2,174 research outputs found

    Shuttle/spacelab MMAP/electromagnetic environment experiment phase B definition study

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    Progress made during the first five months of the Phase B definition study for the MMAP/Electromagnetic Environment Experiment (EEE) was described. An antenna/receiver assembly has been defined and sized for stowing in a three pallet bay area in the shuttle. Six scanning modes for the assembly are analyzed and footprints for various antenna sizes are plotted. Mission profiles have been outlined for a 400 km height, 57 deg inclination angle, circular orbit. Viewing time over 7 geographical areas are listed. Shuttle interfaces have been studied to determine what configuration the antenna assembly must have to be shared with other experiments of the Microwave Multi-Applications Payload (MMAP) and to be stowed in the shuttle bay. Other results reported include a frequency plan, a proposed antenna subsystem design, a proposed receiver design, preliminary outlines of the experiment controls and an analysis of on-board and ground data processing schemes

    Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators

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    The skewfield K(d) of rational pseudodifferential operators over a differential field K is the skewfield of fractions of the algebra of differential operators K[d]. In our previous paper we showed that any H from K(d) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of K[d], B is non-zero, and any common right divisor of A and B is a non-zero element of K. Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-zero element of K[d]. In the present paper we study the ring M_n(K(d)) of nxn matrices over the skewfield K(d). We show that similarly, any H from M_n(K(d)) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of M_n(K[d]), B is non-degenerate, and any common right divisor of A and B is an invertible element of the ring M_n(K[d]). Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-degenerate element of M_n(K [d]). We give several equivalent definitions of the minimal fractional decomposition. These results are applied to the study of maximal isotropicity property, used in the theory of Dirac structures.Comment: 20 page

    Electrocardiogram derived respiration during sleep

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    The aim of this study was quantify the ECG Derived Respiration (EDR) in order to extend the capabilities of ECG-based sleep analysis. We examined our results in normal subjects and in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) or Central Sleep Apnea. Lead 2 ECG and three measures of respiration (thorax and abdominal effort, and oronasal flow signal) were recorded during sleep studies of 12 normal and 12 OSAS patients. Three parameters, the R-wave amplitude (RWA), R-wave duration (RWD), and QRS area, were extracted from the ECG signal, resulting in time series that displayed a behavior similar to that of the respiration signals. EDR frequency was correlated with directly measured respiratory frequency, and averaged over all subjects. The peak-to-peak value of the EDR signals during the apnea event was compared to the average peak-to-peak of the sleep stage, containing the apnea. 1

    Clustering of matter in waves and currents

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    The growth rate of small-scale density inhomogeneities (the entropy production rate) is given by the sum of the Lyapunov exponents in a random flow. We derive an analytic formula for the rate in a flow of weakly interacting waves and show that in most cases it is zero up to the fourth order in the wave amplitude. We then derive an analytic formula for the rate in a flow of potential waves and solenoidal currents. Estimates of the rate and the fractal dimension of the density distribution show that the interplay between waves and currents is a realistic mechanism for providing patchiness of pollutant distribution on the ocean surface.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    An Analytical Construction of the SRB Measures for Baker-type Maps

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    For a class of dynamical systems, called the axiom-A systems, Sinai, Ruelle and Bowen showed the existence of an invariant measure (SRB measure) weakly attracting the temporal average of any initial distribution that is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Recently, the SRB measures were found to be related to the nonequilibrium stationary state distribution functions for thermostated or open systems. Inspite of the importance of these SRB measures, it is difficult to handle them analytically because they are often singular functions. In this article, for three kinds of Baker-type maps, the SRB measures are analytically constructed with the aid of a functional equation, which was proposed by de Rham in order to deal with a class of singular functions. We first briefly review the properties of singular functions including those of de Rham. Then, the Baker-type maps are described, one of which is non-conservative but time reversible, the second has a Cantor-like invariant set, and the third is a model of a simple chemical reaction R↔I↔PR \leftrightarrow I \leftrightarrow P. For the second example, the cases with and without escape are considered. For the last example, we consider the reaction processes in a closed system and in an open system under a flux boundary condition. In all cases, we show that the evolution equation of the distribution functions partially integrated over the unstable direction is very similar to de Rham's functional equation and, employing this analogy, we explicitly construct the SRB measures.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, to appear in CHAO

    On classification of Poisson vertex algebras

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    We describe a conjectural classification of Poisson vertex algebras of CFT type and of Poisson vertex algebras in one differential variable (= scalar Hamiltonian operators)

    Chaotic Properties of Dilute Two and Three Dimensional Random Lorentz Gases I: Equilibrium Systems

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    We compute the Lyapunov spectrum and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for a moving particle placed in a dilute, random array of hard disk or hard sphere scatterers - i.e. the dilute Lorentz gas model. This is carried out in two ways: First we use simple kinetic theory arguments to compute the Lyapunov spectrum for both two and three dimensional systems. In order to provide a method that can easily be generalized to non-uniform systems we then use a method based upon extensions of the Lorentz-Boltzmann (LB) equation to include variables that characterize the chaotic behavior of the system. The extended LB equations depend upon the number of dimensions and on whether one is computing positive or negative Lyapunov exponents. In the latter case the extended LB equation is closely related to an "anti-Lorentz-Boltzmann equation" where the collision operator has the opposite sign from the ordinary LB equation. Finally we compare our results with computer simulations of Dellago and Posch and find very good agreement.Comment: 48 pages, 3 ps fig

    Wave packet autocorrelation functions for quantum hard-disk and hard-sphere billiards in the high-energy, diffraction regime

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    We consider the time evolution of a wave packet representing a quantum particle moving in a geometrically open billiard that consists of a number of fixed hard-disk or hard-sphere scatterers. Using the technique of multiple collision expansions we provide a first-principle analytical calculation of the time-dependent autocorrelation function for the wave packet in the high-energy diffraction regime, in which the particle's de Broglie wave length, while being small compared to the size of the scatterers, is large enough to prevent the formation of geometric shadow over distances of the order of the particle's free flight path. The hard-disk or hard-sphere scattering system must be sufficiently dilute in order for this high-energy diffraction regime to be achievable. Apart from the overall exponential decay, the autocorrelation function exhibits a generally complicated sequence of relatively strong peaks corresponding to partial revivals of the wave packet. Both the exponential decay (or escape) rate and the revival peak structure are predominantly determined by the underlying classical dynamics. A relation between the escape rate, and the Lyapunov exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of the counterpart classical system, previously known for hard-disk billiards, is strengthened by generalization to three spatial dimensions. The results of the quantum mechanical calculation of the time-dependent autocorrelation function agree with predictions of the semiclassical periodic orbit theory.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Simulational Study on Dimensionality-Dependence of Heat Conduction

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    Heat conduction phenomena are studied theoretically using computer simulation. The systems are crystal with nonlinear interaction, and fluid of hard-core particles. Quasi-one-dimensional system of the size of Lx×Ly×Lz(Lz≫Lx,Ly)L_x\times L_y\times L_z(L_z\gg L_x,L_y) is simulated. Heat baths are put in both end: one has higher temperature than the other. In the crystal case, the interaction potential VV has fourth-order non-linear term in addition to the harmonic term, and Nose-Hoover method is used for the heat baths. In the fluid case, stochastic boundary condition is charged, which works as the heat baths. Fourier-type heat conduction is reproduced both in crystal and fluid models in three-dimensional system, but it is not observed in lower dimensional system. Autocorrelation function of heat flux is also observed and long-time tails of the form of ∼t−d/2\sim t^{-d/2}, where dd denotes the dimensionality of the system, are confirmed.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure
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