40 research outputs found

    Satisfaction and academic achievements of students attending regular individualised school programmes: the role of goal orientations and achievement emotions

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u ciljnim orijentacijama, uvjerenju o djelovanju, emocijama postignuća, aspektima zadovoljstva te školskom uspjehu između učenika koji se školuju po redovnom programu uz individualizirane postupke i učenika koji se školuju po redovnom programu te ispitati doprinos motivacijskih i emocionalnih čimbenika u objašnjenju zadovoljstva i školskog uspjeha učenika redovnih programa uz individualizirane postupke. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 417 učenika koji se školuju po redovnom programu uz individualizirane postupke (27.1% djevojaka) te 448 učenika iz redovnih programa (27.9% djevojaka) odabranih metodom slučajnih brojeva iz slučajnog uzorka vodeći računa o razredu (sedmi i osmi razredi osnovne škole te prvi i drugi razredi srednje škole) i spolu. Učenici su ispunjavali upitnik ciljnih orijentacija, skalu uvjerenja o djelovanju, upitnik emocija postignuća te dali procjenu zadovoljstva životom, sobom kao učenikom i odnosima s drugim učenicima, a dali su i podatke o školskom uspjehu. Rezultati analize varijance pokazuju da učenici koji se školuju po redovnom programu uz individualizirane postupke u manjoj mjeri izražavaju ekstrinzičnu orijentaciju na učenje te u manjoj mjeri procjenjuju da imaju dovoljno sposobnosti za postizanje uspjeha u školi, a imaju i slabiji školski uspjeh te niže zadovoljstvo životom, zadovoljstvo sobom kao učenikom te zadovoljstvo odnosom s drugim učenicima. Rezultati hijerarhijskih regresijskih analiza pokazuju da ciljne orijentacije, uvjerenja o djelovanju te emocije postignuća u većoj mjeri objašnjavaju zadovoljstvo sobom kao učenikom nego školski uspjeh. Pritom su se ciljne orijentacije pokazale važnijima za školski uspjeh (intrinzična i ekstrinzična orijentacija na učenje, izbjegavanje rada), a uvjerenja o djelovanju (procjena truda) za zadovoljstvo sobom kao učenikom.The aim of this study was to examine whether achievement goal orientations, agency beliefs, achievement emotions, aspects of satisfaction, and academic achievements differ between students attending the regular individualised school programmes and those attending the regular programme, as well as to determine the contribution of motivational and emotional factors in explaining satisfaction and academic achievements of students attending the regular individualised school programme. The sample comprised of 417 students enrolled in a regular individualised school programme (27.1% girls) and a comparison group of 448 students enrolled in a regular programme (27.9% girls). The comparison group of students was selected from a random sample using the random number method, while taking grade (seventh and eighth grades of primary school, and first and second grades of secondary school) and gender into account. The students completed a Goal Orientation Questionnaire, the Agency Beliefs Scale, and an Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, assessed their satisfaction with life, with themselves as students, and with their relationships with other students, as well as provided information about their academic achievements. The results of a two-way analysis of variance indicate that students attending the regular individualised school programme have lower mastery-extrinsic orientation, tend to underestimate their ability to be successful in school, and record lower academic achievements, as well as lower satisfaction with life, with themselves as students, and with their relationships with other students. The findings of the hierarchical regression analyses demonstrate that goal orientations, agency beliefs, and achievement emotions explain satisfaction with oneself as a student to a larger extent than academic achievements. In this regard, goal orientations have proved to be more significant for academic achievement (mastery-intrinsic and mastery-extrinsic orientation, work avoidance), while agency beliefs (effort assessment) are more significant for satisfaction with oneself as a student

