18 research outputs found
Table S2 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
MRM Quantification Parameters</p
Table S8 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Table shows Tabulated cell growth inhibition data for NCI-N87 and MDA-MB231 cells in monoculture and coculture when treated with ADCs T-16, T-17, and T-18</p
Figure S5 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Figure shows Plasma stability comparing indole-linked ADC T-13 to N10-linked ADC T-BH</p
Figure S4 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Figure shows In vitro activity of NaPi2b ADCs X-BG and X-19 and payload 4 in the OVCAR3 cell line</p
Table S9 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Table shows Cytotoxicity Data for Platforms 18 vs 19</p
Table S7 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Table shows Cytotoxicity comparisons between Biaryl PBD ADCs vs DGN549 ADCs</p
Table S6 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Table shows Cytotoxicity comparisons between Biaryl PBD payloads 4 and 20 vs IGN 2</p
Figure S6 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Figure shows comet assay results</p
Table S1 from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Extinction coefficient used to determine DAR for ADCs</p
Supplementary Data from Development of a Novel DNA Mono-alkylator Platform for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Supplementary Materials and Methods including Assays and Synthetic Procedures</p