15 research outputs found

    A framework for evaluation of pharmaceutical industry development in developing countries: Evidence from Iran

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    Objectives: The pharmaceutical market is a complex market due to its complicated supply chain and the extent of government regulations in all aspects of the trade lifecycle of drug development. Considering the importance of pharmaceuticals for society and the relevant trend of globalization, managing pharmaceutical industry effectively and efficiently is vital, particularly in developing countries. The present study determines the factors affecting the development of the Iranian pharmaceutical industry based on pharmaceutical mangers� point of view. Methods: In this study, we assessed managers� perspective about the internal and external key factors affecting the development of pharmaceutical industry. Finally, their perspective about the solutions for the development of pharmaceutical industry was assessed. Accordingly, a self-designed questionnaire was sent to 65 managers at Tamin Pharmaceutical Investment Company, of which, 51 questionnaires were answered by the managers. Result: Most managers believed generic scheme reflect negatively on the development of the pharmaceutical industry and that external factors have a great impact on its improvement. They believe that branded generic transition along with supporting regulations, investment in Research and Development, and joint venture with foreign companies will improve the pharmaceutical industry. Conclusion: To sum up, for improving the pharmaceutical industry in the shortest time possible, improvement of technological capabilities and investment in R&D should be considered. © 2016, Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved

    Familial amyloid precursor protein mutants cause caspase-6-dependent but amyloid β-peptide-independent neuronal degeneration in primary human neuron cultures.

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    Although familial Alzheimer disease (AD)-associated autosomal dominant mutants have been extensively studied, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration induced by these mutants in AD. Wild-type, Swedish or London amyloid precursor protein (APP) transfection in primary human neurons induced neuritic beading, in which several co-expressed proteins, such as enhanced green fluorescent protein, red fluorescent protein (RFP)-tau and RFP-ubiquitin, accumulated. APP-induced neuritic beading was dependent on caspase-6 (Casp6), because it was inhibited with 5 μM z-VEID-fmk or with dominant-negative Casp6. Neuritic beading was independent from APP-mediated amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) production, because the APPM596V (APPMV) mutant, which cannot generate Aβ, still induced Casp6-dependent neuritic beading. However, the beaded neurons underwent Casp6- and Aβ-dependent cell death. These results indicate that overexpression of wild-type or mutant APP causes Casp6-dependent but Aβ-independent neuritic degeneration in human neurons. Because Casp6 is activated early in AD and is involved in axonal degeneration, these results suggest that the inhibition of Casp6 may represent an efficient early intervention against familial forms of AD. Furthermore, these results indicate that removing Aβ without inhibiting Casp6 may have little effect in preventing the progressive dementia associated with sporadic or familial AD

    The N-Terminal Domain of the Drosophila Retinoblastoma Protein Rbf1 Interacts with ORC and Associates with Chromatin in an E2F Independent Manner

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    The retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor protein can function as a DNA replication inhibitor as well as a transcription factor. Regulation of DNA replication may occur through interaction of Rb with the origin recognition complex (ORC).We characterized the interaction of Drosophila Rb, Rbf1, with ORC. Using expression of proteins in Drosophila S2 cells, we found that an N-terminal Rbf1 fragment (amino acids 1-345) is sufficient for Rbf1 association with ORC but does not bind to dE2F1. We also found that the C-terminal half of Rbf1 (amino acids 345-845) interacts with ORC. We observed that the amino-terminal domain of Rbf1 localizes to chromatin in vivo and associates with chromosomal regions implicated in replication initiation, including colocalization with Orc2 and acetylated histone H4.Our results suggest that Rbf1 can associate with ORC and chromatin through domains independent of the E2F binding site. We infer that Rbf1 may play a role in regulating replication directly through its association with ORC and/or chromatin factors other than E2F. Our data suggest an important role for retinoblastoma family proteins in cell proliferation and tumor suppression through interaction with the replication initiation machinery

    Mesenchymal stem cells in cardiac regeneration: a detailed progress report of the last 6 years (2010–2015)

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