    The relationship between repressive coping, mood and recall of mood

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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati postojanje razlika u raspoloženju kao crti ličnosti, prosječnom dnevnom raspoloženju te točnosti dosjećanja vlastitih raspoloženja između četiri kategorije ispitanika s obzirom na represivni stil suočavanja (nisko anksiozni, represivni, visoko anksiozni, defanzivno visoko anksiozni). Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 105 studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci. Za kategorizaciju ispitanika s obzirom na represivni stil suočavanja korištena je Skala manifestne anksioznosti i Skala socijalne poželjnosti. Ispitanici su osim procjene svojega uobičajenog raspoloženja, dnevno procjenjivali svoje raspoloženje te izvršili procjenu globalnog raspoloženja za period svakodnevnog procjenjivanja. Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju da je represivni stil suočavanja povezan uz više pozitivnog i manje negativnog kako dispozicijskog tako i situacijskog raspoloženja. Skupina represivnih ispitanika se ne razlikuje od ostalih skupina (nisko anksiozni, visoko anksiozni, defanzivno visoko anksiozni) u točnosti dosjećanja vlastitog raspoloženja. Općenito, rezultati upućuju na potrebu daljnjih istraživanja ovog područja, i kroz ovdje korištenu, ali i alternativne operacionalizacije konstrukta represije, te s različitim emocionalnim podražajima.The purpose of this study was to examine differences between four groups of participants (repressive, low-anxious, high-anxious, defensive high-anxious) in usual mood, daily moods and in recall of mood. Results were obtained on a sample of 105 undergraduate students at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka. The Manifest Anxiety Scale and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale were used for the classification concerning repressive coping style. Participants estimated his/her usual mood, daily mood and global mood for the period during which they did daily estimates. The results suggest that repressive coping is related to more positive and less negative moods (dispositional and situational defined moods). Subjects with a repressive coping style do not differ from other groups of participants (low-anxious, high-anxious, defensive high-anxious) in the accuracy of mood recall. These results suggest the need for more research in this field with the same and with alternative conceptualizations of the repressive coping style and with different emotional stimuli

    Das Verhältnis zwischen repressivem Angstbewältigungsstil und der Vergegenwärtigung affektiv konnotierten Bildmaterials mit unterschiedlicher Aktivation und hedonischer Valenz

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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati postoje li razlike između nisko anksioznih, represivnih, visoko anksioznih i defanzivno visoko anksioznih ispitanika u neposrednom i odgođenom dosjećanju emocionalnih slika različitog stupnja aktivacije i hedonskoga tona. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 104 studenta Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci u tri susreta. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da iako se skupina represivnih ispitanika ne razlikuje od ostalih triju skupina u neposrednom dosjećanju emocionalnih slika, razlikuje se od ostalih skupina u odgođenom dosjećanju tih slika. Represivna se skupina ispitanika dosjeća manjega broja emocionalnih slika od skupine nisko anksioznih, a u toj je skupini, kao i u skupini nisko anksioznih, izraženiji i efekt slabijega dosjećanja neugodnih slika nego u ostalim dvjema skupinama. Najvažniji se rezultat vezuje uz to da je, kod odgođenoga dosjećanja, efekt slabijega dosjećanja neugodnih slika kod represivnih ispitanika jače izražen za slike visoke aktivacije, a za skupinu nisko anksioznih ispitanika za slike niske aktivacije, što upućuje na važnost kontroliranja dimenzije aktivacije, a ne samo hedonskoga tona, u istraživanjima pamćenja emocionalnoga materijala kod represora.The aim of this study was to examine differences between four groups of participants (repressive, low-anxious, high-anxious, defensive high-anxious) in the recall of emotional pictures with different level of activation and hedonic valence. Results were obtained on a sample of 104 undergraduate students at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka, at three time points. The results suggest that although subjects with repressive coping style do not differ from the other three groups of participants in the immediate free recall of pictures, they differ from other groups in the delayed recall of pictures. Participants with repressive coping style recall fewer emotional pictures than the low-anxious group, and the effect of the weaker recall of unpleasant pictures is more pronounced in these two groups than in the other two. The most important finding is the one concerning delayed recall. Namely, the effect of the more weak recall of unpleasant pictures for subjects classified as repressors is more pronounced for the pictures high in activation, and for low- -anxious subjects for pictures low in activation. These results suggest the importance of the control of the activation dimension, along with the dimension of hedonic valence in the research of memory for emotional material among the repressors.Mit dieser Untersuchung sollte herausgefunden werden, ob es bei der unmittelbaren wie auch zeitlich verzögerten Vergegenwärtigung affektiv konnotierten Bildmaterials von unterschiedlicher Activation und hedonischer Valenz einen Unterschied gibt zwischen 1) Personen mit schwach ausgeprägter Ängstlichkeit, 2) sog. Repressern, 3) Personen mit starken Angstzuständen und 4) Personen, bei denen starke und mit Defensivverhalten gapaarte Angstzustände auftreten. Die Untersuchung wurde in drei Sitzungen unter 104 Studenten der Philosophischen Fakultät in Rijeka durchgeführt. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das unmittelbare Erinnerungsvermögen bei den genannten vier Personengruppen nicht unterscheidet. Abweichende Werte konnten jedoch bei der zeitlich verzögerten Vergegenwärtigung beobachtet werden. Die Zahl der erinnerten Bilder ist bei den Repressern geringer als bei Personen mit schwach ausgeprägter Ängstlichkeit, während bei diesen beiden Personengruppen im Falle unangenehmer Bilder das Erinnerungsvermögen geringer ist als bei den anderen beiden Personengruppen. Die wichtigste Erkenntnis ist jedoch die, dass bei der zeitlich verzögerten Vergegenwärtigung unangenehmer Bilder von hohem Aktivationsgrad das Erinnerungsvermögen bei Repressern noch schwächer ausgeprägt ist. Ein ebenfalls geschwächtes Erinnerungsvermögen tritt auch bei Personen mit schwach ausgeprägter Ängstlichkeit auf, und zwar im Hinblick auf Fotos von niedrigem Aktivationsgrad. Letztere Erkenntnis verweist darauf, welche große Rolle die Kontrolle über die Dimension der Aktivation spielt, und nicht allein über die der Bewertung, sofern es um die Vergegenwärtigung von affektiv konnotiertem Material bei Repressern geht

