92 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eOestrus ovis\u3c/i\u3e in sheep: relative third-instar populations, risks of infection and parasitic control

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    Oestrus ovis (L.) (Diptera: Oestridae), the nasal bot fly, has a relatively short free-living life cycle outside of the host, and therefore it is necessary to know when the parasitic period occurs in order to prevent the clinical signs and economic losses caused by this parasite. The length of this parasitic portion of the life cycle is quite variable: a few weeks to several months depending on the season and climatic conditions. Surveys of Oestrus ovis larval populations in sheep show different results on the number of generations according to the local climate. Mean monthly larval profiles of L1 and L3 burdens of sheep from West African Sahelian countries, Mediterranean countries (Morocco, Tunisia and Sicily) and Southwest France were compared. Valuable information on the suspected extension of the fly season is obtained showing the period of infection in each area. This knowledge will be a valuable tool to help in choosing the right treatment at the right period

    First reports of autochthonous eyeworm infection by Thelazia callipaeda (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) in dogs and cat from France

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    Thelazia callipaeda (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) is a small nematode living in the conjunctival sac of domestic and wild carnivores, rabbits and humans causing lacrimation, epiphora, conjunctivitis, keratitis and even corneal ulcers. The first autochthonous cases of thelaziosis affecting four dogs and one cat living in South Western France (Dordogne area) are reported and described. Nematodes recovered from the animals were morphologically identified as T. callipaeda and a partial region of the cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 gene (cox1) was amplified by PCR from nematode specimens (from two dogs and the cat). In each case, this was shown to have an identical sequence to the haplotype 1 (h1) of T. callipaeda. So far, the arthropod acting as intermediate host of T. callipaeda eyeworms has not been identified in France although it might be Phortica variegata (Steganinae, Drosophilidae) as recently described in Italy

    Reemergence of cattle paramphistomiasis in France : Current review of epidemiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis

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    The prevalence of cattle paramphistomiasis is growing in France. This recent reemergence may be related to several factors: limited number of specific anthelmintics available, longevity and high prolificity of adult worms, decreasing prevalence liver fluke which increases the availability of the snails which act as intermediate hosts for paramphistomids, and extensification of cattle farming. Although clinical signs are not very typical, the pathogenicity of paramphistomiasis cannot be ignored, due to the risk of acute form due to immature worms (difficult to identify) and of recurrent bloating due to the mechanical effect of adult worms. However, the pathogenicity of paramphistomids is much milder than that of Fasciola hepatica. There is currently no immunological method available for this diagnosis; a clinical suspicion is confirmed by faecal egg counts (epg), but there is no formal correlation between their numbers and the parasite load.On constate un accroissement de la prévalence de la paramphistomose bovine en France. Cette récente réémergence peut être reliée à différents facteurs : le peu d'anthelminthiques spécifiques disponibles, la longévité et la forte prolificité des vers adultes, la chute de la prévalence de Fasciola hepatica permettant la plus grande disponibilité des limnées, hôtes intermédiaires, et enfin l'extensification de l'élevage. En dépit d'une symptomatologie peu spécifique, la pathogénicité de la paramphistomose ne doit pas être ignorée : risques de forme aiguë liée aux vers immatures -difficile à identifier- et de météorisation récurrente par l'effet mécanique des adultes. Cette pathogénicité est néanmoins bien moindre que celle de Fasciola hepatica. Aucun test sérologique n'est actuellement disponible : seul le diagnostic coproscopique avec comptage des oeufs (OPG) vient confirmer la suspicion clinique. Cependant, le niveau des OPG n'est pas formellement corrélé à la charge parasitaire

    Oestrus ovis

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    « The liver fluke wa tchdog » : Evaluation of control measures required in farm herds to control fasciolosis and initial results

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    The initial results obtained by the « Observatoire de la grande douve », or Liver Fluke Watchdog, in France offer an interesting platform for veterinary practitioners to set up formal programs to fight endemic diseases (parasitism, mastitis, neonatal gastroenteritis…). This experience has shown that breeders are indeed coming round to the idea of paying a consultancy fee, provided the advice is relevant and profitable. These therapeutic and prevention protocols, HACCP compliant, provide some insight on the health policy of the future. The example of fluke control illustrates the actions to promote : screening, risk factor identification, prescription of therapeutic and agronomic measures, and finally, control of the program’s efficacy. The initial results obtained in animal husbandry confirm the major benefits of this approach.Les premiers résultats de l'« Observatoire de la grande douve» offrent une plateforme intéressante aux vétérinaires praticiens pour l'élaboration de plans de lutte formalisés contre des maladies endémiques (parasitisme, mammites, gastro-entérites néonatales...). En effet, les éleveurs acceptent de plus en plus l'idée de rémunérer un conseil, sous réserve qu'il soit pertinent et rentable. Ces protocoles de traitement et de prévention, conformes à la méthode HACCP, laissent percevoir l'organisation de la politique sanitaire des années à venir. L'exemple de la maîtrise de la fasciolose illustre les actions à promouvoir: dépister, identifier les facteurs de risque, prescrire des mesures thérapeutiques et agronomiques, et enfin, contrôler l'efficacité du plan d'action. Les premiers résultats obtenus en élevage confirment l'intérêt majeur de cette démarche
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