9 research outputs found

    Le cycle Rapkine et la mission Rapkine : le développement de la recherche médicale en France

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    Doris T. Zallen: The Rapkine cycle and the mission Rapkine: promoting medical research in France. It is not always possible to predict from which sources will corne the influences that later prove to be significant in developing new types of research agendas or setting new research policies into motion. One such unanticipated influence on medical research emerged from the ideas and efforts of Louis Rapkine, a biologist and naturalized French citizen. Rapkine is an especially unusual case. He was an intellectual emigre who fled from his medical studies to devote his life to carrying out basic biological investigations, and he preferred to work away from the medical establishment throughout most of his professional life. Despite this, Rapkine managed to make noteworthy contributions to the conduct of medical research in general and to the organization and operation of the French medical research apparatus in particular.Résumé. Il n'est pas toujours facile de déceler ce qui détermine un nouveau programme de recherche ou la mise en œuvre d'une politique scientifique. L'une de ces influences imprévues sur la recherche médicale est celle issue des idées et des travaux de Louis Rapkine, un biologiste français d'origine russo-canadienne. Etudiant en médecine, il abandonne ses études pour se consacrer à la recherche biologique fondamentale et, bien qu'éloigné de la médecine, il lui apportera une contribution scientifique notable et exercera une influence sur l'organisation de la recherche médicale en France.Doris T. Zallen : El ciclo Rapkine y la mision Rapkine, el desarrollo de la investigación medica en Francia. No siempre es fácil descubrir qué es lo que détermina un nuevo programa de investigación o la puesta en marcha de una política científica. Una de las influencias imprevistas sobre la investigación médica proviene de las ideas y de los trabajos de Louis Rapkine, un biólogo francés de origen ruso-canadiense. Siendo estudiante de medicina, abandona sus estudios para dedicarse a la investigación de la biología fundamental. A pesar de haberse alejado de la medicina, le aportó a ésta una notable contribución, proporcionando asimismo una série de ideas sobre la organización de la investigación médica en Francia.Zallen Doris T. Le cycle Rapkine et la mission Rapkine : le développement de la recherche médicale en France. In: Sciences sociales et santé. Volume 10, n°4, 1992. Contributions à l'histoire de la recherche médicale en France au XXe siècle, sous la direction de Martine Bungener et Jean-François Picard. pp. 11-23

    Public Oversight Is Necessary if Human Gene Therapy Is to Progress

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    Family history and the natural history of colorectal cancer: Systematic review

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    Purpose: Family history of colorectal cancer (CRC) is a known risk factor for CRC and encompasses both genetic and shared environmental risks. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to estimate the impact of family history on the natural history of CRC and adherence to screening. Results: We found high heterogeneity in family-history definitions, the most common definition being one or more first-degree relatives. The prevalence of family history may be lower than the commonly cited 10%, and confirms evidence for increasing levels of risk associated with increasing family-history burden. There is evidence for higher prevalence of adenomas and of multiple adenomas in people with family history of CRC but no evidence for differential adenoma location or adenoma progression by family history. Limited data regarding the natural history of CRC by family history suggest a differential age or stage at cancer diagnosis and mixed evidence with respect to tumor location. Adherence to recommended colonoscopy screening was higher in people with a family history of CRC. Conclusion: Stratification based on polygenic and/or multifactorial risk assessment may mature to the point of displacing family history-based approaches, but for the foreseeable future, family history may remain a valuable clinical tool for identifying individuals at increased risk for CRC