    Izjednačavanje mogućnosti studenata s invaliditetom u visokom obrazovanju: iskustvo ureda za studente s invaliditetom Sveučilišnog savjetovališnog centra

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    Unatoč odgovarajućim zakonskim preduvjetima, srednjoškolci s invaliditetom u manjoj se mjeri odlučuju za studiranje. Razlozi tome mogu biti različiti: od arhitektonskih barijera, vlastitih i stavova okoline o vještinama i sposobnostima osoba s invaliditetom, ali i često neodgovarajućeg sustava podrške u kontekstu visokog obrazovanja. Kako bi se sadašnjim i budućim studentima s invaliditetom osigurali uvjeti za kvalitetno i jednako dostupno obrazovanje te uspješno studiranje, Sveučilište u Rijeci je u sklopu Sveučilišnog savjetovališnog centra čije su sastavnice Psihološko i Pravno savjetovalište osnovalo i Ured za studente s invaliditetom. Ured je namijenjen studentima s oštećenjima vida i sluha, tjelesnim invaliditetom, višestrukim oštećenjima, kroničnim bolestima ali i ostalim zdravstvenim stanjima ili poteškoćama koje mogu utjecati na tijek studija. Svojim aktivnostima Ured pruža informacije ali i izravnu pomoć i podršku studentima pri rješavanju specifičnih problema. Također nastoji nastavnicima pružiti informacije o načinima prilagodbe nastave i ispita potrebama studenata s invaliditetom

    Odnos izmišljenih prijatelja, socijalne kompetencije i problema u ponašanju djece predškolske dobi

