paper and via the Bioconductor repository.</p

    Fruit-Surface Flavonoid Accumulation in Tomato Is Controlled by a SlMYB12-Regulated Transcriptional Network

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    The cuticle covering plants' aerial surfaces is a unique structure that plays a key role in organ development and protection against diverse stress conditions. A detailed analysis of the tomato colorless-peel y mutant was carried out in the framework of studying the outer surface of reproductive organs. The y mutant peel lacks the yellow flavonoid pigment naringenin chalcone, which has been suggested to influence the characteristics and function of the cuticular layer. Large-scale metabolic and transcript profiling revealed broad effects on both primary and secondary metabolism, related mostly to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, particularly flavonoids. These were not restricted to the fruit or to a specific stage of its development and indicated that the y mutant phenotype is due to a mutation in a regulatory gene. Indeed, expression analyses specified three R2R3-MYB–type transcription factors that were significantly down-regulated in the y mutant fruit peel. One of these, SlMYB12, was mapped to the genomic region on tomato chromosome 1 previously shown to harbor the y mutation. Identification of an additional mutant allele that co-segregates with the colorless-peel trait, specific down-regulation of SlMYB12 and rescue of the y phenotype by overexpression of SlMYB12 on the mutant background, confirmed that a lesion in this regulator underlies the y phenotype. Hence, this work provides novel insight to the study of fleshy fruit cuticular structure and paves the way for the elucidation of the regulatory network that controls flavonoid accumulation in tomato fruit cuticle