2,842 research outputs found
Multidimensional spectroscopy with entangled light; loop vs ladder delay scanning protocols
Multidimensional optical signals are commonly recorded by varying the delays
between time ordered pulses. These control the evolution of the density matrix
and are described by ladder diagrams. We propose a new non-time-ordered
protocol based on following the time evolution of the wavefunction and
described by loop diagrams. The time variables in this protocol allow to
observe different types of resonances and reveal information about intraband
dephasing not readily available by time ordered techniques. The time variables
involved in this protocol become coupled when using entangled light, which
provides high selectivity and background free measurement of the various
resonances. Entangled light can resolve certain states even when strong
background due to fast dephasing suppresses the resonant features when probed
by classical light
Nonlinear fluctuations and dissipation in matter revealed by quantum light
Quantum optical fields offer numerous control knobs which are not available
with classical light and may be used for monitoring the properties of matter by
novel types of spectroscopy. It has been recently argued that such quantum
spectroscopy signals can be obtained by a simple averaging of their classical
spectroscopy counterparts over the Glauber-Sudarshan quasiprobability
distribution of the quantum field; the quantum light thus merely provides a
novel gating window for the classical response functions. We show that this
argument only applies to the linear response and breaks down in the nonlinear
regime. The quantum response carries additional valuable information about
response and spontaneous fluctuations of matter that may not be retrieved from
the classical response by simple data processing. This is connected to the lack
of a nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation relation
Efficiency at Maximum Power of Laser Quantum Heat Engine Enhanced by Noise-Induced Coherence
Quantum coherence has been demonstrated in various systems including organic
solar cells and solid state devices. In this letter, we report the lower and
upper bounds for the performance of quantum heat engines determined by the
efficiency at maximum power. Our prediction based on the canonical 3-level
Scovil and Schulz-Dubois maser model strongly depends on the ratio of
system-bath couplings for the hot and cold baths and recovers the theoretical
bounds established previously for the Carnot engine. Further, introducing a
4-th level to the maser model can enhance the maximal power and its efficiency,
thus demonstrating the importance of quantum coherence in the thermodynamics
and operation of the heat engines beyond the classical limit
Quantum phase-sensitive diffraction and imaging using entangled photons
We propose a novel quantum diffraction imaging technique whereby one photon
of an entangled pair is diffracted off a sample and detected in coincidence
with its twin. The image is obtained by scanning the photon that did not
interact with matter. We show that when a dynamical quantum system interacts
with an external field, the phase information is imprinted in the state of the
field in a detectable way. The contribution to the signal from photons that
interact with the sample scales as , where is the
source intensity, compared to of classical diffraction. This
makes imaging with weak-field possible, avoiding damage to delicate samples. A
Schmidt decomposition of the state of the field can be used for image
enhancement by reweighting the Schmidt modes contributions.Comment: In pres
Detecting Electronic Coherence by Multidimensional Broadband Stimulated X-Ray Raman Signals
Nonstationary molecular states which contain electronic coherences can be
impulsively created and manipulated by using recently-developed ultrashort
optical and X-ray pulses via photoexcitation, photoionization and Auger
processes. We propose several stimulated-Raman detection schemes that can
monitor the phase-sensitive electronic and nuclear dynamics. Three detection
protocols of an X-ray broadband probe are compared - frequency dispersed
transmission, integrated photon number change, and total pulse energy change.
In addition each can be either linear or quadratic in the X-ray probe
intensity. These various signals offer different gating windows into the
molecular response which is described by correlation functions of electronic
polarizabilities. Off-resonant and resonant signals are compared
Nonlinear optical signals and spectroscopy with quantum light
Conventional nonlinear spectroscopy uses classical light to detect matter
properties through the variation of its response with frequencies or time
delays. Quantum light opens up new avenues for spectroscopy by utilizing
parameters of the quantum state of light as novel control knobs and through the
variation of photon statistics by coupling to matter. We present an intuitive
diagrammatic approach for calculating ultrafast spectroscopy signals induced by
quantum light, focusing on applications involving entangled photons with
nonclassical bandwidth properties - known as "time-energy entanglement".
Nonlinear optical signals induced by quantized light fields are expressed using
time ordered multipoint correlation functions of superoperators. These are
different from Glauber's g- functions for photon counting which use normally
ordered products of ordinary operators. Entangled photon pairs are not
subjected to the classical Fourier limitations on the joint temporal and
spectral resolution. After a brief survey of properties of entangled photon
pairs relevant to their spectroscopic applications, different optical signals,
and photon counting setups are discussed and illustrated for simple multi-level
model systems
A large literature exists on measuring the allocative and technical efficiency of a set of firms. A segment of this literature uses data envelopment analysis (DEA), creating relative efficiency rankings that are nonstochastic and thus cannot be evaluated according to the precision of the rankings. A parallel literature uses econometric techniques to estimate stochastic production frontiers or distance functions, providing at least the possibility of computing the precision of the resulting efficiency rankings. Recently, Horrace and Schmidt (2000) have applied sampling theoretic statistical techniques known as multiple comparisons with control (MCC) and multiple comparisons with the best (MCB) to the issue of measuring the precision of efficiency rankings. This paper offers a Bayesian multiple comparison alternative that we argue is simpler to implement, gives the researcher increased exibility over the type of comparison made, and provides greater, and more in-tuitive, information content. We demonstrate this method on technical efficiency rankings of a set of U.S. electric generating firms derived within a distance function framework.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,
Evaluation of optical probe signals from nonequilibrium systems
We predict several effects associated with the optical response of systems
prepared in a nonequilibrium state by impulsive optical excitations. The linear
response depends on the phase of the electric field even if the initial
nonequilirbium state has only populations, no coherences. Initial quantum
coherences induce additional phase dependence which also shows new resonances
in nonlinear wave mixing. In systems strongly driven by an external optical
field, the field frequency generates a phase dependent probe absorption. This
gives further control to manipulate the relative contribution to the linear
signal due to initial populations and coherences
Time-resolved broadband Raman spectroscopies; A unified six-wave-mixing representation
Excited-state vibrational dynamics in molecules can be studied by an
electronically off-resonant Raman process induced by a probe pulse with
variable delay with respect to an actinic pulse. We establish the connection
between several variants of the technique that involve either spontaneous or
stimulated Raman detection and different pulse configurations. By using loop
diagrams in the frequency domain we show that all signals can be described as
six wave mixing which depend on the same four point molecular correlation
functions involving two transition dipoles and two polarizabilities and
accompanied by a different gating. Simulations for the stochastic
two-state-jump model illustrate the origin of the absorptive and dispersive
features observed experimentally
Broadband infrared and Raman probes of excited-state vibrational molecular dynamics; Simulation protocols based on loop diagram
Vibrational motions in electronically excited states can be observed by
either time and frequency resolved infrared absorption or by off resonant
stimulated Raman techniques. Multipoint correlation function expressions are
derived for both signals. Three representations for the signal which suggest
different simulation protocols are developed. These are based on the forward
and the backward propagation of the wavefunction, sum over state expansion
using an effective vibration Hamiltonian and a semiclassical treatment of a
bath. We show that the effective temporal () and spectral
() resolution of the techniques is not controlled solely by
experimental knobs but also depends on the system dynamics being probed. The
Fourier uncertainty is never violated
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