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    Pitanje emocionalnih, socijalnih i kognitivnih razvojnih ishoda kod djece koja se uključuju u igru s izmišljenim prijateljima još je uvijek otvoreno. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi učestalost i dob javljanja izmišljenih prijatelja te ispitati odnos između pojave izmišljenih prijatelja i socijalne kompetencije, internaliziranih i eksternaliziranih problema u ponašanju na uzorku djece predškolske dobi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 224 roditelja djece u dobi od 2 do 7 godina. Roditelji su, osim davanja podataka o izmišljenim prijateljima djece, procjenjivali socijalnu kompetentnost djeteta te internalizirane i eksternalizirane probleme u ponašanju. Rezultati pokazuju kako je 40,2% djece u uzorku imalo izmišljenog prijatelja pri čemu je najčešća dob javljanja bila treća godina života. Izmišljeni prijatelji su se češće javljali kod djevojčica, a većina je djece osmišljavala samo jednog prijatelja koji je bio prisutan nekoliko mjeseci. Za 31 % djece izmišljeni je prijatelj bio dobi podjednake njihovoj, dok je za 92 % dječaka te 49 % djevojčica izmišljeni prijatelj bio i istog spola. Djeca s izmišljenim prijateljima i bez njih imala su podjednaku razinu socijalne kompetencije, no ne i eksternaliziranih problema, koji su bili manje zastupljeni u djece s izmišljenim prijateljima. Negativni učinci izmišljenih prijatelja vidljivi su u djevojčica pa djevojčice s izmišljenim prijateljima imaju značajno više internaliziranih problema od ostatka uzorka

    The Relationship between Imaginary Companions, Social Competence and Behavioral Problems of Preschool Children

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    Pitanje emocionalnih, socijalnih i kognitivnih razvojnih ishoda kod djece koja se uključuju u igru s izmišljenim prijateljima još je uvijek otvoreno. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi učestalost i dob javljanja izmišljenih prijatelja te ispitati odnos između pojave izmišljenih prijatelja i socijalne kompetencije, internaliziranih i eksternaliziranih problema u ponašanju na uzorku djece predškolske dobi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 224 roditelja djece u dobi od 2 do 7 godina. Roditelji su, osim davanja podataka o izmišljenim prijateljima djece, procjenjivali socijalnu kompetentnost djeteta te internalizirane i eksternalizirane probleme u ponašanju. Rezultati pokazuju kako je 40,2% djece u uzorku imalo izmišljenog prijatelja pri čemu je najčešća dob javljanja bila treća godina života. Izmišljeni prijatelji su se češće javljali kod djevojčica, a većina je djece osmišljavala samo jednog prijatelja koji je bio prisutan nekoliko mjeseci. Za 31 % djece izmišljeni je prijatelj bio dobi podjednake njihovoj, dok je za 92 % dječaka te 49 % djevojčica izmišljeni prijatelj bio i istog spola. Djeca s izmišljenim prijateljima i bez njih imala su podjednaku razinu socijalne kompetencije, no ne i eksternaliziranih problema, koji su bili manje zastupljeni u djece s izmišljenim prijateljima. Negativni učinci izmišljenih prijatelja vidljivi su u djevojčica pa djevojčice s izmišljenim prijateljima imaju značajno više internaliziranih problema od ostatka uzorka.The question of emotional, social and cognitive development outcomes in children involved in playing with an imaginary companion is still open. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and age of manifestation of imaginary companions as well as to investigate the relationship between the phenomena of imaginary companions, social competence and behavioral problems on the sample of preschool children. The study included 224 parents of children aged between 2 and 7 years. The parents provided information about the children’s imaginary companions, their social competence and internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. The results indicate that 40.2% of the children in the sample had an imaginary companion, and the most frequent age of occurrence was around 3 years of age. It was more common for girls to have imaginary companions, and most of the children were imagining only one companion who was then commonly present for a few months. The imaginary companion was the same age as the child in 31% of the children and was the same gender for 92% of the boys and 49% of the girls. The study also found that children with and without imaginary companions had equal levels of social competence but not of externalizing problems, which were lower in children with imaginary companion. The young girls with imaginary companions were more likely to have greater internalizing problems than the rest of the sample


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    More quickly than in the past, the digital world of today is bringing with it new challenges for children, adolescents, and youth, as well as for their parents and guardians, virtually every day. Children, adolescents, and youth use digital technology, i.e. devices, applications, and media, on a daily basis for a variety of reasons and activities, and the use is having positive and negative effects on their development and well-being. With the development of new research methodologies and theoretical frameworks, we are beginning to understand more and more how digital technology use affects development and well-being. Thus, the purpose of this special issue was to bring together current knowledge about how digital technology use shapes the lives of children, adolescents, and youth, and offer perspectives on the future direction of much-needed work. We hope that we have succeeded in this and that this special issue offers readers an interesting insight into this area. This special issue is a collection of 11 scientific papers, one of which is a review paper, describing studies done in Croatia, Sweden, Slovenia, and Norway. The issue features papers that used different methodological approaches and samples of participants from different countries. The papers in the issue are organized chronologically, with the last two papers describing studies done with parents as one of the closest physical ecological environments for preschool children.   The first part of the issue is dedicated to the five studies done with adolescents. Kotrla Topić et al. paper describes a two-wave longitudinal study done with early adolescents in Croatia with the aim of exploring how engagement in different activities using digital technology predicts changes in adolescents’ subjective wellbeing. Jokić et al. examined the relationships between time spent using digital technology, loneliness, and well-being among three nationally representative cohorts of adolescents in Croatia. Knežević and Erceg examined the relationship among Instagram use, general self-esteem, envy, and the need for relatedness in a sample of Croatian middle adolescents. Pahljina-Reinić et al.'s paper depicts the prevalence and stability of achievement goal profiles among adolescents in Croatia in relation to their experience with digital technologies in educational settings using a longitudinal, person-oriented approach. Olander et al. explored Swedish children and adolescents’ experiences of physical activity and apps, with a focus on the effects of behavior change techniques using qualitative methodology.   The middle part of the issue is dedicated to the three studies done with youth, namely university students. Žulec Ivanković et al. explored the effects of media pressure on appearance satisfaction in a sample of Croatian young women. Martinac Dorčić et al. described a study done with youth in Croatia on the relationship between social media use, digital stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Fabijanić et al. explored how support in the offline world and some aspects of the use of social networks predict loneliness among university students in Croatia.   The last part of the issue features a review study and two studies done with parents. Dodaj et al. wrote a theoretical review on sexting, namely definition, types, motivation, prevalence, theoretical explanations, determinants, and consequences of sexting behavior. Seršen et al. explored parents’ views on quality programs for children, mediation practice, and common reasons to allow preschool children media exposure. Ables et al. examined the question of how parents with young children living in Norway perceive their phone usage based on the data collected by interviews with parents.   All in all, the findings of the papers in this issue indicate that the use of digital technologies among adolescents can have both positive and negative effects on wellbeing, which is important for interpreting the effects considering different activities and purposes of use.   The findings suggest that overuse of digital technology has mainly negative effects on well-being. Furthermore, the findings imply the existence of individual differences related to digital technology use. The findings can also inform the creation and implementation of physical activity apps. Furthermore, when youth are the focus, the findings suggest that exposure to media may have negative, although small, effects on self-image and mental health, but also that the effects are nonexistent or, better stated, not captured with the current methodology. The findings advise future research on sexting, which is becoming prevalent among adolescents and youth. To finish, results point to different parent-oriented motives for allowing preschool children to enter a digital environment.   To conclude, virtual ecosystems and their characteristics are changing every day, and more research is needed on the long-term effects of living in a virtual microsystem using advanced, more person-oriented methodologies within theoretical frameworks that need to be developed soon.   We would like to thank all the authors who have contributed to this special issue and all the reviewers for their useful suggestions. We would also like to thank the editor-in-chief and the entire editorial board for their help and support

    Apego hacia los padres y síntomas depresivos de los estudiantes universitarios: El papel mediador de la adaptación emocional inicial y las necesidades psicológicas

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    The aim of the present study was to explore the role of parental attachment in students\u27 depressive symptoms. We have examined wheather initial emotional adjustment and psychological needs would serve as a mediator of the relationship between attachment dimensions (anxiety and avoidance) and depressive symptoms.A sample consisted of 219 students (143 females) randomly selected from the University of Rijeka, Croatia, with mean age 19.02 years. Participants provided self-report on the Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory and The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire at the beginning of the first year of college, and The Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale and Beck Depression Inventory-II at the third year of college.Results of hierarchical regression analyses confirm that emotional adjustment had a full mediation effect on anxiety dimension and partial mediation on avoidance dimension. Only a partial mediation effect of psychological needs for autonomy and relatedness between attachment and depressive symptoms was found.The findings of this study give support to the researches indicating the importance of parental attachment for college students not only through its direct effects on depressive symptoms, but also through effects on the initial emotional adjustment and satisfaction of psychological needs. The results of the mediation analysis suggest that both attachment dimensions and emotional adjustment as well as psychological need satisfaction have a substantial shared variance when predicting depressive symptoms and that each variable also gives a unique contribution to depressive symptoms.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el papel del apego de los padres en los síntomas depresivos de los estudiantes. Hemos investigado si la adaptación emocional inicial y las necesidades psicológicas servirían como mediador en la relación entre las dimensiones de apego (ansiedad y evitación) y los síntomas depresivos. La muestra consistía en 219 estudiantes (143 chicas) seleccionados al azar de la Universidad de Rijeka, Croacia, con la edad media de 19.02 años. Los participantes han proporcionado un informe del Inventario de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas y el Cuestionario de Ajustamiento Estudiantil a la Universidad al inicio del primer año de la universidad, y la Escala de Satisfacción de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck II en el tercer año de la universidad. Los resultados del análisis de la regresión jerárquica confirman que la adaptación tuvo un efecto mediador completo sobre la dimensión de ansiedad y la mediación parcial sobre la dimensión de evitación. Se ha encontrado sólo el efecto mediador parcial de las necesidades psicológicas para la autonomía y la relación entre el apego y los síntomas depresivos. Los resultados de este estudio apoyan a los investigadores que indican la importancia del apego de los padres para los estudiantes universitarios no sólo a través de sus efectos directos sobre los síntomas depresivos, sino también a través de los efectos sobre la adaptación emocional inicial y la satisfacción de necesidades psicológicas. Los resultados del análisis mediador sugieren que tanto las dimensiones de apego y adaptación emocional, como la satisfacción de necesidades psicológicas, tienen una considerable variación compartida al predecir los síntomas depresivos y que cada variable también ofrece una contribución única a los síntomas depresivos

    Personality Traits and Social Factors as Determinants of Alcohol and Nicotine Consumption among Adolescents

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    Cilj je ovoga istraživanja ispitati ulogu dispozicijskih i socijalnih faktora u objašnjenju učestalosti konzumacije cigareta i alkohola kod adolescenata u dvije vremenske točke u razmaku od dvije godine. Na uzorku od 126 srednjoškolaca prosječne dobi od 15 godina ispitan je doprinos osobina ličnosti Petofaktorskoga modela, percepcija konzumacije cigareta i alkohola kod prijatelja i roditelja, kao i percipirane reakcije prijatelja i roditelja u objašnjenju trenutačne konzumacije cigareta i alkohola (T1), kao i one mjerene dvije godine kasnije (T2). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je pozitivna reakcija prijatelja važna i za trenutačnu učestalost konzumacije cigareta i alkohola, kao i za onu mjerenu dvije godine kasnije. Uloga roditelja kao modela za konzumaciju važna je samo za trenutačna rizična ponašanja. Efekti osobina ličnosti dobiveni su za konzumaciju alkohola u obje točke mjerenja te za konzumaciju cigareta u T2. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja upućuju na važnost roditelja i prijatelja kao modela u oblikovanju navedenih ponašanja te mogu pomoći u identifikaciji onih pojedinaca koji, s obzirom na osobine ličnosti, imaju povećan rizik za štetna zdravstvena ponašanja.The aim of the present study was to explore the role of dispositional and social factors in the frequency of alcohol and cigarette consumption among adolescents measured at two time points, two years apart (T1 and T2). The contribution of the "Big Five" personality traits, perception of alcohol and cigarette consumption in parents and friends as well as perception of parents\u27 and friends\u27 reaction to alcohol and cigarette consumption (at T1 and T2) was examined on a sample of 126 high-school students (mean age 15). The results indicated that a positive reaction received from friends was connected with the frequency of alcohol and cigarette consumption at both time points. The parental role (as a model for consumption) was important only for risky health behavior at T1. Personality traits are significant for alcohol consumption at both measurement points and for cigarette consumption only at T2. The findings are discussed in terms of the importance of parents and friends as models for alcohol and cigarette consumption. The results can help in the identification of individuals who have personality traits related with a higher risk for harmful health behaviors